Somalia Nutrition Cluster Information Management Presentation 20 th November, 2019 SKA, Mogadishu, Somalia
Presentation Outli line ❖ 2019 Nutrition cluster objective and the HRP indicators and achievements per indicator overall ❖ Summary of Indicators by region for all HRP indicators and achievements per indicator (SAM and U5 MAM) ❖ Reporting rates Country wide (how many Sites reported against target from Jan-September) (completeness of the reports and missing reports) ❖ Overall Performance against sphere indicators (country wide) per project ❖ Performance indicators issues per project ❖ High admission figures (OTP, SC, TSFP)-Slide 7-8 ❖ Challenges and observations related to data ❖ Planned assessments
Jan-August 2019 HRP objectives and achievement • Nutrition Objective1 : Improve equitable access to quality lifesaving curative nutrition services through systematic identification, referral and treatment of acutely malnourished cases. Relates to SO1, SO2, SO3 & SO4. Indicator In Need Targeted Reached % achieved Number of boys and girls 6-59 months with Severe acute Malnutrition 177,530 177,530 206,127 100% (+16%) Number of boys and girls 6-59 months with Moderate Acute 65% Malnutrition 780,410 470,260 282,232 Number of PLW with Moderate Acute Malnutrition Treated 275,660 127,500 90991 71% • Nutrition Objective 2 : Strengthen lifesaving food based therapeutic/preventive nutrition services for vulnerable population groups focusing on blanket supplementary feeding. Relates to SO1 Indicator In Need Targeted Reached % achieved Number of boys and girls under age of two and PLW provided with BSFP 225,260 225,260 90,361 40%
Summary of Indicators per region SAM Targeted Vs Reached Jan-Oct 2019 MAM U5 Targeted Vs Reached Jan-Oct 2019 60000 120000 50000 100000 40000 80000 30000 60000 20000 40000 10000 20000 0 0 SAM Targeted SAM-Reached MAM Targeted MAM Reached
Reporting rates Country wide (Sites reported from Jan-Oct) OTP site level reporting rate TSFP site level Reporting Rate 600 60% 800 90% 84% 83% 82% 54% 81% 82% 54% 80% 700 77% 500 50% 50% 49% 49% 47% 70% 70% 69% 46% 600 67% 42% 41% 60% 400 40% 58% 500 50% 400 300 30% 758 749 742 732 735 40% 548 696 543 505 623 631 493 493 476 300 607 464 30% 421 417 521 200 20% 200 20% 100 10% 100 10% 0 0% 0 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OTP sites RR% Sites RR% SC site level reporting rate 60 90% 80% 80% 80% 77% 77% 77% 50 70% 70% 66% 63% 63% 40 60% 58% 50% 30 40% 51 51 49 49 49 45 42 20 40 40 30% 37 20% 10 10% 0 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Sc Sites RR%
Performance against sphere indicators per region OTP Performance Indicator SC Perfomance indicator Defaulted, 3.3% Died, 0.2% Non Cured, Died, 4.6% 3.9% Defaulted, 8.1% Non cured, 1.9% Cured, 92.6% Cured, 85.3% TSFP Performance indicator Defaulted, 2.1% Died, 0.03% Non Cured, 4.4% Cured, 93.5%
Sites with High admission figures Total benenficiaries in Facility Name (OTP Sites) Reporting Period Organisation OTP Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Ceelwaaq town OTP 2019_May GEWDO 950 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak mobile sites 2019_May GEWDO 548 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak fixed center 2019_June GEWDO 666 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak mobile sites 2019_June GEWDO 860 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_July SOS 607 Lower_Shabelle_Berawe_Berawe_Berawe 2019_September New_Ways 1157 Total benenficiaries in Facility Name (SC sites Reporting Period Organisation SC Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_March SOS 156 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_May CWW 193 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_June CWW 382 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_June SOS 253 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_July CWW 326 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_July SOS 292 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_October CWW 155
Sites with high admission figures Facility Name (TSFP sites) Reporting Period Organisation U5 TSFP Banadir_Dharkenley_Badbado IDPs_badbado health center 2019_January SOYDA 1466 Hiraan_Belet_Weyne_Jalalaqsi Town_Jalalaqsi Town 2019_January Mercy_USA 2088 Hiraan_Belet_Weyne_Mataban_Town_SCI_Office_In_Mataban 2019_February Save_the_Children 1088 Banadir_Hodan_Taleex_taleex health center 2019_February ARC 1084 Banadir_Dayniile_Siinka Dheer_Siinka Dheer 2019_February CWW 1113 Lower_Shabelle_Afgoye_Afgooye_Town_Gargaar MCH 2019_February CWW 1096 Banadir_Waaberi_Hantiwadaag_Ambulotorio Ceelgaab_SORRDO_ HC 2019_February SORRDO 3606 Banadir_Dayniile_Dayniile_Gaheyr_Nutrition_Center 2019_February Mercy_USA 2394 Hiraan_Bulo_Burto_Bulo_Burto_Town_Bulo_Burto_Town 2019_March Mercy_USA 3051 Banadir_Cabdi_Caziiz_Lowyacadde_cabdicasiis 2019_March ARC 1090 Lower_Shabelle_Afgoye_Afgooye_Town_Gargaar MCH 2019_March CWW 1761 Banadir_Yaaqshiid_Towfiq_Towfiq Health Center 2019_March Mercy_USA 1260 Banadir_Yaaqshiid_1da Luuliyo health center_1da Luuliyo health center 2019_March Mercy_USA 1005 Banadir_Waaberi_Hantiwadaag_Elgab HC 2019_March SORRDO 4683 Middle_Shabelle_Balcad_WARJIROOW_WARJIROOW HEALTH CENTER 2019_May ARC 1931 Hiraan_Bulo_Burto_Bulo_Burto_Town_Bulo_Burto_Town 2019_July Mercy_USA 1851 Lower_Juba_Kismayo_Shaqalaha_shaqaalaha FDP 2019_May HIMILO 1305
Challenges and observ rvations related to data • Late reporting ; deadline for report submission is 8 th of every month. • Report Duplications: • Incomplete, incorrect reports: wrong reporting period, high admission figures/discharge figures. • Poor performance indicator (TSFP Program)
Planned assessment • Hudur and Elbarde SMART Survey; ACF- Validated • ACF NCA and SMART Surveys in Kahda IDPs, Goldogob pastoral, Baydhaba agropastoral and Baletweyn reverine- Methodology validated. • ACF SMART Survey Protocol for Hudur Town and Elberde district: Validated • SCI SQUEAC Survey for Matabaan and Beledweyne: Validated • FSNAU Deyr 2019 SMART nutrition survey protocols (to be reviewed) • CARE SMART survey protocol for Las'anod and Baran districts (validated) • SCI SMART Survey in Garasbaley, Banadir (Validated)
Waad Mahadsantihiin ☺
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