somalia nutrition cluster

Somalia Nutrition Cluster Information Management Presentation 20 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Somalia Nutrition Cluster Information Management Presentation 20 th November, 2019 SKA, Mogadishu, Somalia Presentation Outli line 2019 Nutrition cluster objective and the HRP indicators and achievements per indicator overall Summary of

  1. Somalia Nutrition Cluster Information Management Presentation 20 th November, 2019 SKA, Mogadishu, Somalia

  2. Presentation Outli line ❖ 2019 Nutrition cluster objective and the HRP indicators and achievements per indicator overall ❖ Summary of Indicators by region for all HRP indicators and achievements per indicator (SAM and U5 MAM) ❖ Reporting rates Country wide (how many Sites reported against target from Jan-September) (completeness of the reports and missing reports) ❖ Overall Performance against sphere indicators (country wide) per project ❖ Performance indicators issues per project ❖ High admission figures (OTP, SC, TSFP)-Slide 7-8 ❖ Challenges and observations related to data ❖ Planned assessments

  3. Jan-August 2019 HRP objectives and achievement • Nutrition Objective1 : Improve equitable access to quality lifesaving curative nutrition services through systematic identification, referral and treatment of acutely malnourished cases. Relates to SO1, SO2, SO3 & SO4. Indicator In Need Targeted Reached % achieved Number of boys and girls 6-59 months with Severe acute Malnutrition 177,530 177,530 206,127 100% (+16%) Number of boys and girls 6-59 months with Moderate Acute 65% Malnutrition 780,410 470,260 282,232 Number of PLW with Moderate Acute Malnutrition Treated 275,660 127,500 90991 71% • Nutrition Objective 2 : Strengthen lifesaving food based therapeutic/preventive nutrition services for vulnerable population groups focusing on blanket supplementary feeding. Relates to SO1 Indicator In Need Targeted Reached % achieved Number of boys and girls under age of two and PLW provided with BSFP 225,260 225,260 90,361 40%

  4. Summary of Indicators per region SAM Targeted Vs Reached Jan-Oct 2019 MAM U5 Targeted Vs Reached Jan-Oct 2019 60000 120000 50000 100000 40000 80000 30000 60000 20000 40000 10000 20000 0 0 SAM Targeted SAM-Reached MAM Targeted MAM Reached

  5. Reporting rates Country wide (Sites reported from Jan-Oct) OTP site level reporting rate TSFP site level Reporting Rate 600 60% 800 90% 84% 83% 82% 54% 81% 82% 54% 80% 700 77% 500 50% 50% 49% 49% 47% 70% 70% 69% 46% 600 67% 42% 41% 60% 400 40% 58% 500 50% 400 300 30% 758 749 742 732 735 40% 548 696 543 505 623 631 493 493 476 300 607 464 30% 421 417 521 200 20% 200 20% 100 10% 100 10% 0 0% 0 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OTP sites RR% Sites RR% SC site level reporting rate 60 90% 80% 80% 80% 77% 77% 77% 50 70% 70% 66% 63% 63% 40 60% 58% 50% 30 40% 51 51 49 49 49 45 42 20 40 40 30% 37 20% 10 10% 0 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Sc Sites RR%

  6. Performance against sphere indicators per region OTP Performance Indicator SC Perfomance indicator Defaulted, 3.3% Died, 0.2% Non Cured, Died, 4.6% 3.9% Defaulted, 8.1% Non cured, 1.9% Cured, 92.6% Cured, 85.3% TSFP Performance indicator Defaulted, 2.1% Died, 0.03% Non Cured, 4.4% Cured, 93.5%

  7. Sites with High admission figures Total benenficiaries in Facility Name (OTP Sites) Reporting Period Organisation OTP Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Ceelwaaq town OTP 2019_May GEWDO 950 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak mobile sites 2019_May GEWDO 548 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak fixed center 2019_June GEWDO 666 Gedo_Ceel_Waaq_Ceel_Waaq_Town_Gewdo Elwak mobile sites 2019_June GEWDO 860 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_July SOS 607 Lower_Shabelle_Berawe_Berawe_Berawe 2019_September New_Ways 1157 Total benenficiaries in Facility Name (SC sites Reporting Period Organisation SC Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_March SOS 156 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_May CWW 193 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_June CWW 382 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_June SOS 253 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_July CWW 326 Banadir_Heliwa_Barwaaqo_SOS MCC Hospital 2019_July SOS 292 Banadir_Wadajir_Banaadir_Banadir Hospital SC 2019_October CWW 155

  8. Sites with high admission figures Facility Name (TSFP sites) Reporting Period Organisation U5 TSFP Banadir_Dharkenley_Badbado IDPs_badbado health center 2019_January SOYDA 1466 Hiraan_Belet_Weyne_Jalalaqsi Town_Jalalaqsi Town 2019_January Mercy_USA 2088 Hiraan_Belet_Weyne_Mataban_Town_SCI_Office_In_Mataban 2019_February Save_the_Children 1088 Banadir_Hodan_Taleex_taleex health center 2019_February ARC 1084 Banadir_Dayniile_Siinka Dheer_Siinka Dheer 2019_February CWW 1113 Lower_Shabelle_Afgoye_Afgooye_Town_Gargaar MCH 2019_February CWW 1096 Banadir_Waaberi_Hantiwadaag_Ambulotorio Ceelgaab_SORRDO_ HC 2019_February SORRDO 3606 Banadir_Dayniile_Dayniile_Gaheyr_Nutrition_Center 2019_February Mercy_USA 2394 Hiraan_Bulo_Burto_Bulo_Burto_Town_Bulo_Burto_Town 2019_March Mercy_USA 3051 Banadir_Cabdi_Caziiz_Lowyacadde_cabdicasiis 2019_March ARC 1090 Lower_Shabelle_Afgoye_Afgooye_Town_Gargaar MCH 2019_March CWW 1761 Banadir_Yaaqshiid_Towfiq_Towfiq Health Center 2019_March Mercy_USA 1260 Banadir_Yaaqshiid_1da Luuliyo health center_1da Luuliyo health center 2019_March Mercy_USA 1005 Banadir_Waaberi_Hantiwadaag_Elgab HC 2019_March SORRDO 4683 Middle_Shabelle_Balcad_WARJIROOW_WARJIROOW HEALTH CENTER 2019_May ARC 1931 Hiraan_Bulo_Burto_Bulo_Burto_Town_Bulo_Burto_Town 2019_July Mercy_USA 1851 Lower_Juba_Kismayo_Shaqalaha_shaqaalaha FDP 2019_May HIMILO 1305

  9. Challenges and observ rvations related to data • Late reporting ; deadline for report submission is 8 th of every month. • Report Duplications: • Incomplete, incorrect reports: wrong reporting period, high admission figures/discharge figures. • Poor performance indicator (TSFP Program)

  10. Planned assessment • Hudur and Elbarde SMART Survey; ACF- Validated • ACF NCA and SMART Surveys in Kahda IDPs, Goldogob pastoral, Baydhaba agropastoral and Baletweyn reverine- Methodology validated. • ACF SMART Survey Protocol for Hudur Town and Elberde district: Validated • SCI SQUEAC Survey for Matabaan and Beledweyne: Validated • FSNAU Deyr 2019 SMART nutrition survey protocols (to be reviewed) • CARE SMART survey protocol for Las'anod and Baran districts (validated) • SCI SMART Survey in Garasbaley, Banadir (Validated)

  11. Waad Mahadsantihiin ☺


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