SD Themes Food Sustainable Forests Fisheries Security Cities Integrated Commodities Sub-Saharan Cities Africa FS Approaches Biodiversity Climate Change International Management Degradation Chemicals Sustainable Forest Focal Waters Land Area Strategy Delivery
Biodiversity Focal Area GEF-6 Strategy Goal : To maintain globally significant biodiversity and the ecosystem goods and services that it provides to society. Objectives: • To improve sustainability of protected area systems. • To reduce threats to biodiversity. • To sustainably use biodiversity. • To mainstream conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into production landscapes/seascapes and sectors.
Biodiversity Strategy: Objectives and Programs Focal Area Objective Focal Area Programs Objective One: Improve Program 1: Improving Financial Sustainability sustainability of protected area and Effective Management of the National systems Ecological Infrastructure Program 2: Nature’s Last Stand: Expanding the Reach of the Global Protected Area Estate Objective Two: Reduce threats to Program 3: Preventing the Extinction of globally significant biodiversity Known Threatened Species Program 4: Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species Program 5: Implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB)
Biodiversity Strategy: Objectives and Programs Focal Area Objective Focal Area Programs Objective Three: Sustainably use Program 6: Ridge to Reef+: Maintaining Integrity biodiversity and Function of Coral Reef Ecosystems Program 7: Securing Agriculture’s Future: Sustainable Use of Plant and Animal Genetic Resources Program 8: Implement the Nagoya Protocol on ABS Objective Four: Mainstream biodiversity Program 9: Managing the Human-Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use into Interface production landscapes and seascapes and sectors Program 10: Integration of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into Development & Finance Planning
Land Degradation Strategy: Objectives and Programs LD-1: Agriculture and Rangeland Systems Target • Agro-ecological Intensification 7 & 8 • SLM for Climate-Smart Agriculture LD-2: Forest Landscapes Target • Landscape Management and Restoration 14 LD-3: Integrated Landscapes Target • Scaling up SLM 15 LD-4: Institutional and Policy Frameworks • Mainstreaming SLM in Development
International Waters: Objectives and Programs Objective 3: To rebuild Objective 2: To balance Objective 1: To catalyze marine fisheries, restore competing water-uses in sustainable and protect coastal the management of management of habitats, and reduce transboundary surface Transboundary Waters pollution of coasts and and groundwater . LMEs 1.1: Foster 2.1 Advance 3.1 Prevent the Loss Target cooperation for conjunctive management and Degradation of sustainable use of 6 of surface and Coastal Habitats transboundary water groundwater Systems systems and economic growth Target 3.2 Reduce Ocean 14 Hypoxia 2.2 Increase 1.2 Increase the Water/Food/Energy/ Resilience and Flow of Ecosystems security Ecosystems Services in and reduce conflict 3.3 Rebuild Global the Context of Melting potential Fisheries High Altitude Glaciers
SFM Strategy: Objectives and Programs • To maintain forest resources Target 7 – Integrated land use planning; Identification and monitoring of HCVF; Identifying and monitoring forest loss • To enhance forest management – Capacity development for SFM within local communities; Supporting Target sustainable finance mechanisms for SFM 14 • To restore forest ecosystems – Building of technical and institutional capacities to identify degraded forest landscapes and monitor forest restoration; integrating plantation management in landscape restoration • To increase regional and global cooperation Target – Private sector engagement 15 – Global technologies for national progress
Integrated Approach Taking Deforestation Out of the Supply Chain: Beef, soy, palm oil, pulp and paper Target 2,3,4 Target 5,7 Target 14,15 Agricultural Agricultural Refining, Consumer Distribution Financial institutions, producers, buyers, and consumers inputs production processing & goods and retail trading manufacturing
Target 7 & 8 Target 14 Target 15
Strategic Plan Implementation and Aichi Target Achievement Will Benefit from Multiple Funding Streams in GEF-6 Integrated Approaches: Commodities, Food Security CC Strategy IW SFM Strategy Strategy BD Strategy LD Strategy
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