blockchains the web and standardization

Blockchains, the web and standardization: the big opportunity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Blockchains, the web and standardization: the big opportunity conversation starter Keynote Arvind Narayanan Princeton University @random_walker Standardization: is it too soon? Are Bitcoin and other blockchains sound? Academic research on

  1. Blockchains, the web and standardization: the big opportunity conversation starter Keynote Arvind Narayanan Princeton University @random_walker

  2. Standardization: is it too soon?

  3. Are Bitcoin and other blockchains sound?

  4. Academic research on Bitcoin • No fundamental problems Papers mentioning "Bitcoin" (Google scholar) (so far) 3500 3000 • Various known concerns 2500 – e.g. selfish mining 2000 1500 • Works better in practice than in theory 1000 500 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

  5. Caveat: endpoint security

  6. Human-crypto interaction is an unsolved problem!

  7. Bitcoin vs. Ethereum Fundamental concerns: Papers mentioning Bitcoin / Ethereum 3500 – Incentive misalignment – Security of contracts 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Bitcoin Ethereum

  8. Can standardization enable new applications?

  9. Standards enable new applications • Document Do this on the blockchain. timestamping • Contracts • Provenance Done. Here’s the proof. – IP ✓ – Assets Untrusted • IoT server • Identity Standardization targets The power of the blockchain + the reach of the web

  10. Aside: how efficient proofs work Publish X to the blockchain. Done. Here’s the proof. ✓

  11. Aside: how efficient proofs work

  12. What is @<user> ’s public key? Here’s the answer. ✓ You can verify it yourself. Standards as a way to avoid human-crypto interaction.

  13. A more complicated proof: domain names What’s the IP address of example.bit ? ✓ Here’s a record that maps example.bit to XX.YY.ZZ . Here’s a proof that no future record concerns example.bit . Standardize a small set of proofs? Standardize a language for proofs?

  14. Verifiers could even be offline Who are you? Here’s a proof that I’m authorized to drive you for 24 hours starting …

  15. Standards as a means to keep clients thin and dumb.

  16. Which blockchain? It matters. Do this on the blockchain. Done. Here’s the proof. ✓ Untrusted server Depends on the blockchain.

  17. Example: public vs. private blockchains

  18. Private blockchains (permissioned ledgers) • Append-only log using hash pointers / Merkle trees • Cryptographic identity – Proof of work – Nakamoto consensus – Currency + Byzantine consensus

  19. Blockchain as stone soup

  20. Which blockchain? It matters. Do this on the blockchain. Done. Here’s the proof. ✓ Untrusted server Depends on the blockchain.

  21. Different ledgers have vastly different security properties. When you link / combine them, what happens to security?

  22. A note of caution: seeking tech solutions to social problems

  23. Seeking tech solutions to social problems Standardization processes can serve as a check! • An opportunity for introspection • A point of regulation • Imparts legibility

  24. Takeaways / points for discussion Standardization can enable new applications! – Power of the blockchain + reach of the web. – A way to avoid human-crypto interaction. – A way to keep clients thin and dumb. Which blockchain? It matters. Standardization process is a chance to stop and think about social problems & tech.


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