south america cordex project using regcm

South America CORDEX project using RegCM Taleena Sines, Erika - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

South America CORDEX project using RegCM Taleena Sines, Erika Coppola, Filippo Giorgi, Lina Sitz Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections IPCC 5 th Assessment Report Largest contributors: Glaciers, snow, ice,

  1. South America CORDEX project using RegCM Taleena Sines, Erika Coppola, Filippo Giorgi, Lina Sitz

  2. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections IPCC 5 th Assessment Report Largest contributors: – Glaciers, snow, ice, and/or permafrost – Rivers, lakes, floods, and/or drought – Marine ecosystems – Food Production – Livelihoods, health, and/or economics

  3. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections Climate change publications from 2001-2010

  4. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  5. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  6. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  7. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections Project Design Physics Cumulus Tiedtke (1996) L Kain-Fritsch (1990) O Boundary Layer Holtslag PBL (1990) Ocean Flux Zeng et al (1998) Land-Surface CLM SUBEX MOISTURE cevaplnd = 1.0e-5 cevapoce = 1.0e-5 ! Raindrop evap rate coef [[(kg m-2 s-1)-1/2]/s] iy = 363 jx = 333

  8. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  9. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  10. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections Thank you Marta Llopart

  11. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections

  12. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections reg-NOR reg-MPI reg-HAD NOR-gcm MPI-gcm HAD-gcm OBS (CRU)

  13. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections reg-NOR reg-MPI reg-HAD NOR-gcm MPI-gcm HAD-gcm OBS (CRU)

  14. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections Simulation Progress Evaluation – Complete (1979-2015) Historical – Complete (1970-2005) *HadGEM *MPI *NorESM 2005 … 2065 2075 2085 2095 2100 Complete HAD_rcp2.6 MPI_rcp2.6 HAD_rcp8.5 NOR_rcp8.5 MPI_rcp8.5 NOR_rcp2.6

  15. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections Simulation Progress Evaluation - Complete Historical - Complete 10 years available for *HadGEM workshop analysis *MPI (daily and monthly) *NorESM 2005 … 2065 2075 2085 2095 2100 Complete HAD_rcp2.6 MPI_rcp2.6 HAD_rcp8.5 NOR_rcp8.5 NOR_rcp2.6 MPI_rcp8.5

  16. Overview Design Evaluation Historical Projections HadGEM RCP2.6 (2005-2100) NorESM RCP8.5 (2005-2100) More to Come...

  17. Thank You Enjoy the Workshop!


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