status of the tandem x mission

Status of the TanDEM-X Mission Irena Hajnsek*, Daniel Schulze, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Status of the TanDEM-X Mission Irena Hajnsek*, Daniel Schulze, Thomas Busche, Manfred Zink, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira & TanDEM-X Team Microwaves and Radar Institute, DLR - German Aerospace Center *ETH Zrich, Environmental

  1. Status of the TanDEM-X Mission Irena Hajnsek*, Daniel Schulze, Thomas Busche, Manfred Zink, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira & TanDEM-X Team Microwaves and Radar Institute, DLR - German Aerospace Center *ETH Zürich, Environmental Engineering, Earth Observation Spirit Workshop 2010 - Toulouse

  2. Content 1. What is TanDEM-X? 2. What are the capabilities of TanDEM-X? 3. Which are the provided products? 4. What is the mission status of TanDEM-X? 5. How can I submit a proposal? 6. What is the time plan? Slide 2

  3. TanDEM-X TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurments Acquisition of a global DEM  Demonstration of innovative  techniques (formation flying, bistatic acquisiton) Launch 21 of June 2010 Slide 3

  4. Standards for Digital Elevation Models DEM‘s Spatial Absolute Vertical Relative Vertival Accuracy Resolution Accuracy (90%) (point-to-point in 1°cell, 90%) Globe 90 x 90 m < 30 m < 20 m SRTM 30 x 30 m < 18 m < 12 m TanDEM-X DEM 12 x 12 m < 10 m < 2 m Experimental 6 x 6 m < 5 m 0.8 m SRTM / X-SAR TanDEM-X DEM TanDEM-X Simulation TanDEM-X DEM better than HREGP defined by National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (US) 1° Definition of 90% point-to-point relative height error  h errors: 1°   ~ 2 h point-to-point errors  h (90% confidence interval) absolute height error single point errors     90 % h 2 . 33 (90% confidence interval) HRTI h Slide 4

  5. Available DEM Data Products e n r o R b A R r D i A A I L S y r 5 e t e n m r o m b r a i A r g o t o 4 h DTED/HRTI Level P TanDEM-X 3 s e t i l l e t a S 2 R H S C X R ) - d - 2 H r M M e e / 1 5 T t t T c s R S R T i A 1 r S R S O t s E P C e S - r M ( ) T e R e S r f ( 0 0 S 3 G O S U P Coverage in Mio km² O 0 50 T G  global TanDEM-X DEM is a unique data product Slide 5

  6. TanDEM-X DEM Quality “TanDEM-X Preview” SRTM (C) Slide 6

  7. Identified Scientific Needs Across track InSAR (Digital Elevation Model) Development & improvement of algorithm for validation of heights derived from InSAR; Input parameter for a variety of different applications (e.g. the safety critical aviation terrain database, crisis management (determination of infrastructure), glacier/ice mass changes & retreat, hydrodynamical models, coastal zone lineation, wind fields determination, geological maps, etc.) Added values and generation of scientific products Along track InSAR (Velocity Measurements) Exploitation of innovative applications and development of algorithm for velocity measurements for traffic flow monitoring, ocean currents, river flow monitoring New application and scientific product development New SAR Techniques (First Technical Demonstrations) Demonstration and exploitation of new SAR techniques , understanding and development of new algorithms for multistatic SAR, polarimetric SAR interferometry, super resolution, digital beamforming, InSAR processing, formation flying New perspectives for future SAR systems and development of new applications Slide 7

  8. Capabilities of TanDEM-X Cross-Track Interferometry Along-Track Interferometry New Techniques r+  r r t+  t t Digital Elevation Models 4 Phase Center MTI (traffic, …)   Large Scale Velocity Fields  (forest, …) (ocean currents, ice drift, …) (vegetation height, …) Spatial Coherence PolInSAR   Double DInSAR (change maps, ..) Moving Object Detection Digital Beamforming (HRWS, …)    (classification, ..) High Resolution SAR Images Temporal Coherence Maps Bistatic Imaging    TanDEM-X is a highly flexible sensor enabling multiple powerful imaging modes  cross-track baselines  interferometric modes  bandwidth / resolution  polarisations (0 km to several km) (bistatic, alternating, monostatic) (0 ... 150/300 MHz) (single, dual, quad)  along-track baselines  SAR modes  incident angles  … (0 km to several 100 km) (ScanSAR, Stripmap, …) (20° ... 55°) Slide 8

  9. Secondary Mission Goals / New Techniques Bistatic Bistatic SAR SAR Imaging Imaging Polarimetric Polarimetric SAR Interferometry SAR Interferometry Along- Along -Track Track Interferometry Interferometry Bistatic SAR Imaging Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Along-Track Interferometry   Tx Rx  Ground Ground Moving Moving Target Indication Target Indication Double Differential Interferometry Double Differential Interferometry Digital Beamforming Digital Beamforming Ground Moving Target Indication Double Differential Interferometry Digital Beamforming pass 1  1 Bistatic Bistatic Strip map Strip map B = 3000 m B = 3000 m h(t 1 )  x = 12 m Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4  x = 12 m P 1 (f) P 1 (f) P 2 (f) P 2 (f) P 3 (f) P 3 (f) P 4 (f) P 4 (f) pass 2  2 without reconstruction with reconstruction SAR Proc. h(t 2 ) Enables  h < 10 cm High Resolution Ambiguity Suppression Wide   h ~  2 -  1 Swath Imaging coherence between passes not mandatory Super Resolution Super Resolution SAR Tomography SAR Tomography Super Resolution SAR Tomography B 1 … … … Rx1 Rx2 B 2 B 3 Slide 9

  10. Collision Avoidance - HELIX Formation HELIX satellite formation enables safe operation horizontal cross-track separation at equator by different ascending nodes vertical (radial) separation at poles by orbits with different eccentricity vectors Slide 10

  11. Slide 11

  12. General Outline of the Data Acquisition Plan Nominal Data Acqusition 3 (+?) Years t t 1 year year 1 year 1 year 6 months 6 months ≥ ≥ 3 months 3 months 1 5 months months 5 DEM data takes for Commissioning Phase 1 global DEM 1 global DEM difficult radar data acquisition with terrain acquisition with products and small baselines with scaled (larger) customized different + baselines DEMs viewing with large acquisition of + geometry interferometric acquisition of approx. 1000 + baselines scientific radar scientific radar radar data products data products data products Slide 12

  13. Example of First Year: Mapping Europe Slide 13

  14. Example of First Year Data Acqusition of Polar Regions Gap will be filled with left- Gap will be filled with left- looking data takes high looking data takes high incident angle of ~58°. incident angle of ~58°. Required time will be two ~44 days to map outer polar regions Required time will be two repeat 22 day. repeat 22 day. ~22 days to map central Antarctic region Slide 14

  15. Opportunities for Science Data Takes: Example Orbit 131 DEM Acquisitions Used for TerraSAR-X & secondary mission goals & new techniques Slide 15

  16. TanDEM-X Data Products SAR products: DEM products: experimental products from TanDEM-X DEM (better than HREGP) operational modes Intermediate DEM: close to HREGP (co-registered complex slant range specified DEM images – “CoSSCs”) FDEMs : DEMs processed to finer TerraSAR-X basic products * from pixel spacing and higher random selected TanDEM-X raw data sets height error „byproduct“ of operational DEM HDEMs : better than HRE08 like DEMs processing chain: (high resolution DEM, archive of CoSSCs from all were additional acqusitions are acquisitions for DEM generation needed, lokal area only) (multi-temporal global coverage) experimental mode products (special processing with help from DLR contact scientist) *) TerraSAR-X basic product performance parameter specification does not apply Slide 16

  17. Global TanDEM-X DEM - Characteristics Data stored and delivered in tiles Data stored and delivered in tiles Terrain elevation given as WGS84 ellipsoidal height [m] Terrain elevation given as WGS84 ellipsoidal height [m] Optional delivery of SAR amplitude data Optional delivery of SAR amplitude data Latitude-dependent pixel spacing (zones) Latitude-dependent pixel spacing (zones) Raw DEM mosaicking on continent level Raw DEM mosaicking on continent level Quality control and post-processing incl. flattening of water bodies Quality control and post-processing incl. flattening of water bodies Final DEM available 4 years after launch (intermediate DEM earlier) Final DEM available 4 years after launch (intermediate DEM earlier) Zone Latitude Latitude Longitude Tile size Tile size (North/ pixel pixel (Latitude x (example, South) spacing spacing Longitude) MB) I 0 ° – 50 ° 0.4’’ 1° x 1° 891 II 50 ° – 60 ° 0.6’’ 1° x 1° 595 III 60 ° – 70 ° 0.8’’ 1° x 2° 890 0.4’’ IV 70 ° – 80 ° 1.2’’ 1° x 2° 596 V 80 ° – 85 ° 2.0’’ 1° x 4° 712 VI 85 ° – 90 ° 4.0’’ 1° x 4° 356 Slide 17

  18. Local DEM products - Characteristics High Resolution DEMs generated on request High Resolution DEMs generated on request For areas of limited size only For areas of limited size only Sub-meter resolution (e.g. HRTI-4) Sub-meter resolution (e.g. HRTI-4) Multiple data acquisitions with large and small baselines Multiple data acquisitions with large and small baselines Slide 18

  19. Date: 26. June 2007, Larsen Ice-field / Resolution: 3 Meter Antarctica Mode: Stripmap; Polarisation: VV Slide 19


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