Michelle House Health Program Coordinator Smoke-Free Monterey County Health Department Phone: (831) 755-4607 housem@co.monterey.ca.us Multi-Unit Housing
The CDC’s 2015 Vital Signs report found more than 1 in 3 nonsmokers who live in rental housing are exposed to secondhand smoke.
o More than 200,000 people in Monterey County live in renter occupied units.
Did You Know? Secondhand smoke can travel into an apartment from other apartments and common areas through doorways , cracks in walls , electrical lines , ventilation systems and plumbing . Opening windows and using fans does not completely remove secondhand smoke. Heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems cannot eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke. In fact, these systems can distribute secondhand smoke throughout a building. What is secondhand smoke? It is the combination of smoke from cigarettes, cannabis, and vaping devices breathed out by a smoker. When a person smokes or vapes near you, you can be exposed to secondhand smoke.
United States: Monterey County: Approximately 33% (1in 3) 64% of residents are 93% of residents know that residents have experienced concerned about the health secondhand smoke is secondhand smoke drift into effects of secondhand harmful to people who their unit in the last year (2014). smoke drifting into their inhale it. rental unit.
Infants and Secondhand Smoke: Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome , acute respiratory infections , middle ear disease , more severe asthma , respiratory symptoms, and slowed lung growth .
United States: Monterey County: 42% of residents already live About 3 in 4 residents favor a 60% of residents favor a rule in a building with rules rule prohibiting smoking in prohibiting smoking inside limiting smoking in either the outdoor common areas of apartment units. inside or outside the building. apartments.
The Solution: It is our responsibility to ensure residents living in multi-unit housing have the same opportunity to clean air quality and a healthier well-being , as those living in single-family homes . To ensure equitable clean air quality for those living in multi-unit housing an adoption of a smoke-free ordinance is necessary.
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