Solar Energy in Multi Family Houses 13.04.2019 Oliver Rosebrock, M. Sc.
EU Goals for 2050 RE 2030 32 % share CO 2 – emissions 2050 – 80 % to – 95 % Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 2 13.04.2019
EU Goals for 2050 source: > 1/3 of total consumption Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 3 13.04.2019
How reduce the energy demand for buildings? renewable energies heat demand + Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 4 13.04.2019
Renewable energy in buildings solar radiation environmental heat wind and water biomass Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 5 13.04.2019
Potential of RE in buiding solar radiation environmental heat wind and water biomass Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 6 13.04.2019
integration of solar energy in buildings passive photo-thermic photo-electric Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 7 13.04.2019
ST or PV ? Solarthermal Photovoltaics Collectors Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 8 13.04.2019
development of system costs relative costs [%] factor 2 factor 8 Quelle: 2010\SYSCOST1.XLS year Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 9 13.04.2019
payback time of investment 30 25 Solarthermal Photovoltaics payback time [a] 20 15 10 5 0 ST PV Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 10 13.04.2019
PV or insulation? Photovoltaics Insulation Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 11 13.04.2019
insulation or RE? 10 cm → -80 % 20 cm → -90 % U-value [W/(m²K)] insulation thickness [cm] Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 12 13.04.2019
insulation or RE? Investition zur investment for saving Einsparung einer Was kostet die Einsparung einer kWh P ... ? a kWh per year Kilowattstunde € [ € /(kWh P a)] 3,50 investment in PV cheaper Zusätzliche Kosten der baulichen Maßnahmen Investition PV-Anlage 3,00 je eingesparter kWh P /a wirtschaftlicher als mit Bezug auf Variante 1 Verbesserung der 2,50 Gebäudehülle 2,00 1,50 Kosten der Errichtung einer PV-Anlage je äquivalenter kWh PE /a PV 1,00 Maßnahmen Gebäudehülle wirtschaftlicher 0,50 investment in insulation cheaper als PV-Anlage ! 0,00 high standard very high st. very low st. low standard good standard 1 2 3 4 5 1 22 cm 26 cm 10 cm 14 cm 18 cm 10,0 cm 14,0 cm 18,0 cm 22,0 cm 26,0 cm triple glazing triple glazing double glazing double glazing double glazing Ug = 0,9 Ug = 0,6 Ug = 1,4 Ug = 1,2 Ug = 1,1 Ug=1,4 Ug=1,2 Ug=1,1 Ug=0,9 Ug=0,6 ,4 Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 13 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results And in Lithuania? Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 14 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results Typical MFH house (~ 14.000 units) ▪ 2760 m² living area 55 flats area 63,4 m x 11,05 m 5 storeys ~ 30 % window area ratio on „ long side “ Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 15 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results Typical MFH house (~ 6.000 units) ▪ 2043 m² living area 38 flats area 39 m x 15 m 5 storeys ~ 30 % window area ratio on all sides Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 16 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results simulation of building stock and renovation (Class F, C, A, A++) calculation of costs, payback time, etc. calculation of final energy (heat and electricity) demand for 10 different combinations calculation/simulation of PV-potential Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 17 13.04.2019
What we are looking at heating domestic hot water auxiliaries Boundaries efficiency classes ventilation renewable energy (for heating) household electricity Boundaries EUKI:SOL Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 18 10.01.2019
EUKI: SOL results (heat recovery neccessary) F C A A++ U-Value stock Class C Class A Class A++ [W/(m²K] Roof 0,85 0,16 → 16 cm ins. 0,10 → 31 cm ins. 0,08 → 40 cm ins. Wall 1,27 0,25 → 12 cm ins. 0,12 → 26 cm ins. 0,10 → 32 cm ins. Floor 0,93 0,25 → 10 cm ins. 0,14 → 21 cm ins. 0,10 → 31 cm ins. Window 2,5 1,6 → double glaz. 1,0 → double glaz. 0,7 → triple glaz. n 50 3 h -1 2 h -1 1 h -1 0,6 h -1 Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 19 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results brick house F C A A++ 155 70 50 15 kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) 60 60 60 60 kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) 23 23 23 26 kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) kWh/(m²a) increase by ventilation system Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 20 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results Simulation of PV-Integration South West North East 120 000 direct self-use feed-in elec. from grid 100 000 electricity [kWh/a] 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand 25 % 50 % 100 % 25 % 50 % 100 % 25 % 50 % 100 % 25 % 50 % 100 % South South South West West West North North North East East East Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 21 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results Investigation of 10 variants ▪ A building stock, no PV renovation to C, no PV renovation to A, no PV C F A++ building stock, 25 % PV renovation to C, 25 % PV renovation to A++, no PV C F building stock, 50 % PV renovation to C, 50 % PV C F building stock, 100 % PV renovation to C, 100 % PV C F Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 22 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results total costs 20 years both measures have a huge impact on total costs for 20a [€] energy costs increase energy price: 2 %/a A++, no PV V10 1 399 900 A, no PV integration of PV is less cost-effective V9 1 110 300 total gross costs 20a [€] than insulation to Class C (V3 to V7) 100 % PV V8 1 097 800 Class C V7 995 700 no cost-effectiveness for additional PV V6 1 026 300 larger than PV area that covers no PV V5 1 082 400 demand (V7 to V8) V4 1 162 100 100 % PV V3 Class F 1 055 900 cost-effectiveness of insulation V2 1 101 500 decreases for higher standards than C no PV V1 (V5 to V9) 1 157 500 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 23 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results total costs 20 years both measures have a huge impact on total costs for 20a [€] energy costs increase energy price: 2 %/a A++, no PV V10 1 399 900 A, no PV integration of PV is less cost-effective V9 1 110 300 total gross costs 20a [€] than insulation to Class C (V3 to V7) 100 % PV V8 1 097 800 Class C V7 995 700 no cost-effectiveness for additional PV V6 1 026 300 larger than PV area that covers no PV V5 1 082 400 demand (V7 to V8) V4 1 162 100 100 % PV V3 Class F 1 055 900 cost-effectiveness of insulation V2 1 101 500 decreases for higher standards than C no PV V1 (V5 to V9) 1 157 500 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 24 13.04.2019
EUKI: SOL results total costs 20 years both measures have a huge impact on total costs for 20a [€] energy costs increase energy price: 2 %/a A++, no PV V10 1 399 900 A, no PV integration of PV is less cost-effective V9 1 110 300 total gross costs 20a [€] than insulation to Class C (V3 to V7) 100 % PV V8 1 097 800 Class C V7 995 700 no cost-effectiveness for additional PV V6 1 026 300 larger than PV area that covers no PV V5 1 082 400 demand (V7 to V8) V4 1 162 100 100 % PV V3 Class F 1 055 900 cost-effectiveness of insulation V2 1 101 500 decreases for higher standards than C no PV V1 (V5 to V9) 1 157 500 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 Oliver Rosebrock | Solar energy for multi family houses in Germany | 25 13.04.2019
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