snb flash selection cuts

SNB Flash Selection Cuts Biswaranjan Behera Colorado State - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SNB Flash Selection Cuts Biswaranjan Behera Colorado State University December 17, 2019 Low Energy Physics Working Group meeting Goal In this talk, we have determined a set of cuts to select supernova flash for my calorimetry study.

  1. SNB Flash Selection Cuts Biswaranjan Behera 
 Colorado State University 
 December 17, 2019 Low Energy Physics Working Group meeting

  2. Goal • In this talk, we have determined a set of cuts to select supernova flash for my calorimetry study. We will see shortly how efficiency and purity looks after each cuts. • History: In the TDR calorimetry resolution plot, we select flash of purity > 0.5 on events based on Total PE cut (some value for different configuration). • Here is the list of cuts which will remove on selecting wrong flash. 
 no. of hits < 10 
 -100 < Delta Y < 100 (Y center - True Y), 
 -100 < Delta Z < 100 (Z center - True Z), 
 Y width < 60 and Z width < 60 • Efficiency is number of signal correctly selected in the fiducial volume divided by total number of events in fiducial volume. • Purity is defined as (selected cut && signal) / selected cut in each events. 
 2 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

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  6. 6 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

  7. Cut Flow Cut Efficiency (%) 
 Purity (%) 
 Nhit 74 96.5 +delta z 73 99.4 +delta y 72 99.7 +y width 72 99.7 +z width 72 99.7 7 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

 Summary • These cuts improves resolution as in the TDR. • We need to understand the inefficiency (10%) when flashes are closer to APA and also when we move further we are more inefficient. • My next step is to investigate where the inefficient coming from? • Any other suggestion or comments will be appreciated. 
 Thank You! 8 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

 New Marley Total PE / True E Entries 
 20 (Reco -True)/True Correcting the total observed amount of photons for the average number of photons expected per MeV as a function Purity > 0.5 
 of position along the drift direction. 
 purity < 0.5 Limit study to central set of APAs to avoid effects of walls (300 < z (cm) < 1000, -300 < y (cm) < 300, x(cm) > 20). 9 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

 Resolution 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 New Marley (PE cut based on purity > 0.5) 
 0.1 MCC11 (TDR plot) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 True Neutrino Energy (MeV) 10 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts

  11. Resolution 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 New Marley (PE cut based on purity > 0.5) 
 0.1 New Marley (removing incorrect flash) 
 MCC11 (TDR plot) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 True Neutrino Energy (MeV) 11 Biswaranjan Behera | Supernova Performance in New MC

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