
Status Yu Zhang 08.24 1 cross check 785 events with same event - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Status Yu Zhang 08.24 1 cross check 785 events with same event and cfg file 612 evens showed on HGam meeting? 2 systematic add theory uncertainty 3 mH=123.5+/-1.5,mu=1.0+/-1.5 85pb -1 ,785 events 4 mu 5 MVA

  1. Status Yu Zhang 08.24 1

  2. cross check • 785 events with same event and cfg file • 612 evens showed on HGam meeting? 2

  3. systematic • add theory uncertainty 3

  4. • mH=123.5+/-1.5,mu=1.0+/-1.5 • 85pb -1 ,785 events 4

  5. mu 5

  6. MVA preparation • VBF character two forward jets with high pT and great Y separation,higgs in central region • 6 variables:m jj , Δη jj ,P Tt , Δϕ γγ,jj ,ΔR minγ,j ,η * • η * =η γγ -0.5*(η j1 +η j2 )    | ( P P ) ( P P ) |      T 1 T 2 T 1 T 2 P Tt  | P P |   T 1 T 2 6

  7. P Tt formular • suppose: • P T γ 1 =(p x1 ,p y1 ,0),P T γ 2 =(p x2 ,p y2 ,0)    | ( P P ) ( P P ) |      T 1 T 2 T 1 T 2 P Tt  | P P |   T 1 T 2      | ( p p ) * ( p p ) ( p p ) * ( p p ) |  x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 y 1 y 2 x 1 x 2 P Tt    2 2 ( p p ) ( p p ) x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 7

  8. MC sample • MC15 list ntralMC15ProductionList • VBF H->gamgam • mc15_13TeV.341001.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_CT10_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_gamgam.merge.DAOD_HIGG 1D1.e3806_s2608_s2183_r6630_r6264_p2363/ • mc15_13TeV.341001.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_CT10_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_VBFH125_gamgam.merge.DAOD_HIGG 1D1.e3806_s2608_s2183_r6630_r6264_p2377/ • diphoton background • mc15_13TeV.302521.Pythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_2DP20_Mass_100_160.merge.AOD.e4045_s2608_s218 3_r6630_r6264/ • mc15_13TeV.302521.Pythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_2DP20_Mass_100_160.merge.AOD.e4045_s2608_s218 3_r6765_r6282/ • I am not sure which dijet and γ +jet samples to use...... 8

  9. selection on jet • PtEta:pT>25GeV,|eta|<4.4 • JVT:0.64 • overlap removal • two jets 9

  10. jj_m>400(520)GeV 10

  11. jj_DeltaEta 11

  12. yy_jj_DeltaPhi>2.6 12

  13. pTt 13

  14. tight:ΔR minγ,j >2 • ΔR minγ,j =min(y1.DeltaR(j1),y2.DeltaR(j2)) 14

  15. tight:eta_Zeppenfeld<2.4 15

  16. qualification task • ITK only simulation->digitization- >reconstruction • check out InDetPhysValMonitoring and draw some plots • need to talk with Andreas to understand the plot 16


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