spreading scriptural holiness spreading scriptural

Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: - PDF document

A Prayer of John Wesley A Prayer of John Wesley Eternal God our sovereign Lord, we Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: acknowledge that all we are, all we have, is Then and Now Then and Now yours. O give us such a

  1. A Prayer of John Wesley A Prayer of John Wesley Eternal God our sovereign Lord, we Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: acknowledge that all we are, all we have, is Then and Now Then and Now yours. O give us such a sense of your infinite goodness, that we may return to you all possible love and obedience. O may we always delight to praise your holy Name, Laceye Warner and, above all your benefits, love you, our great Benefactor. Amen Mr. Wesley Mr. Wesley Why study Wesley? � “ tradition ” as a noun, adjective, etc. � traditio “ to tradition ” � “ For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in tern had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures. ” (I Cor 15.1-11) English Society portrayed by Hogarth English Society portrayed by Hogarth Why study Wesley? “ Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living, but tradition is the living faith of the dead. ” and, Religious Jaroslav Pelikan, Yale University fanaticism Moral laxity

  2. Difficulties of Contemporary The Early Methodist Movement Language � “What may we reasonably believe to be God’s design in raising � Where are we?... up the People Called Methodist? And how did we get � A. To reform the nation here? and, in particular, the Church; to spread scriptural holiness over � A bifurcation… the land.” � Etymological threads -“Large” Minutes Reclaiming Language Reclaiming Language � Greek root-- euangelion � Old Testament usage � New Testament/Post-Easter “to proclaim good tidings” usage angelos “messenger” � to proclaim the message of angelo “to announce” salvation in word and deed Announcement of God’s salvific activity (Klaiber) (Isaiah) With Intentional Practices… Who practices evangelism? � …all Christians Evangelism is- � We are commissioned to that set of loving, evangelistic ministry by intentional activities governed by the goal of our baptisms initiating persons into � “…to proclaim the good Christian discipleship in news and live according response to the reign of God to the example of Jesus Christ.” (Scott Jones, The Evangelistic Love of God (See the UM Hymnal pages 35 and 40) and Neighbor , 18)

  3. Discussion…. Mission of the UMC � What opportunities and obstacles to � “The mission of the Church is practicing ministry and evangelism do you to make disciples of Jesus and your congregation perceive in your Christ”—for the context? transformation of the world � The Book of Discipline, UMC , 1996 and 2008 Obstacles Then and Now Spreading Scriptural Holiness Obstacle � Lack of capacity and/or Lack of capacity and/or confidence to understand confidence to understand and live our beliefs and live our beliefs � Preoccupation with rapid numerical growth � Disinterest in sustained Resource Christian practices The Wesley’s encouraged a � Reluctance to share wealth deep simple faith that � Lack of capacity to move shaped Christian living beyond relief efforts to facilitate sustainability Spreading Scriptural Holiness Spreading Scriptural Holiness Obstacle Obstacle Disinterest in sustained Preoccupation with rapid Christian practices numerical growth Resource Resource Practices and organization ‘Growth’: steady intense emerged from doctrine growth in numbers, but for intentional growth also in grace

  4. Spreading Scriptural Holiness Spreading Scriptural Holiness Obstacle Obstacle Reluctance to share wealth Beyond Relief Resource Resource Wealth-sharing and outreach Long term practices such as are significant education, medical care, components of personal and no/low interest loans and communal faith facilitate sustainability A Prayer of John Wesley A Prayer of John Wesley Spreading Scriptural Holiness Living Faith Teach us, Ruler of the universe, to see people by Immersion in doctrine the light of the faith we profess, that we may check through the sermons and in ourselves all ungenerous judgments, all hymns alongside practices presumptuous claims, that, recognizing the needs was intended to nurture and rightful claims of others we may remove old individuals in the Christian hatreds and rivalries and hasten new faith. understandings, that we may bring our tributes of excellence to the treasury of our common humanity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Living Faith Living Faith Living Faith A Plain Account of the People Called Methodists , to preach and “to convince A steady decline in theological those who would hear what true aptitude has occurred in the Christianity was and to persuade them last two centuries among those to embrace it.” practicing ministry. Wesley named the following as important John Wesley (with Jonathan resources for the early Methodists: Edwards) is among the last “following only common sense and serious scholars and Christian Scripture ; though they generally found, practitioners. in looking back, something in Christian antiquity See William Abraham, Logic of Evangelism

  5. Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Living Faith Doctrine � In his The Character of a In his sermon, Causes of the Methodist , John answered the Inefficacies of Christianity, questions, “who is a Methodist?” Wesley outlined three aspects that and “what is the mark?” with this Christians often lacked: response: (1) a sufficient understanding of doctrine, � “A Methodist is one who has the love of God shed abroad in adequate discipline, and/or (2) [one’s] heart. self-denial. (3) Living Faith: Charles’ Hymnody and Living Faith: Charles’ Hymnody and Doctrine: Charles’ Hymnody and Christian Formation Christian Formation Christian Formation � Hymns more than anything else formed early Methodists � Yet, did not receive “These hymns lead one back to basic themes and doctrinal status with the emotions of the formative faith: the soteriological Sermons and Notes on center, the emphasis on God’s grace and human the NT in the 1784 Deed appropriation, the challenge for growth and missional of Declaration responsibility.” Thomas Langford John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology ‘ Via Salutis ’ ‘ Via Salutis ’ � Original � Repentance � “ Scripture Way of Salvation ” (1765) righteousness and sin � Most often preached “One thing needful”—the � � Justification renewal of the image of sermon, and God � See next slide � Most mature � Prevenient grace � Sanctification representation of � Precedes human � See next slide Wesley ’ s theology action � Sanctification as event � Analogous to and process � Assurance conscience � Regeneration � Given to all

  6. John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology: ‘ Via Salutis ’ ‘ Via Salutis ’ ‘ Via Salutis ’ ‘ Via Salutis ’ Justification Sanctification � Christian perfection (entire sanctification) Pardon Holiness Perfect love (purity of heart) God does for us God does in us Is not absolute perfection, but freedom from Work of Christ Work of Holy Spirit sin (a conscious, voluntary breaking of a Accounted as righteous Becoming righteous known law of God) Relative change Real change “ Having the mind of Christ and Forensic Therapeutic walking as he walked ” Imputation Impartation The root or remains of sin still not destroyed Saved from guilt of sin Saved from power of sin Backsliding still possible A process or instant? gradual or instantaneous? John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ’ s Theology: John Wesley ‘ Via Salutis ’ ‘ Via Salutis ’ Theological Integration � Knowledge and vital piety -Possible Problems with Perfection… � Sacramentalism and Antinomianism--being above the law evengelism Perfectionism--being without error � Faith and good works “ Sinless perfection ” --a problem term � Justification and Claims of perfection--Bell and Maxfield sanctification “ Second Blessing ” ?--Fletcher ’ s terminology � Sola fide and sola gratia (Checks against Antinomianism) � Piety and mercy A roadblock for participation of many Anglican � Personal holiness and social clergy in the Methodist movement holiness Not a new theology--Synthesis From: Richard Heitzenrater, The Poor and the People Called Methodists Living Faith Living Faith Living Faith Wesley and the Moravians Peter Bohler presses him on “ sola fide ” John Wesley ’ s experience of No degrees of faith assurance “ Preach faith til you have it, and then, May 24, 1738 because you have it, you will preach faith. ” “ He had taken Bohler forms Fetter Lane Society away my sins, May 1, 1738, at Hutton ’ s house even mine , and saved me… ”


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