SNB Flash Selection Cuts Biswaranjan Behera Colorado State University December 17, 2019 Low Energy Physics Working Group meeting
Goal • In this talk, we have determined a set of cuts to select supernova flash for my calorimetry study. We will see shortly how efficiency and purity looks after each cuts. • History: In the TDR calorimetry resolution plot, we select flash of purity > 0.5 on events based on Total PE cut (some value for different configuration). • Here is the list of cuts which will remove on selecting wrong flash. no. of hits < 10 -100 < Delta Y < 100 (Y center - True Y), -100 < Delta Z < 100 (Z center - True Z), Y width < 60 and Z width < 60 • Efficiency is number of signal correctly selected in the fiducial volume divided by total number of events in fiducial volume. • Purity is defined as (selected cut && signal) / selected cut in each events. 2 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
3 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
4 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
5 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
6 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
Cut Flow Cut Efficiency (%) Purity (%) Nhit 74 96.5 +delta z 73 99.4 +delta y 72 99.7 +y width 72 99.7 +z width 72 99.7 7 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
Summary • These cuts improves resolution as in the TDR. • We need to understand the inefficiency (10%) when flashes are closer to APA and also when we move further we are more inefficient. • My next step is to investigate where the inefficient coming from? • Any other suggestion or comments will be appreciated. Thank You! 8 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
New Marley Total PE / True E Entries 01 27 20 (Reco -True)/True Correcting the total observed amount of photons for the average number of photons expected per MeV as a function Purity > 0.5 of position along the drift direction. purity < 0.5 Limit study to central set of APAs to avoid effects of walls (300 < z (cm) < 1000, -300 < y (cm) < 300, x(cm) > 20). 9 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
Resolution 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 New Marley (PE cut based on purity > 0.5) 0.1 MCC11 (TDR plot) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 True Neutrino Energy (MeV) 10 Biswaranjan Behera | SNB flash selection cuts
Resolution 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 New Marley (PE cut based on purity > 0.5) 0.1 New Marley (removing incorrect flash) MCC11 (TDR plot) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 True Neutrino Energy (MeV) 11 Biswaranjan Behera | Supernova Performance in New MC
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