sponsored search equilibria

Sponsored Search Equilibria for Conservative Bidders Renato Paes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sponsored Search Equilibria for Conservative Bidders Renato Paes Leme va Tardos Cornell University Keyword Auctions sponsored search links organic search results Keyword Auctions Keyword Auctions Auction Model $$$ b 1 $$$ b 3 b 2 $$

  1. Sponsored Search Equilibria for Conservative Bidders Renato Paes Leme Éva Tardos Cornell University

  2. Keyword Auctions sponsored search links organic search results

  3. Keyword Auctions

  4. Keyword Auctions

  5. Auction Model $$$ b 1 $$$ b 3 b 2 $$ b 4 b 5 $$ $ b 6 $

  6. Auction Mechanisms VCG Myerson’s Reserve Mechanism prices - Not truthful - Doesn’t maximize Social GSP Welfare - Simple and Natural - Good balance between revenue and social welfare

  7. Main Result Under some assumptions, any Nash equilibrium in GSP is within a factor of 1.618 to the optimal social welfare. 1 5 Golden ratio: 1 . 618 2 Today we prove a factor of 2.

  8. Model • n advertisers and v 1 n slots α 1 • Each advertiser v 2 α 2 has a value v i v 3 α 3 • Each advertiser v 4 submits a bid b i α 4 • Each slot has a v 5 α 5 click-through- rate α i … … v 1 ≥ v 2 ≥ … ≥ v n α 1 ≥ α 2 ≥ … ≥ α n

  9. Model • Advertisers are b 1 v 1 α 1 ordered by bids and assigned to b 2 v 2 α 2 slots b 3 v 3 α 3 • They are charged b 4 v 4 α 4 the next highest b 5 v 5 bid α 5 … … v 1 ≥ v 2 ≥ … ≥ v n α 1 ≥ α 2 ≥ … ≥ α n

  10. Model • Utility of player i v 1 α 1 when assigned to slot j: v 2 α 2 u i = α j (v i – b π (j+1) ) v 3 α 3 • Allocation π v 4 α 4 π (j) is the bidder v 5 allocated in slot j α 5 … …

  11. Separable Click Through Rates • More general v 1 b 1 γ 1 α 1 model v 2 b 2 γ 2 α 2 • Quality score γ v 3 b 3 γ 3 • Same bounds α 3 • Today: stick with v 4 b 4 γ 4 α 4 simplest model v 5 b 5 γ 5 α 5 … …

  12. Nash Equilibrium • A set of bids (b 1 , …, b n ) and its corresponding v π (i) assignment π is a α i Nash equilibrium if: α i ( v π (i) – b π (i+1) ) ≥ α j ( v π (i) – b π (j) ) j < i α i ( v π (i) – b π (i+1) ) ≥ α j ( v π (i) – b π (j+1) ) j > i

  13. Nash Equilibrium • A set of bids (b 1 , …, b n ) and its corresponding assignment π is a Nash equilibrium if: α i ( v π (i) – b π (i+1) ) ≥ α j ( v π (i) – b π (j) ) j < i α i ( v π (i) – b π (i+1) ) ≥ α j ( v π (i) – b π (j+1) ) j > i • Social Welfare of an assignment: SW = ∑ j α j v π (j)

  14. There are good equilibria … • Theorem [Edelman & Ostrovsky & Schwarz, Varian]: There is always a Nash equilibrium for GSP maximizing social welfare. v 1 α 1 v 2 α 2 v 3 α 3

  15. … and bad equilibria α i b i v i 0 1 1 r 1-r 0 This is a Nash equilibrium with Social Welfare = r. Optimum Social Welfare = 1. Arbitrarily large gap: 1/r  ∞ But this configuration is very unnatural, since the second player is taking a lot of risk.

  16. Conservative Assumption • Assuming bidders are conservative, i.e., no one bids above its valuation: b i ≤ v i we can prove that each Nash is within a factor of 1.618 to the optimal. SW (OPT) Price of anarchy: SW(Nash)

  17. Conservative Assumption • Assuming bidders are conservative, i.e., no one bids above its valuation: b i ≤ v i we can prove that each Nash is within a factor of 1.618 to the optimal. • Related result: [Lahaie] proves a bound on the price of anarchy supposing a good separation of the click-through-rates.

  18. Weakly feasible assignment Lemma: If π is an allocation in a Nash equilibrium under the conservative assumption, then: v π (i) α j + ≥ 1 v π (j) α i v π (j) α i therefore: Weakly feasible assignments v π (i) ≥ 1 α j ≥ 1 v π (i) or α j v π (j) α i 2 2

  19. Weakly feasible assignment Lemma: If π is an allocation in a Nash equilibrium under the conservative assumption, then: v π (i) α j + ≥ 1 v π (j) α i Proof: Need to prove only if i < j and π (i) > π (j). It is a combination of 3 relations: α j ( v π (j) – b π (j+1) ) ≥ α i ( v π (j) – b π (i) ) [ Nash ] b π (i) ≤ v π (i) [conservative] b π (j+1) ≥ 0

  20. Some intuition… v π (i) α j + ≥ 1 v π (j) α i • If values v i are very close then their order doesn’t influence social welfare much • If values v i are well separated, then permutations producing bad social welfare are not weakly feasible More symmetric and easy to use.

  21. Factor of 2 Theorem: Any conservative Nash equilibrium is within a factor of 2 to the optimum. Theorem: Any weakly feasible assignment is within a factor of 2 to the optimum.

  22. Factor of 2 Proof: Induction on the number of slots. 1 By the lemma: 1 α i ≥ 1 v j ≥ 1 or α 1 v 1 2 2 i In the first case, remove bidder 1 and j slot i and apply inductive hypothesis … …

  23. Factor of 2 Proof: Applying the induction hypothesis:. ∑ k≠i α k v π (k) ≥ ½ ( α 2 v 1 + … + α i v i-1 + α i+1 v i+1 + … + α n v n ) ≥ ½ ( α 2 v 2 + … + α i v i + α i +1 v i+1 + … + α n v n ) ∑ k α k v π (k) = α i v 1 + ∑ k≠j α k v π (k) ≥ ½ α 1 v 1 + ½ ∑ k>1 α k v k Using the Lemma in its full potential gives us the 1.618 bound.

  24. What else can we do: • Bound of 1.618 • Same bounds for separable click- through-rates: quality score • Similar bounds for γ -conservative bidders: γ b i ≤ v i


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