Sport Leeds Board Meeting No.66 John Charles Centre for Sport
Agenda 1.30pm 1. Welcome, Apologies & Previous Minutes (5 mins) P. Smith 1.35pm 1. Leeds Sports Awards Review (5 mins) S. Nickson 1.40pm 1. Developing the right governance structures, Sport Leeds and The Ambition (50 mins) M. Allman Mark Allman will provide an overview on progress that’s been made, detailing the governance proposals and The Ambition progre ss. The further detail around how things join together, the role of Sport Leeds and the next 6/8 months. All Conversation: There will then be an opportunity to have a detailed discussion around key questions and reflections, facilitated by Mark and Peter. 2.30pm Break - 10mins 2.40pm 1. Collaboration Projects (55 mins) 4 min. max update Establishing a co-ordinated data & insight system to help demonstrate collective impact. Open data – Judith Fox from lead followed Workforce development . Student workforce & Apprenticeships – Danny Wild by discussion. Supporting mass participation sporting events across the city. Supporting Victorious, Leeds World Class Sport – Steph Sewley Leeds Sports Awards - LSA and Future Planning – Sally Nickson Developing a better Physical Activity and Sport communications network across the city. 2019-20 Comms - Tom Exeter Supporting the development of The Physical Activity Ambition. Consultation and Engagement – Louise Forrest Sustaining and developing physical activity and sport for 0-19 year olds in Leeds. PA/Sport/PE working group – Katy Bowden 3.35pm 1. Partner Updates (20 mins) ALL Partners to share key pieces of information for the board only – limited time to do a round table. 3.55pm 1. AOB (5 mins) ALL 4.00pm 1. Close
Leeds Sports Awards Revie iew Sally Nickson
Develo loping the rig ight governance structures, , Sport Leeds and The Ambition Mark Allman
Physical Activity Ambition Update Sport Leeds AGM April 2019
‘Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.’
‘Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.’
Strategic in influence and advocacy
The focus has to move physical activity from a venue based strategy ...
The focus has to move physical activity from a venue based strategy ...
… to a community based activity where activity happens everywhere
A new approach is is required to addressing le levels ls of f physical in inactivit ity • Understanding the wider systems to effect change • Working with communities and stakeholders, building on their strengths • Making connections within the system that have greatest impact • Challenging the cultural barriers around the way things are done • Not focussing on silver bullets • Sport is part of the solution • SportLeeds has a vital role to play
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a healthier place to live a better a stronger place to live local economy
Physical Activity Ambition: “ Leeds to be the best city in which to be active ” Primary outcomes • A long term commitment to increasing physical activity levels in the city, especially where levels of inactivity of persistently high. • Building, creating and enabling an environment that supports systems/collaborative working • Building our national and international reputation for World Class Sport • Delivering wider community and personal benefit through physical activity and sport
The Proje ject Team are currently working to the foll llowing tim imescales / phases; • Phase 1 September 2018 – March 2019: pre-conversation preparation • Phase 2 April – September 2019: city-wide conversations (to become an ongoing process) • Phase 3 September 2019 – January 2020: development of a draft shared vision / ambition for physical activity • Phase 4 January 2020 – April 2020: physical activity ambition action planning • Phase 5 June 2020 onwards: physical activity ambition implementation
New Governance Pro roposals • A small group of stakeholders has come together to develop proposals around the governance of the new Physical Activity Ambition. • The outcomes of conversations will form the basis for the establishment of a new entity to take this important leadership role. • It’s proposed that the new entity should take the form a new unincorporated body tied by an MOU with member organisations having oversight of a board of directors. • The board of directors will be responsible for executing the physical activity ambition.
7 Governance Pri rinciples 1. The new board should be responsible for signing off the new Ambition and its implementation. 2. The role of the Board needs to be scoped . It will form a key part of the Board recruitment process. 3. The form of the new Board Governance arrangements should be that of a formal constituted partnership; • Board of Directors reports to “Member Organisations” • This creates an actual “partnership” of organisations that have agreed to work together • The Board of Directors will report to the Members on at least an annual basis. • The Board of Directors will be the decision making body; Members will only have powers that are outlined in the TOR. • Members would be represented at the highest level from within the organisation. • The actual body itself would be an unincorporated body through an MOU. 4. The Board of Directors needs to be composed of high calibre individuals who understand the value of physical activity and who have the right mix of skills and abilities (not about representation of sectors) 5. There should be a staged process in establishing the Board . The Chair should have as much ownership of the Board selection process as possible. 6. The process needs formal sign off. Proposed that the Council’s Executive Board it would offer a transparent and legitimate forum in which to give some assurance to the process. 7. Chair/Board should be appointed through an open recruitment process and solicited approaches.
Pro roposed Governance Stru ructure
Draft Governance arrangements for Leeds Physical Activity and Sport Ambition Wider Landscape Physical Activity and Sport Landscape (Contributing to wider outcomes) Strategic connectors e.g. New Physical Activity and (Full list of connectors to be mapped and agreed) Sport Ambition Partnership Health & Wellbeing 8-12 Members (NHS and Public Inclusive Growth Independent Chair Responsible for the Strategy Health/Social Care) development and implementation. Each member to champion/lead at least area of connectors (see opposite). Young people & Strategic Locality Children & Families Families working The Sport Lens Existing or new groups • Still a major part of the offer Infrastructure • Focused on Sport covering Physical Planning/ Transport/ Open Older People • Recognised forums of Activity and Sport Space collaboration around particular collaborations, e.g. Marketing Mapping and recognising links with and Comms, Performance existing bodies covering all aspects Community Connectors e.g. Sport, Major event legacy, of Physical Activity and Sport School Sport, Club sport, (strategy remit), e.g. Cycling starts • Neighborhood networks Volunteering, Sports Awards, here, Transforming Leeds events, • Community champions Population groups (e.g. women Leeds Plan (Health)- Prevention Voluntary/3 rd sector • and girls/Disability) Board, Walking, Outdoor • Local Care Partnerships • Focused on added value Recreation/Activity, Cultural • A sharper focus for SportLeeds? Strategy.
Next xt Steps 1. To agree founding members given their crucial role in helping to recruit the new Board of Directors. • These member should be from the anchor institutions and represented at the highest level (e.g.Chair/CEO/VC). • This initial group of founding member organisations could be expanded in the future if required and the governance arrangements allow. • For the purposes of recruitment of the Board of Directors it is anticipated that each member organisation representative will be supported by a senior colleague from within their organisation. 2. Draft Terms of Reference for both the Members and the Board of Directors (By June 2019). 3. Role descriptions to be created for Chair and of the Board and Directors.( By June 2019) 4. Seek to prepare for new entity to be formed (ongoing) 5. Commence recruitment of the Board of Trustees (starting September 2019)
What does this mean for Sport Leeds?
Collaborative Projects
Partner Updates
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