standardization of research

Standardization of Research Daw Khin Sett Yi Assistant Director 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Survey Calendar and Standardization of Research Daw Khin Sett Yi Assistant Director 1 Central Statistical Organization Better Data, Better Statistics, Better Lives Evidenced based planning, Better Data Better Life policy making,

  1. National Survey Calendar and Standardization of Research Daw Khin Sett Yi Assistant Director 1 Central Statistical Organization

  2. Better Data, Better Statistics, Better Lives Evidenced based planning, Better Data Better Life policy making, M&E 2

  3. Stakeholders to participate in the National Statistical System • Government Agencies and Institutions National • Private Sectors • People ( Public) • Academicians & Researchers • International Organizations အမျိုးသား • INGOs, Civil Society Organization • Data Culture • Statistics Literacy Statistical • Technical knowledge and Methodologies • Template and Formats • Harmonization of technical စာရင်းအင်း standard • Reporting System • Registration System System စနစ် • TORs of Central Statistical Organization and Custodian Agencies 3

  4. National Strategy for Development of Statistics 4

  5. Clusters for Implementation of National Statistical Development Strategy  National Accounts Statistics  Survey Coordination and Statistical Standard  Vital Statistics  Agriculture and Rural Sector Statistics  Energy Statistics  Environment Statistics  Trade and Investment Sector Statistics  Macroeconomic Monitoring and Financial Statistics  Social Statistics ( Social, Gender and Poverty Statistics Cluster)  Demographic Statistics 5

  6. Recent Development of Survey Experiment in Myanmar  Myanmar Business Survey (2015)  Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Survey (Production) (2017) (Quantitative Survey)  Myanmar Living Conditions Survey ( 2017) 6

  7. Myanmar Business Survey Objectives of MBS:  Fill one of the major remaining data gaps for Myanmar  Provide data that can inform evidence-based policies, programming and research for private sector development  provide a key data source for the calculation of national accounts and measuring the private sector’s contribution to economic growt h 7

  8. Myanmar Business Survey Key Technical Facts & Figures  Covers the entire country, all states and regions  Nationally representative sample of almost 15,000 businesses  Covers almost all sectors of the private economy – manufacturing, trade, and services (excludes only agriculture and finance sectors)  Collects data on businesses’ general characteristics, income, expenses, inventories, and assets.  Survey is representative of more than 126,000 businesses across the country (all businesses with at least one hired worker)  Double data entry 8

  9. Myanmar Business Survey Presentation of results  Data report tailored to serve a wide variety of data users.  Main body of report presents key indicators and findings, presented separately for the manufacturing, trade and services sector.  Annex A provides detailed data tables for economic statisticians and national accountants 9

  10. Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Survey (2017) Objectives of MEMS:  To develop the necessary national capacity to continue data collection and analytical activities related to the SME sector in Myanmar  To improve information and knowledge about economic policy issues and strength GoM’s capability to appropriately address key development challenges associated with the country’s SME development 10

  11. Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Survey (2017)  Covers manufacture sector the entire country, all states and regions  Nationally representative sample of almost 2688 firms in manufacture sector  Data collection in June/ July 2017  35 field townships within 15 States & Regions (15 supervisors, 75 enumerators )  Data entry 2496 Firms and labour force 6722 in manufacture sector  Survey is representative of 71,000 11 firms across the country

  12. Myanmar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Survey (2017) MSME Report published in May 2018. Survey results highlight the status of the businesses  characteristics of the business  challenges  financial status  customers-suppliers relationship  business management  constraint in business development  labor force 12  sales structure

  13. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey Survey objectives  Provide updated estimates of poverty and living conditions at the state/region level, to inform national data needs and selected SDG targets.  Construct consumption weights for the national CPI basket.  Estimate private consumption expenditure for the System of National Accounts. 13

  14. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey Sample design  Nationwide coverage (sample dispersed across all districts and 296 townships of Myanmar).  Use new master sampling frame from the 2014 census covering all populations in Myanmar; sample design much more efficient than earlier household surveys.  Sample will allow us to produce estimates at the urban/rural level, and at the state/region level .  Total sample of 13,824 household.  Rolling 12-month fieldwork period to fully account for seasonality. Quarterly (3-month) nationally representative sub- samples.  Two-stage stratified clustered sampling. First sample census enumeration areas, then sample 12 households per enumeration area. 14

  15. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 15

  16. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey Pilot Test  Nay Pyi Taw at 200 household  Mandalay at 200 household  Taunggyi at 200 household Field Operation  2016 December to 2017 November 16

  17. Myanmar Living Conditions Survey Dissemination  Key Indicator Report published in June 2018.  A Key Poverty Indicators Report will follow this report and will include a short analysis of poverty and expenditures.  A more detailed Socioeconomic Report will subsequently feature analysis of living conditions in Myanmar. 17

  18. Calendar Calendar based on Capacity Needs Assessmen t  Survey Calendar  Publication Calendar  Training Calendar 18

  19. Thank you for your kind attention! 19


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