speaking our destiny

Speaking our Destiny! Thank you GW Inaugural address (1789) The - PDF document

CONSTITUTION PARTY (2016) PRESENTED BY CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE (MARK HERR) Speaking our Destiny! Thank you GW Inaugural address (1789) The destiny of the (republic)is staked on an experiment entrusted to the hands of the American

  1. CONSTITUTION PARTY (2016) PRESENTED BY CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE (MARK HERR) Speaking our Destiny! Thank you… GW – Inaugural address (1789) “The destiny of the (republic)…is staked on an experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people” Letter from Mrs. Elisabeth Powel (1792) She wrote that his leaving office: “would elate the Enemies of good Government…The anti -federalists would use it as an argument for dissolving the Union, and would urge that you, from Experience, had found the present System a bad one, and had, artfully withdrawn from it that you might not be crushed under its Ruins. Farewell Address (1796) “The unity of government which constitutes you one people…is easy to foresee that…pains will be taken,…to weaken in your minds, the conviction of this truth…this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed…” Did GW and Mrs. Powel Speak our Destiny? Is this not what we are experiencing today in 2016?

  2. CONSTITUTION PARTY (2016) PRESENTED BY CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE (MARK HERR) A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT – THE US CONSTITUTION states that ‘The United States shall guarantee to every state in the union a republican form of government…” THE UTAH ENABLING ACT - July 16, 1894. In SEC. 3… says ” The (UTAH) Constitution shall be republican in form, and make no distinction in civil or political rights on account of race or color, except as to Indians not taxed, and not to be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the principles of t he Declaration of Independence.” WHO IS RESPONSIBLE TO UPHOLD THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES? IDAHO ELECTEDS give voters a pamphlet which states ‘Democracy is government by the people’. How much government by the people is there in the democracy of Idaho? In Article 9 Section 1 of the Idaho Constitution it states ‘The stability of the republic depends mainly upon the intelligence of the people’ TENNESSEE 3 rd GRADERS are taught in that ‘Our country is a democracy’. How much control do the governed have in the Tennessee democracy? In Article 1 Section 23 of the Tennessee Constitution it states ‘That the citizens have the right…to instruct their representatives…’ Does that mean once a year for 10 minutes? TEXAS 8 TH GRADERS ‘ examine the impact of constitutional issues… evaluate the dynamic relationship of the three branches of the federal government… and analyze efforts t o expand the democratic process’ In Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution is states ‘The faith people of the Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government.’ Does that mean We pledge allegiance to a democracy because Texans are taught to preserve their republic by voting for 10 minutes? REPEAT THIS QUESTION THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY hands a pamphlet to new citizens which states ‘voting is the most important responsibility of any citizen . Voting ensures our system of government is maintained…’ How many minutes per year do the citizens get to fulfill their ‘most important’ responsibility to maintain their system of government? Article 4 Section 4 of the United States Constitution states ‘The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.’ Does the Unit ed States here mean ‘the government’?

  3. CONSTITUTION PARTY (2016) PRESENTED BY CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE (MARK HERR) A REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT THE LAST DAY of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Ben Franklin told a woman who could not vote or hold office that she had been given a republic if SHE COULD KEEP IT. Is Keeping the republic; a way to change human destiny? DOES ANY POLITICAL PARTY have any vested interest in Mrs. Powel keeping her republic in 2016? Here’s the Conventional wisdom: Every political party ‘elects’ someone to office, and then embrace being elected and serving as the way to change things…you gather people because we have good candidates…then the candidate and the volunteers become discouraged when they lose… What happens between the elections…what happens when the BASE walks away…after the election…? ARE WE STILL LOSING the Republic despite embracing elections and serving as the way to change human destiny? Jefferson said “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves. And if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion the remedy IS NOT to take it from them. But to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.” In 2016 We are losing the balance of shared control built into our system of government because: THE AM ERICAN PEOPLE ARE REACTIONARY; THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO ASK? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO KEEP THEIR REPUBLIC? JEFFERSON SAID “The qualifications for self government in society are not innate. They are the result of habit and long training.” Who will take up the burden to train the people to be self governing? Who will trust the people with the shared control of this republican system of government – just the electeds? MADISON SAID “We based all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self government” The Architects believed in the American People and so should you still …even in 2016.

  4. CONSTITUTION PARTY (2016) PRESENTED BY CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE (MARK HERR) THE CONSTITUTION PARTY MISSION – is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions. Who is responsible for Keeping the Republic? Who is responsible for upholding the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States? In addition to embracing being elected and serving will the Constitution Party, or any party for that matter, embrace Mrs. Powel and train her how to KEEP her republic as means of changing human destiny? Let’s Reverse this Culture of Losing! Let’s Stop Keeping the Dem ocracy! Is the Constitution party ready to answer the call to Keep the Republic and ‘save our country’? Let’s Speak our Destiny! Let’s return to Keeping the Republic!


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