solar wind grid d g battery hybrid integrated power

Solar/Wind/Grid/D.G/Battery Hybrid Integrated Power Solution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Solar/Wind/Grid/D.G/Battery Hybrid Integrated Power Solution ------ Concentration on better reliable hybrid power system

  1. Solar/Wind/Grid/D.G/Battery Hybrid Integrated Power Solution �������������������������������������� ------ Concentration on better reliable hybrid power system

  2. 企业简介 E.S.E.R Green Power High E.R 1.Profile

  3. Profile • Founded in 1997, has been focusing on the exploitation and development of solar and wind energy and with 18 years of experience in the developing, manufacturing, designing and installing solar and/or wind power equipment • Proprietary solar MPPT (Max Power Point Tracking) patent in China The sponsor and drafter of the YDT2023-2011 “ “ “ “ Technical Standards and Testing Methods of DC-DC Stabi- • voltage Solar Power Systems for Communication Equipment in China • Over 25,500 solar (or hybrid) power systems for telecom, seismic & weather monitoring, oil industry and military in tropical, frozen, desert, high humidity and high altitude areas • Passed the Testing by Quality Center of Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information and National Electronics and Electrical Testing Center and has CE certification and ISO9000 certification Clients include China Mobile/TelCom/UniCom, and many other oversea MNO • Clients include China Mobile/TelCom/UniCom, and many other oversea MNO Concentration 18 yrs on better reliable hybrid power system

  4. Milestone 2014 New Factory, 25,500 sys online 2009 Oversea biz 2014 New 2013 2011 office…5 2007 MPPT 2010 State 2008 2012 High Tech product 40M Product National State Enterprise lines… 2007 First 2009 USD 2005 8,000 sys Key Project Brand CT4 invest MPPT MPPT New system Solar 2005 got Office system Final National 2003 Solar Acceptan 2003 State/City Awards 2013 Domestic market take off Patent sys receive ce by State Tech China 2012 16,000 sys online Award Mobile 1999 2011 Certificate of High Tech Company 1997 Grow up, Established, be a supplier 2010 new factory established started to of China Post design solar 2009 TC4 system 2008 China National Project 1999 Supplier of Telecom etc 1997 Established Concentration 18 yrs on better reliable hybrid power system

  5. Certificate TeleCom Association Science/Technology Engineering Certificate Quality/Credit/Service AAA High Tech Enterprise CT4 Membership City Award Solar MPPT system Solar/Wind/DG hybrid ISO9001 CE ISO14001 IOHSAS18001 Golden Award system Brown Award

  6. Clients

  7. 企业简介 E.S.E.R Green Power High E.R 2.Products

  8. Product Xintong Integrated Control system XX44U Wall mounted XB200B XB200B YB140 Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet XX55U wall mounted XX70U wall mounted

  9. Module Control Module and Power modules Central Control 220V100A Solar module 50A small hotplug solar module 100A hotplug solar module 100A solar module 200A small solar/wind 100A hotplug wind module 220V wind module 60A wind module Monitoring module hybrid module rack ATS Hotplug Rectifier 3000W Invertor 1000W sin Invertor AC Generator Monitoring module

  10. Module-X Special Designed for Solar/D.G hybrid system in Hot place Features -Compacted designed-Modularized-Entire Insertion -DC Distribution-MPPT -450*450*600mmm(LWH)

  11. 企业简介 E.S.E.R Green Power High E.R 3.Integrated System

  12. 方案特点 Integrated system Xintong Integrated control system Xintong Integrated control system Xintong Integrated control system Xintong Integrated control system Central LED COMM Control Remote Manager Integrated Power system Solar module Solar combines Power module selection AC Invertor (MPPT) Solar/Wind/Grid/D.G/Batte load ry/other energy sources Wind module together, and all these Distribution Turbine input sources are online DC standby. When prior Rectifier-DG DC Load energy is insufficient, the next energy will Rectifier-Grid Diesel Gen. automatically replenish synchronously . Grid Charge/discharge Battery logical management Battery

  13. 企业简介 E.S.E.R Green Power High E.R 4.Exclusive Features

  14. Exclusive Features Working Voltage of PV Array:system has high reliability and easy-maintenance

  15. Comparison ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ����������� With same solar capacity, low-voltage system if malfunction occurred, only 2 panels are can requires 100%-400% basic power unit more required to replace for low-voltage system, but, than high-voltage system. when any one basic for high voltage system, 4-8 piece of panels are power unit is broken, it only brings little required to replace . Meantime, in emergent influence to the whole system’s reliability /expand job, it’s hard than low-voltage system. ���������� �������� �������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� because of small input current and relevant ��������������������� high-voltage system can reach 176~360V DC, electronics/wires, high-voltage system’s which is far dangerous for humans, east to causes efficiency can reach 96%. Meanwhile, low- 2nd damage, but, low-voltage system is less than voltage system can be 95%. That means high-voltage system has high efficiency and 90V DC, no special protection measures required, convenient to install and maintain. lower cost.

  16. 高温自动减容 Derating @high Temp Derating at high temperature:increase system reliability at high temperature circumstance Derating at high temperature 100% rating 75℃/above 95% rating In order to increase the system reliability at high temperature 80% rating 70℃ circumstance, Xintong power 65℃ system designs Auto Derating 60℃ function. When temperature 55℃/lower reach set volume, system will decrease the output capacity automatically according to the 35% rating real working temperature. Thus system reliability shall be kept. When temperature is above 75 5% rating Celsius degree, system will keep 5% output to the power the key Working Temp Working Temp Working Temp Working Temp Sys Output Sys Output Sys Output Sys Output loads such as CPU/Sensors for fault analysis in the future. So, Sys Derating Sys Derating Sys Derating Sys Derating It’s very useful for hot place, like Tanzania.

  17. Exclusive Features Solar module I ( ( program backup ) ( ( ) ) ) Solar module II ( ( ( ( program backup ) ) ) ) manage Central Module output Loads Wind module I ( ( ( program backup ) ( ) ) ) Wind module II ( ( ( ( program backup ) ) ) ) Program Modular Dual Backup : : Increase reliability, Reduce maintenance cost : : There has Program in each Solar/Wind/other modules of Xintong intelligent hybrid power system. That means, if any module, even the central control module fails, the system will automatically choose the prior module to manage the whole system as the original control module, and coordinate the power system to ensure the power supply not interrupted. This makes systems more reliable and stable and can not shut down, saving much maintenance as well.

  18. Steward monitoring Full Range Monitoring:Xintong Integrated monitoring system is professional, complete and compatible, can monitor all working parameters, prevent risks and increase system reliability, reducing the OPEX Remote read system condition/alarming etc. Such as battery/breaker/power 企业资质 module/elements/thunder protector info. And 1 st /2 nd distribution/solar/wind Remote Communicate output situation. Test/transfer parameters. Such as battery/load/solar array/input/output Remote select voltage/current/temperature etc. Remote control/set system working condition. Such as battery bulk/float shift, DG Remote control start, DG/Grid shift etc. Remote Off/On Remote swith on and off the modules/DG etc.

  19. Remote system Input energy Site name/Time Input/Output parameters Battery info. 48h battery Site info. working curve 企业资质 48h busbar curve 48h input/ou tput curve 48h load curve Main window of Remote Monitoring system

  20. Remote system Loads, input energy, battery, Menue temperature etc parameter value Site info. modify window of Remote Monitoring system

  21. Remote system Battery real data Battery voltage Battery current Battery left capacity Battery Temp. Battery synchronous/history data window

  22. Remote system When sunlight is sufficient, battery daily charging volume is almost 110% of battery daily discharge volume; when sunlight is insufficient, system will replenish the battery charging volume to 110% of its discharge in the coming next sunny days Solar daily generated energy 企业资质 Load daily consumption energy Graph of all energy

  23. 企业简介 E.S.E.R Green Power High E.R 5.R.O.I


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