some results on gan dynamics

Some results on GAN dynamics Ioannis Mitliagkas Game dynamics are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Some results on GAN dynamics Ioannis Mitliagkas Game dynamics are weird fascinating Start with optimization dynamics Optimization Smooth, differentiable cost function, L Looking for stationary (fixed) points (gradient is 0)

  1. Some results on GAN dynamics Ioannis Mitliagkas

  2. Game dynamics are weird fascinating

  3. Start with optimization dynamics

  4. Optimization Smooth, differentiable cost function, L → Looking for stationary (fixed) points (gradient is 0) → Gradient descent

  5. Optimization Ferenc Huszar Conservative vector field → Straightforward dynamics

  6. Gradient descent Fixed-point analysis Conservative vector field → Jacobian of operator Straightforward dynamics Hessian of objective, L

  7. Local convergence Eigenvalues of op. Jacobian Jacobian of operator If ρ ( θ *)=max | λ ( θ *)|<1, then fast local convergence Hessian of objective, L Symmetric, real-eigenvalues

  8. Games

  9. Implicit generative models ● Generative moment matching networks [Li et al. 2017] Other, domain-specific losses can be used ● ● Variational AutoEncoders [Kingma, Welling, 2014] Autoregressive models (PixelRNN [van den Oord, 2016]) ●

  10. Generative Adversarial Networks Both differentiable Generator network, G Given latent code, z, produces sample G(z) Discriminator network, D Given sample x or G(z), estimates probability it is real

  11. Generative Adversarial Networks

  12. Games Smooth, differentiable L Nash Equilibrium → Looking for local Nash equil. → Gradient descent → Simultaneous → Alternating

  13. Game dynamics Non-conservative vector field → Rotational dynamics

  14. Game dynamics under gradient descent Jacobian is non-symmetric, with complex eigenvalues → Rotations in decision space Games demonstrate rotational dynamics.

  15. The Numerics of GANs by Mescheder, Nowozin, Geiger

  16. A word on notation and formulation Maximization vs minimization Step size Warning:

  17. Eigen-analysis, gradient descent

  18. The Numerics of GANs

  19. Make vector field “more conservative” Idea 1: Minimize the norm of the gradient

  20. Idea 1: Minimize vector field norm

  21. Idea 2: use L as regularizer

  22. Idea 2: use L as regularizer

  23. Idea 2: use L as regularizer

  24. Other ways to control these rotations?

  25. Momentum (heavy ball, Polyak 1964) Jacobian of momentum operator Non-symmetric, with complex eigenvalues → Rotations in augmented state-space

  26. Summary Positive momentum can be bad for adversarial games Practice that was very common when GANs were first invented. → Recent work reduced the momentum parameter. → Not an accident

  27. Negative Momentum for Improved Game Dynamics Gidel, Askari Hemmat, Pezeshki, Huang, Lepriol, Lacoste-Julien, Mitliagkas AISTATS 2019

  28. Our results Negative momentum is optimal on simple bilinear game Negative momentum values are locally preferrable near 0 on a more general class of games Negative momentum is empirically best for certain zero sum games like “saturating GANs’’

  29. Momentum on games Recall Polyak’s momentum (on top of simultaneous grad. desc.): Fixed point operator requires a state augmentation : (because we need previous iterate)

  30. Bilinear game

  31. “Proof by picture” Gradient descent → Simultaneous → Alternating Momentum → Positive → Negative

  32. General games

  33. Eigen-analysis, 0 momentum

  34. Zero vs negative momentum Momentum → Zero → Negative

  35. Negative Momentum

  36. Empirical results

  37. What happens in practice ? Fashion MNIST:

  38. What happens in practice ? CIFAR-10:

  39. Negative Momentum To sum up: Negative momentum seems to improve the behaviour due to ● “bad” eigenvalues. Optimal for a class of games ● Empirically optimal on “saturating” GANs ●


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