somerset flood relief fund

Somerset Flood Relief Fund Presentation 6 th August 2014 Issues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Somerset Flood Relief Fund Presentation 6 th August 2014 Issues Scope and Policy Fund Distribution to Date Remaining Fund Community Need Donor Charity wishes Law Fund Design Households Livelihoods Community Charity Commission

  1. Somerset Flood Relief Fund Presentation 6 th August 2014

  2. Issues • Scope and Policy • Fund Distribution to Date • Remaining Fund

  3. Community Need Donor Charity wishes Law Fund Design Households Livelihoods Community

  4. Charity Commission • “It is usually charitable to relieve the financial hardship of anyone who does not have the resources to provide themselves, either on a short or long- term basis.” • “It would not be within a charity's prevention or relief of poverty aims to provide financial assistance to someone who is neither poor nor in financial hardship , nor at risk of either.”

  5. Charity Commission • “Trustees should have appropriate criteria in place to guide them in selecting their beneficiaries and to ensure that assistance given to individuals is no more than that actually required to relieve their need. ” • “Controls should include checks on the integrity of individuals to be funded.”

  6. Charity Commission • “For it to be a proper use of charitable resources, the amount applied to prevent a person from becoming poor should be reasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case. ” • “In deciding what assistance to offer, charity trustees should consider what unmet needs the person has, and the practicability of them meeting those needs from their own resources.”

  7. Charity Commission • It is important that the appeal: – clearly identifies your charity and what it does – explains what the funds will be raised for and how they will be used – lets the public know how to donate to the appeal – explains the gift aid arrangements – says what will happen to any surplus funds

  8. Donor expectations • Diverse! • Support whole community • Help those in “greatest need” • Support microbusiness and farmers • Support community groups and projects

  9. Scope of Flood Relief Fund • Emergency £250 grants. • Help those who face additional financial burdens. • Local microbusinesses, charities and community organisations to ensure their survival and swift recovery. • Support counselling and other support and community services.

  10. Scope of Flood Relief Fund • “Donations that exceed the immediate need will be used to help flood-affected communities in Somerset increase their resilience or will be retained for future episodes of flooding.”

  11. Scope of Flood Relief Fund • “Where possible the cost of administering the Fund will be taken from gift aid receipts, and we anticipate that support costs will not exceed 10% of the total Fund.”

  12. Donation & Grants by Month £600,000 £500,000 £400,000 Funds In (mth) £300,000 Grants awarded (mth) £200,000 £100,000 £- Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July

  13. Grant Allocation July 31st 11% Households 10% Farmers Business 55% 24% Community organisations

  14. Household Support • Phase 1 - emergency relief • Phase 2 – help with costs during flood • Phase 3 – recovery of safe and secure home • Survey grants - £500 • Monkton Elm - £150

  15. Phase 1 & 2 (flooded households) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0-£499 £500-£1000 £1,000-£1,500 >£1,500

  16. Phase 3 • £400k allocated • 47 successful applications – 83% have insurance • £121,575 distributed • Average £2,586

  17. Phase 1,2 & 3 combined • Range £1,050 - £11,900 • Average £3,677 (median £3,250)

  18. Other grants • Farm Recovery: £225k (47 farms) • Other Microbusinesses: £93k (50 businesses) • Community Support – Village Agents £42k* – Emergency response (volunteers, 4X4, Westfield, pet recovery, transport, forage distribution) £20k* – Pentathlon Carnival Club £10k* – Community Orgs and Events £3k *part funded by specific donations

  19. Hidden and Intangible Costs • Flat-rate £500 to cover additional hidden intangible costs • Eligible for any household on net income less than £3k per month after mortgage/rent & council tax • Estimate 95% flooded households eligible • Can still apply for tangible, direct costs under Phase 3.

  20. Remaining Funds • Aim to spend fund by March 31 2015 • Focus on households recovery • £280k - Phase 3 grants • £110k - 220 x £500 to address ‘hidden costs’ • £50k (4%) – SCF costs • £30k contingency: will only be spent within the scope of the flood fund.

  21. Predicted final allocation (net of gift aid and donations for support costs) 7% 4% 8% Households Farmers Business Community organisations 17% SCF Costs 64%

  22. 01749 344949


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