sparsity optimized harmonic wavelets for compressed

Sparsity-optimized Harmonic Wavelets for Compressed Sensing MRI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sparsity-optimized Harmonic Wavelets for Compressed Sensing MRI Ruediger Willenberg (ECE) JEB1433 Project Presentation April 22, 2010 References n M.Lustig, D.Donoho, J.M.Pauly: Sparse MRI: The Application of Compressed Sensing for Rapid

  1. Sparsity-optimized Harmonic Wavelets for Compressed Sensing MRI Ruediger Willenberg (ECE) JEB1433 Project Presentation April 22, 2010

  2. References n M.Lustig, D.Donoho, J.M.Pauly: „Sparse MRI: The Application of Compressed Sensing for Rapid MR Imaging“, 2009 n D.E.Newland: „Harmonic Wavelet Analysis“, 1993 n D.E.Newland: „Harmonic and Musical Wavelets“, 1994 n B. Liu, „Adaptive Harmonic Wavelet Transform with applications in vibration analysis“, 2002 n R.R.Coifman, M.V. Wickerhauser, „Entropy-based Algorithms for Best Basis Selection“, 1992

  3. Motivation n Strong technical, medical and economic incentives for sampling minimal data n Compressed sensing provides the mathematical tools for that n A sparse transform domain must exist to be able to sample minimal data

  4. Sparse transforms

  5. Basic Idea n Can we find optimized transforms for „families“ of similar images?

  6. Basic Idea n Can we find optimized transforms for „families“ of similar images? n No easy recipe to build an orthonormal basis with optimal sparsity n We need a transform that can be easily reconfigured

  7. Wavelet Transforms n Wavelets: Locally concentrated oscillating functions, scalable and translatable

  8. Wavelet Transforms n Wavelet transforms break down signals or images in frequency and spatial information

  9. Harmonic Wavelet Transform n Introduced by D.E.Newland in 1993 for signal analysis n Approach: Cleanly separated wavelet spectra

  10. HWT: Complex Wavelet Components

  11. HWT: Wavelet scaling & translation Frequency scaling (j) and translation (k): define v j,k (x) = w(2 j x-k)

  12. HWT: Wavelet scaling & translation

  13. HWT: Coefficients & Expansion n Coefficients: n Expansion formula:

  14. HWT: Base conditions n Orthogonality: <e m ,e n > = 0 n Orthonormality: <e m ,e m > = 1 n Parseval Identity: energy of coefficients = energy of function

  15. HWT: Orthogonality

  16. HWT: Orthonormality

  17. HWT: Parseval

  18. HWT: Discretization n Basis functions must be periodic on the unit interval:

  19. HWT: Discrete Transform

  20. Back to the Idea: Optimized Bases n Freely chosen harmonic wavelets instead of a fixed series:

  21. Is that still an orthonormal basis? n Orthogonality, orthonormality and Parseval were proven n Newland proposed it in 1994 and called this „General harmonic wavelets“

  22. How to find the optimal base? n Take data sample to compress n Try out all possible spectrum divisions n Select the most sparse one n Problems: Complexity too high? Sparsity metric? 2-dimensional-images groups of images

  23. Lower complexity approximation n Binary tree search: - Compute sparsity for each subdivision - Compare sparsity of ‚node‘ with sum of child sparsities - Choose minimal set

  24. Possible sparsity metrics n Shannon entropy: - Σ i p i log(p i ) with p i =|c i | 2 / ||f|| 2 n L1-Norm: Sum of absolutes n L0-Norm: Number of non-zero coefficients (Reality: non-zero coefficients -> cutoff?)

  25. 2-dimensional images n Sequential application of FFT, HWT for vertical and horizontal data n Since directional characteristics different: separate sparsity analysis, different bases

  26. 2-dimensional images, image groups n Two approaches for line, image combination: a) average all line FFTs, then build base spectrum b) build base spectrum for each line, average base spectra

  27. Success metric n l1magic: Min-l1 with quadratic constraints too slow for whole images n Instead robustness for image reconstruction from sparse data: - Transform image - Throw away 95% smallest coefficients - Retransform - Compare FFT, Optimized HWT, Original HWT, JPEG2K

  28. Results n Shannon Entropy, l0norm, l1norm all heavily prefer minimal frequency bands => HWT degenerates to FFT

  29. Results n Through explicit tweaking, higher level frequency bands can be forced, but no consistent behavior is observable

  30. Original

  31. Original HWT

  32. General HWT

  33. FFT

  34. JPEG 2000

  35. Original

  36. Original HWT

  37. General HWT

  38. FFT

  39. JPEG 2000

  40. Conclusions n Approach to simplistic; averaging spectral information over a whole picture (or more) gives weak results n Harmonic Wavelet Transform in general lacks sparsity, especially in competition with JPEG2000 (here: LeGall 5/3 wavelet)

  41. Conclusions

  42. Thank you for your attention! n Questions?


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