strategic plan 2019 2022

Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 Vision: a leading bowls Division both on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 Vision: a leading bowls Division both on and off the green Mission: To develop our member clubs and grow the sport of bowls What we value: Respect Integrity Ethics Innovation Leadership Teamwork Strategic Pillars 1.

  1. Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 Vision: a leading bowls Division … both on and off the green Mission: To develop our member clubs and grow the sport of bowls What we value: Respect Integrity Ethics Innovation Leadership Teamwork

  2. Strategic Pillars 1. Governance We will make and implement decisions that will continue to advance our mission and provide strategic leadership 1.1 Policy We will embrace an environment where we operate in an efficient manner, and to ensure consistency in decision-making and operational procedures. 1.2 Structures We are committed to ensuring that our organisational structures bring a mix of skills, experience, expertise and diversity to our decision-making . 1.3 Financial/Resource Management We will ensure systems are in place to maintain a sound financial position to resource the operations and development of our organisation 2. Organisation Development We will take a planned and systematic approach to improving the effectiveness of our organisation 2.1 Internal (Division) We will invest in people because great culture will lead to a great organisation 2.2 External (Member Clubs) We are here for our members

  3. Strategic Pillars 3. Game Development We will make a positive contribution to our Division, the Region and the bowls sector 3.1 Game Development We are committed to growing our ‘Sport’ Programming .. relevant and participant focused Participation … inclusive Pathways … opportunity Recognition … acknowledgment of achievement and contribution 4. Profile, Advocacy & Partnerships We will enhance our local presence through alignment with state/national branding and maximise partnerships to leverage resources for the Division and our member clubs.

  4. SAMPLE A0056521K Project funded by: Timboon Corangamite Bowls Division Developed by:


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