socket programming cs457 fa 11

Socket Programming CS457, FA 11 What is a socket? Basically, a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Socket Programming CS457, FA 11 What is a socket? Basically, a socket is just a file descriptor that your application can use to read and write data from. Stream and Datagram sockets provide an interface to the transport layer of the

  1. Socket Programming CS457, FA ‘11

  2. What is a socket? ● Basically, a socket is just a file descriptor that your application can use to read and write data from. ● Stream and Datagram sockets provide an interface to the transport layer of the network stack, and implement TCP and UDP, respectively. ● There are other types of sockets, but for this class you won’t need them.

  3. Configuration ● Back in my day... – We had to use the gethostbyname() system call and then manually load the information we got back into network data structures. ● But that’s a pain, so now we use getaddrinfo() , which does all the lookups for us as well as setting up our data structures! – This has the added advantage of being able to handle IPv4 as well as IPv6

  4. Configuration, con’t ● To correctly use getaddrinfo() , you first need to set up struct addrinfo* hints , which contains a bunch of metadata about the connection you’re about to set up – hints->ai_family : Sets the address family you want to use. Use AF_INET for v4, AF_INET6 for v6, and AF_UNSPEC if you don’t care. – hints->ai_socktype: Sets the type of socket you want. Use SOCK_STREAM for TCP, or SOCK_DGRAM for UDP. ● Check the manpage for getaddrinfo() for more.

  5. Create the Socket ● Now that you know what kind of socket you want, you need to create it. – Pretty convenient that there’s a call for that... ● The socket() system call takes parameters for the address family, socket type (stream/datagram), and protocol (TCP/UDP). – You can supply these manually, but it is better to use the values returned from getaddrinfo() . ● socket() returns an int that represents the file descr.

  6. Bind the Socket ● When you write a server, you need to associate a socket (which now has an address and protocol) with a specific port number. – Clients don’t need to do this (but they can). ● This is accomplished by calling bind() and passing it the socket file descriptor (henceforth “fd”) and the address and port number obtained from getaddrinfo() . – Don’t try to bind to a port below 1024!

  7. Waiting for a Connection ● Once your server’s socket is bound, you need to tell it that it will be listening for and accepting connections from remote hosts. – Whaddya know, there’s calls for those too... ● The listen() call takes the socket fd and the number of incoming connections it can queue up. ● The accept() call takes the socket fd and a pointer to a network data structure (which is used to store data about the incoming connection) and returns a new fd

  8. Connecting to a Server ● In your client’s case, you don’t need to listen for connections. – You don’t even need to bind to a specific port; when you open a connection, your OS will choose a port for you and inform the remote server of it. ● You do, however, need to open a TCP connection. ● Use the connect() call, which takes your socket fd and the destination’s address and port (both obtained from getaddrinfo() ).

  9. Communication over the Connection ● Once the (TCP) connection is established, both processes use the same calls to send and receive data. – UDP uses different calls, which we’ll discuss shortly. ● send() and recv() need to know which fd to write to, what to send, and how much to send. – They both return how much they successfully sent, which may differ from how much you actually told them to send.

  10. Communication without a Connection ● When using UDP sockets, you don’t call connect() , so you don’t have a priori knowledge of the server’s address and port. – You still get it the same way though, good old getaddrinfo() . ● Instead of using send()/recv() , you call sendto()/recvfrom() , which are basically identical except you have to provide the address and port of the host you’re sending to or receiving from, respectively.

  11. Termination ● Once you are done with your socket, just like any other open file, you should close it. ● The close() call takes the fd and closes it. – Reading from or writing to this socket will now throw an error. ● There is also a shutdown() call that takes an additional flag to specify allowing some additional reads or writes before closing the fd. – You still have to call close(), so just skip shutdown()

  12. Error Checking ● EVERY SINGLE ONE of these system calls returns something if it fails, usually -1 . ● You must check EVERY SINGLE ONE. ● For finer-grained debugging/error reporting, these calls will also set a system variable called errno , which you can check with the perror() call. – To use errno , # include <errno.h> – This is not required, but may help in debugging.

  13. setsockopt() ● If you shut down your server and try to restart it, you may get an error saying that “the address is already in use” – This is because your bound socket is still resident in the OS’ file table. ● You can avoid this using the setsockopt() function, which provides a bunch of functionality. – Check Beej’s Guide or the manpage for details/examples.

  14. Conversion Functions ● Some systems store bytes of numbers backwards. – i.e. the hex number 0xfb68 might appear in memory as 0x68fb (little-endian), or 0xfb68 (big-endian) ● In networking, we use big-endian representation, but can’t guarantee that the host systems themselves do. ● So we’ve got neat conversion library functions! – htons(), htonl(), ntohl(), ntohs() ● Rule of Thumb: Use hto__() before writing to the wire, and nto__() when reading off the wire.


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