status report two year facility capital program two year

Status Report, Two Year Facility Capital Program Two Year Capital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Status Report, Two Year Facility Capital Program Two Year Capital Program Required 2 Year Capital Facility Improvements Dec., 2011-Nov. 30, 2013) Year 1 Scheduled Projects (Dec. 1, 2011-Nov. 30, 2012) Repair roof on 1240 highland Ave Aurora

  1. Status Report, Two Year Facility Capital Program

  2. Two Year Capital Program Required 2 Year Capital Facility Improvements Dec., 2011-Nov. 30, 2013) Year 1 Scheduled Projects (Dec. 1, 2011-Nov. 30, 2012) Repair roof on 1240 highland Ave Aurora health $13,525 Replace snow guards JJC $3,890 Replace Steam Traps Third street courthouse $29,567 Painting of Pod 4 JJC $19,475 Carpet replacement 1330. Highland Av $15,104 Truck replacement Government Center $24,678 Upgraded control System for HVAC JC $478,000 Roof upgrades for the north campus $50,000 Renovation to 1330 Highland ave $30,000 Replace Dump Truck $35,000 Carpet replacement 1240 Highland $80,000 Roof replacement 1330 Highland $150,000 Subtotal $929,239 Year 2 Scheduled Projects (Dec. 1, 2012-Nov. 30, 2013) Water heater replace at JJC $50,000 Government Center front steps replace $68,000 Boiler replace at JC $69,000 Bldg I Tuckpointing $130,000 JJC 60 ton roof top replace $89,000 Carpet replace Third Street courthouse $120,000 401 Campbell roof replace $34,000 Cooling Tower replace JC $210,000 Carpet replace JC $150,000 Sealcoat parking lots Government Center $65,000 Subtotal $985,000 Contingency (10%) $191,423.90 Capital Improvement Projects 3rd Street Elevator Project $850,000 Judicial Center Addition, Programming & Concept Design $500,000 Community Workshops (2 year program) TOTAL $3,455,663

  3. Year 1 Improvements (FY 12) Year 1 Scheduled Projects (Dec. 1, 2011-Nov. 30, 2012) Repair roof on 1240 highland Ave Aurora health $13,525 Replace snow guards JJC $3,890 Replace Steam Traps Third street courthouse $29,567 Painting of Pod 4 JJC $19,475 Carpet replacement 1330. Highland Av $15,104 Truck replacement Government Center $24,678 Upgraded control System for HVAC JC $478,000 Roof upgrades for the north campus $50,000 Renovation to 1330 Highland ave $30,000 Replace Dump Truck $35,000 Carpet replacement 1240 Highland $80,000 Roof replacement 1330 Highland $150,000 ALL IDENTIFIED PROJECTS COMPLETED

  4. Year 2 Scheduled Projects Water heater replace at JJC $50,000 Government Center Boiler gate valve $30,000 Government Center front steps replace $68,000 Boiler replace at JC $69,000 Sealing Third Street Courthouse $100,000 Bldg I Tuckpointing $130,000 JJC 60 ton roof top replace $89,000 Carpet replace Third Street courthouse $120,000 401 Campbell roof replace $34,000 Cooling Tower replace JC (Repair to be Completed) $210,000 Carpet replace JC $150,000 Sealcoat parking lots Government Center $65,000

  5. Year 2 Improvements Required 510 (Capital Improvement Bond Construction Fund) Balance (May 1, 2013): $432,436 Encumbrances: $121,060 Remaining dollars available:$311,376 as of 5/1/13 Priority Projects to Complete: JC Cooling Tower Repair $ 37,000 AJC Water Heater Replacement $ 29,000 JC, Replace 3 Boilers $125,000 Available Funds for Remainder of FY 13: $120,436


  7. ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTE (50 ILCS 710/4) (from Ch. 85, par. 518) Sec. 4. The mandatory provisions of this Act apply only to these peace officers who assume their official duties after January 1, 1976. Public Act 94-103, effective July 1, 2005, made changes to the Peace Officer Firearms Training Act and now requires "Annual Firearms Certification" for all peace officers. In pertinent part, the Act (50 ILCS, 710) 2

  8. TRAINING • State course focuses on minimum requirements • Agencies should include modifications that increase the level of difficulty such as: – Reloading – Weapon retention – Alternate or weak hand shooting – Movement – Time restricted shooting – Other job related skills 3

  9. COUNTY EMPLOYEE RANGE USE Kane County agencies using the Sheriff’s Range include: • Public Safety 86 • Corrections 122 • Court Security 35 • Forest Preserve 24 • County Probation 15 • Total 282 4

  10. Agencies Expressing Interest in New Range • Pingree Grove PD -12 days annually • Geneva PD- 4 days annually • Huntley PD- 6 to 8 days annually • Batavia PD- 2 to 8 hours per month • NEMRT- 3, 40 hour blocks annually • Campton Hills PD- 2 days annually • Waubonsee Community College- 8 days annually • Sugar Grove PD- 4 Days annually (currently committed to St. Charles through April, 2014) 5

  11. OUTSOURCING RANGE SERVICES Outsource Cost Analysis • $6000 annual rental fee for 24 days (2 days per month) • $18,000 for special lead free ammo (outside ranges) • $50,000-$52,000 annual overtime costs – 80 employees for six hours twice per year – Overtime rate of $53.86 6

  12. OUTSOURCING RANGE SERVICES Outsource Cost Analysis (con’t) • $74,000 annual cost to outsource Sheriff’s Office • Includes: – Range costs – Ammunition – Overtime • Does not include: – Forest Preserve PD – County Probation Officers – Additional Specialized Training 7

  13. OUTSOURCING RANGE SERVICES Additional Considerations • Scheduling – 243 employees certified twice annually – Two days per month not chosen by the Sheriff’s Office – Scheduling will be difficult • Limit range use to certifications: – No additional training – No specialized training 8

  14. If the range was to be outsourced it would decrease the Sheriff’s flexibility to train on a more • frequent basis depending on shift schedules. reduce overall training due to Sheriff’s personnel • unable to capitalize on open range time. require finding an additional location for specialized • training. only be a temporary fix. • 9

  15. If the Range is built it would create a regional training center that would • provide a multi training classroom for firearms training simulation (F.A.T.S) classroom for general instructional proposes • tactical hands on facility • certified live range. • remove a capital project from the list that is over • 4 years old. help lower the County’s liability. • 10

  16. Revised 5/7/13 2013 SHERIFF'S REVENUE PROJECTIONS AS OF APRIL 30TH, 2013 Account Account Description Adopted Amended YTD Budget - YTD % used/ 2013 Surplus Fund 001 - General Fund Budget Budget Transactions Transactions Rec'd Projections Department 380 - Sheriff 32220 State Alien Assistance Grant 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 0 200,000 0 33900 Miscellaneous Grant 0 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 34350 Detail Fees 110,000 110,000 39,406 70,594 36 110,000 0 34360 Net Civil Processing Fees 220,000 220,000 105,397 114,603 48 220,000 0 34370 Chancery Foreclosure Fees 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,082,400 317,600 77 2,400,000 1,000,000 34380 Body Writ Fees 50,000 50,000 15,736 34,264 32 50,000 0 34390 Accident Copy Fees 5,000 5,000 2,345 2,655 47 5,000 0 34400 Weekend Prisoner Fees 50,000 50,000 7,178 42,822 14 30,000 -20,000 34410 Burglar Alarm Fees 500 500 0 500 0 0 -500 34430 Inmate Telephone Fees- AJF 138,000 138,000 56,339 81,661 41 138,000 0 34440 Fingerprinting Fees 2,000 2,000 1,220 780 61 3,000 1,000 34450 Bond Fees 114,500 114,500 50,224 64,276 44 118,000 3,500 35900 Miscellaneous Fees 6,000 6,000 2,663 3,337 44 7,500 1,500 36060 Traffic Violation Fines 120,000 120,000 37,974 82,026 32 120,000 0 36080 Eviction Fines 250,000 250,000 129,182 120,818 52 300,000 50,000 37060 Prisoner Transfer Reimbursemen 12,000 12,000 3,732 8,268 31 12,000 0 37240 Sheriff Training Reimbursement 6,000 6,000 0 6,000 0 6,000 0 37500 Board and Care Reimbursements 1,250,000 1,250,000 776,264 483,735 61 2,285,000 1,035,000 37900 Miscellaneous Reimbursement 80,000 80,000 46,019 33,981 58 40,000 -40,000 38530 Auction Sales 60,000 60,000 2,310 57,690 4 60,000 0 REVENUE TOTALS 4,074,000 4,174,000 1,929,901 2,144,099 58 6,204,500 2,130,500 End of April accounts should be at 42% 11

  17. 12

  18. North end of Sally Port looking Southwest 13

  19. South end of Sally Port looking north 14

  20. Aurora P.D. 12 lane range 15

  21. Aurora P.D. gun cleaning room 16

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