statutory consultation meeting kincorth and torry

Statutory Consultation Meeting Kincorth and Torry Academies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Statutory Consultation Meeting Kincorth and Torry Academies Aberdeen City Council Proposal To close Kincorth and Torry Academies, to amalgamate the two schools and establish a new, purpose-built Secondary School on the Bobby Calder Park Site.

  1. Statutory Consultation Meeting Kincorth and Torry Academies Aberdeen City Council

  2. Proposal To close Kincorth and Torry Academies, to amalgamate the two schools and establish a new, purpose-built Secondary School on the Bobby Calder Park Site. Statutory Consultation Period 18 April – 31 May 2013 (inclusive) Aberdeen City Council

  3. Submission of Views All submissions expressing views on the proposal should be made in writing or by email by 5.00pm on 31 May 2013 Aberdeen City Council

  4. Submission of Views Kincorth and Torry Academies Consultation Education, Culture and Sport Aberdeen City Council Business Hub 13 Second Floor North Marischal College Broad Street ABERDEEN AB10 1AB Completing form at this event Aberdeen City Council

  5. Consultation Document All local Primary and Secondary Schools Marischal College Central Library Local Libraries Local Community Centres Torry Youth and Leisure Centre Local Nurseries and Pre-Schools Aberdeen City Council

  6. Web pages Aberdeen City Council

  7. Time Line Potential for Education Potential Statutory Report to Involvement Confirmation Scotland Opening of Consultation Committee of Scottish of Decision Report New School Ministers 31 May 2013 21 June 2013 12 September 2013 24 October 2013 2015/2016 Aberdeen City Council

  8. Background Secondary School Estates Review - considered by the Education, Culture and Sport Committee in October 2010. One of the decisions made by committee was to instruct officers to fully develop the following proposal as soon as practicable: To replace Torry Academy and Kincorth Academy with one single larger school on an appropriate site to accommodate all existing secondary pupils and any pupils generated by the development proposed at Loirston. Aberdeen City Council

  9. Background Informal Public Engagement on 9 Site options 14 January until Friday 28 March, 2013 Education, Culture and Sport Committee on 28 March 2013 Statutory Consultation Aberdeen City Council

  10. Background Aberdeen City Council

  11. Background Proposed New Extended School Zone Site of Proposed School Aberdeen City Council

  12. School Profiles Aberdeen City Council

  13. School Profiles Aberdeen City Council

  14. Housing Developments Total 2200 houses (estimation) Aberdeen City Council

  15. School Profiles Aberdeen City Council

  16. School Profiles Suitability: Kincorth C, Torry C Condition: Kincorth B, Torry B Running costs: Both higher than Aberdeen Average Aberdeen City Council

  17. School Profiles Attainment: Both schools find challenges in matching performance of comparator schools Achievement: Both schools provide a range of opportunities which enrich learning for pupils Aberdeen City Council

  18. Reason for Proposal Pupil Numbers Condition/Suitability Running Costs Curriculum Meeting Learning Needs/Learners Experiences Aberdeen City Council

  19. Educational Benefits Leadership of Improvement and Change Pupils with Particular Support Needs Staff Extra-curricular Opportunities Aberdeen City Council

  20. Identified Issues Travel to School Commission Independent Travel Survey Liaison with local transport providers Aberdeen City Council

  21. Identified Issues Integrating Pupil Communities Prior to proposed new school opening, • transition arrangements across all primaries • programme of integration in both schools, building upon existing arrangements Aberdeen City Council

  22. Identified Issues Potential Impact on Neighbouring Schools Inward placing requests Placing requests to other schools Aberdeen City Council

  23. What Happens Next? Collation of all submissions from stakeholders Education Scotland report on Consultation Report to meeting of EC&S Committee with specific recommendation. Implementation of decisions made by Committee. Aberdeen City Council

  24. Your Questions and Discussion Aberdeen City Council

  25. Submission of Views Kincorth and Torry Academies Consultation Education, Culture and Sport Aberdeen City Council Business Hub 13 Second Floor North Marischal College Broad Street ABERDEEN AB10 1AB Aberdeen City Council


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