
Spelling Presented by Leading Literacy Teachers Aims To support - PDF document

Lancashire Primary Strategy: Literacy Spelling Twilight Spelling Twilight Powerpoint slides Powerpoint slides and and Resources Resources Presented by Lancashire Presented by Lancashire Lea Leading Literacy Teachers ing Literacy Teachers

  1. Lancashire Primary Strategy: Literacy Spelling Twilight Spelling Twilight Powerpoint slides Powerpoint slides and and Resources Resources Presented by Lancashire Presented by Lancashire Lea Leading Literacy Teachers ing Literacy Teachers

  2. Spelling Presented by Leading Literacy Teachers Aims • To support teachers in planning when and how to teach spelling; • To develop techniques in teaching spelling rules, conventions and strategies. Spelling Programme Expectations: By the end of Year 1 children should be working at: • Step 7 of Progression in Phonics; • Recognising the main vowel digraphs and trigraphs.

  3. Spelling Programme • Expectations: • By the end of Year 3 the children should have covered the work in the spelling programme or up to page 20 in the Spelling Bank; • By the end of Year 6 the children should have covered the work in the Spelling Bank. Progression Foundation Stage/Year One: • Progression in Phonics/Playing with Sounds; Year Two and Three: • Spelling Programme: Year Four, Five and Six: • Spelling Bank Five-session spelling - Y2 and 3 • Five units a term; • Each unit is taught for two weeks; • Each unit builds upon the previous one; • Each unit involves five sessions. • Replaces NLS strand •This is the model used for five-session spelling in Years 4, 5 and 6.

  4. The Teaching of Spelling • Spellings need to be explicitly taught; • Rules, patterns and etymology should be investigated using a multi-sensory approach; • The spellings on weekly lists are rarely applied to independent writing unless they have been thoroughly taught and investigated. Benefits of Investigations • They appeal to problem-solving instincts • Children have to be more active in deconstructing words • They model a self-help strategy • An interesting way to learn • They aid memory • They are more likely to lead to children applying correct spellings to their work than learning lists. Spelling Tests Limitations: • Written work does not reflect spelling test results; • Children become passive learners, receiving delivered knowledge and are not actively involved in the learning process; • The teaching of spelling is removed from the process of writing and is taught as a discrete skill; • However, the five-session programme involves giving children lists to learn after sessions 1 and 3 which are assessed in sessions 2, 4 and 5.

  5. Spelling – Possible Sequence Name: Term: Unit: THIS MODEL IS ONLY ONE SUGGESTION. The principle is that Week Beginning: Texts/Resources: writing arises from reading, text analysis and teacher demonstration Year Group: Class: This can happen over a lesson, a few days or two to three weeks. Text Level Objs: Letters and numbers. Staple medium term plan to back Sentence Level Objs: Letters and numbers. Staple medium term plan to Word Level Objs: Letters and numbers. Staple medium term plan to for full objective. back for full objective. back for full objective. Speaking and Listening focus: Class Target: Outcomes: Listed on NLS medium term plans. Tell/show children at See new QCA/NLNS document. To write a <name of outcome> by <date> start. DAY Whole Class Shared Reading and Writing Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary and Guided Group Tasks Differentiated Plenary Focus Grammar Independent Tasks 1 Shared Reading Spelling 1 Focus - Phonics activity Share word level Introduce children to text. Teach the specific spelling conventions and rules. Spelling investigation – linked to investigations done in the - - Read, teaching reading strategies: Develop investigation. Discuss the rules, model the spelling convention taught on independent session. Any WRITING ANALYSIS READING applying ‘searchlights’ model; and develop prediction and involvement by the the same day more? Rules. - - techniques to navigate texts; children 2 - comprehension strategies; Sentence level objectives incorporated with Well structured, Activities related to shared text questioning to develop comp shared reading if appropriate – separately if not. focused reading pitched objective or objective taught - - responses to texts at the instructional level discretely at beginning of lesson. for the group. Plan for Developing Early Writing Share reading activities. 3 - Spelling 2 – link to previous spelling focus. - development of specific - Revise, practise and test words. Link to shared - reading objectives teaching a balance of activities Reinforce strategies/obj reading strategies over text where possible - Grammar for Writing related unit time. - Reading Journals 4 - Analyse texts (reading for writing) Sentence level objectives incorporated with Analysing/highlighting texts to gather Collate features gathered identifying structures shared reading if appropriate – separately if not. features to use in own writing for writing. Scribe on flip - chart 5 - language features Sentence level objectives incorporated with Note ideas on flipchart, writing journal, Collate features gathered creating genre checklists shared reading/writing writing books, genre checklist for writing. Scribe on flip - - gather ideas and examples for own writing chart. Set the context fo next week. 6 Shared Writing Spelling 3 – Focus on spelling strategies. Develop Independent spelling activity. Children Share word level Decide on form to match purpose and audience independent approaches by the children to Either: support groups in investigate, practise and extend the investigations done in the who is this for? learning, revising and developing their spelling working on their unit independent spelling strategies for ind. session. Any more? - - what structures should we use? skills. outcome so that they learning and identifying difficult parts Rules. what language conventions do we need? Use of common words, cross curricular words or develop skills they may of words - Model planning, using different words identified which children find difficult not achieve techniques over time independently, or, 7 Demonstrate composition Sentence level objectives incorporated with identify groups of Review the children’s wor Refer to texts read in shared reading shared writing children with similar Children create their own plan Have they met the Shared composition needs and teach aspects Support less able and extend more able objective? Supported composition of writing they need to with this core task What do they need to do develop before they can 8 Spelling 4 – practise, revise, extend spelling Demonstrate composition next? strategies from session 3 Shared composition move on. Groups may Children write as modelled in the Use pieces of work to Supported composition contain a different mix shared session applying objective to make teaching points in of children each time their own writing. Editing and revising context of children’s 9 Demonstrate composition Sentence level objectives incorporated with Shared composition shared writing whilst writing. writing. Children contribute to review. Supported composition 10 Spelling 5 – Return to all spelling focus words and Demonstrate editing and revising Children edit, revise and complete Present and review patterns for sessions 1 and 2.. Revise, test and Shared editing and revising outcome. outcomes. practise Support editing and revising Cross Curricular Links: Evaluation of Objectives/Next Steps: Blue represents reading activities Can the text-type be used in another subject? Can the outcome be What went well? Purple represents analysis activities completed in history, geography, science, R.E? What needs reinforcing? Red represents writing activities What to do differently next time. Green represents spelling focuses. Spelling 2,4 and 5 sessions may be Individual children causing concern/exceeding expectations delivered in the first part of the session and on different days to those above Teaching Spelling in sessions 1 and 3 Tell the children the objective/strategy Introduce a set of relevant words Children to sort words and identify patterns Help children to hypothesise and test their ideas Explain the principle behind the pattern Practise the convention Explore and extend - exceptions, variations Session One - Rules and Conventions Whole class: Teach the convention through the games, activities and investigations suggested in the manuals - keep it lively and interactive! Independent: Further investigation of the rules and conventions using ideas from manuals. Plenary: Reinforcement and revision of rules and conventions. Any patterns? Homework 1: List of words investigated in lesson.


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