st louis lambert international airport


November 2019 IFM Investors and Manchester Airport Group ST. LOUIS LAMBERT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT g a 2 r 0 C v 2 i n o 0 m n - 0 f @ i d 1 e - s 1 n t 6 l t o i a 1 u l i 5 s : - 1 m 9 o : 3 . g 4

  1. November 2019 IFM Investors and Manchester Airport Group ST. LOUIS LAMBERT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT g a 2 r 0 C v 2 i n o 0 m n - 0 f @ i d 1 e - s 1 n t 6 l t o i a 1 u l i 5 s : - 1 m 9 o : 3 . g 4 o + v 0 0 0 0

  2. Disclaimer The information contained herein (this “ Presentation ”) is being furnished on a confidential basis to you (the “ Recipient ”) by IFM Investors Pty Ltd ( “IFM” or “Issuer” ) for the purpose of providing certain information contained herein. Except as expressly permitted in writing by the Issuer, this Presentation must not be reproduced in any electronic or physical form and must not be communicated, disclosed or distributed to any other person in whole or in part. This Presentation may not be relied on in any manner as legal, tax, regulatory, accounting or otheradvice. v 0 o 0 g The Recipient of this Presentation should be aware that past or forecast performance is not a guarantee, projection or prediction and 0 . l o 0 a may not be indicative of future results. There can be no assurance that past performance will be sustained or that forecasts will be m + i t achieved. Performance is inherently subject to significant regulatory, economic, market and other conditions and risks that may n - 4 adversely affect performance. s e 3 i d u : i 9 o f n This Presentation contains “forward -looking statements,” which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as 1 l t o s : “may”, “can”, “will”, “would”, “seek”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “project”, “estimate”, “intend”, “continue”, “target”, 5 C @ 1 “plan” or “believe” or the negatives thereof or other variations thereon or comparable terminology. Although the Issuer believes that m its expectations stated in this Presentation are based on reasonable assumptions, due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events 6 1 or results or actual performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. n - i Statements contained in this Presentation that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections, 1 v r 0 opinions and/or beliefs, which are subject to change without notice. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties a - and other factors, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon. Nothing contained herein is, or shall be, relied upon as a promise g 0 2 or representation as to the future. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this Presentation and the Issuer 0 undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. 2 Certain information contained herein (including targets, forward-looking statements, economic, financial and market information) has been obtained from published sources and/or prepared by third parties. While such information is believed to be reliable for purposes of this Presentation, such information has not been independently verified by the Issuer. The Issuer does not make any warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this Presentation and disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions in such information. The Presentation is a summary only and therefore not complete and does not purport to containall facts that theRecipient may find materialand relevant. 2

  3. Agenda IFM and MAG Discussion with the St. Louis Lambert Working Group and Stakeholders Section Page v 0 o 0 Introductionto IFM Investors and MAG 5 g 0 . l o 0 a m + i Overview of Airport Management Experience 12 t n - 4 s e 3 i d u IFM Investors and MAG | St. Louis Partnership : 22 i 9 o f n 1 l t o s : 5 C @ 1 m 6 1 n - i 1 v r 0 a - g 0 2 0 2 3

  4. Meet the Team IFM Investors (IFM) Manchester Airport Group (MAG) v 0 o 0 g 0 . l o 0 a m + i t n - 4 s e 3 i d u : i 9 o f n 1 l t o s : 5 C @ 1 m 6 Julio Garcia Adrian Croft Martin Jones Michael Boland 1 n - i 1 v r 0 a Executive CEO EVP Business Head of Infrastructure - g 0 Director MAG USA Development – North America 2 0 – MAG USA (Infrastructure) 2 4

  5. IFM Investors and MAG g a 2 r 0 C v 2 i n o 0 m n - 0 f @ i d 1 e - s 1 n t 6 l t o i a 1 u l i 5 s : - 1 m 9 o : 3 . g 4 o + v 0 0 0 0 5

  6. Introduction to IFM Investors IFM Investors is a truly aligned global fund manager investing across multiple asset classes Established & owned by US$103 billion across 9 strategic global v 27 pension funds four asset classes (1) locations 0 o 0 g 0 . l o 0 a m + i t n - 4 s e 3 i d u : i 9 o f n 1 l t o s : 5 C @ US$103bn 1 m 6 1 n - i 1 v r 0 a - g 0 2 0 New York Berlin Melbourne Hong Kong 2 Private Equity $1.0bn Listed Equities $29.6bn Debt Investment $30.6bn Infrastructure Equity $41.6bn London Zurich Sydney Seoul Tokyo (1) As at September 30, 2019. $103bn represents the market value of investments and undrawn investor commitments. Differences may be due to rounding. 6

  7. IFM Investors Infrastructure IFM Investors is a leader in global infrastructure investment Our open-end fund structure makes us a genuinely long-term investor 42 US$ Funds Under v 0 o Management BN 0 g 0 . l o 0 a 24 Years investing in m + i t infrastructure n - 4 s e 3 i d u 2 : Open-end Infrastructure i 9 o f n 1 equity funds l t o s : 5 C @ 1 > 80 Infrastructure investment m 6 professionals 1 n - i 1 v 33 r 0 Portfolio companies a - g 0 2 0 60 Board seats 2 Australia Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Global Infrastructure Fund (GIF) Incepted in August 1995 Incepted in December 2004 17 Portfolio Companies 16 Portfolio Companies All figures as at September 30, 2019. Differences may exist due to rounding. 7

  8. IFM Investors Infrastructure IFM has ~$42 billion of infrastructure equity investments globally v 0 o 0 Regulated Energy and g Airports Seaports Toll roads Other 0 . utilities midstream l o 0 a m + i t n - 4 s e 3 i d u : i 9 o f n 1 l t o s : 5 C @ 1 m 6 (1) 1 n - i 1 v r 0 a - g 0  16 airports in the  Three Australian  1,150 broadcast    Electricity Largest US refined >1,400km of toll 2 UK, Australia, seaports , including towers and 8,000 distribution in products pipeline roads roads in the 0 the 2 nd and the 3 rd Austria, Slovakia, cellular sites in the Australia  2 UK, the US, Mexico, US LNG export Malta and Mexico largest UK  Spain, Chile, District heating in facility  >160m passengers  Recently  Hospitals, courts, Colombia, Peru and Poland  Maritime terminals every year announced the schools, social care, Australia  Water in the UK, globally acquisition of a light rail  >500m road stake in the largest Australia, Spain and  US pipelines &  Melbourne’s import/export journeys every year global terminals, and busiest transport seaport in Turkey global marine hub  Three seaports in terminals  Defence HQJOC Spain and Chile 8 (1) Note that Buckeye Partners L.P. acquired on 1 November 2019

  9. IFM and MAG: Long Term Partners IFM and MAG have a unique track record in working together to deliver airport business plans 1 v 0 IFM and MAG have worked together on airport opportunities since 2012 o 0 g 0 . l o 0 a m + i t n - 4 s e 3 i 2 IFM and MAG partnered to invest in Stansted Airport, where we have grown passengers d u : i 9 o f n by over 10 million people to 28 million since 2013 1 l t o s : 5 C @ 1 m 6 1 n - 3 i 1 v IFM and MAG have invested over $1 billion in expanding the capacity of MAG’s airports r 0 a - g 0 2 0 2 4 IFM and MAG have partnered on a number of potential investments, including Fukuoka Airport and Sofia Airport, leveraging our airport-specific and broader infrastructure expertise 9

  10. IFM and MAG: Ideal Partners for St Louis IFM and MAG possess unique capabilities to address the City’s priorities 1 IFM and MAG have a long history of working with diverse stakeholders, including governments, v 0 o 0 to meet their economic and social needs g 0 . l o 0 a m + i t n - 4 s e 3 i d u 2 IFM and MAG have demonstrated expertise in route development and growing passengers : i 9 o f n 1 l across our airports, both key drivers of economic growth t o s : 5 C @ 1 m 6 1 n - i 3 1 v IFM and MAG have proven capabilities in delivering airport operational, capital and commercial r 0 a - developments, which have improved the airport experience for all stakeholders g 0 2 0 2 4 IFM and MAG have expertise in developing commercial and industrial property at our investments, which have unlocked further regional growth opportunities 10

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