smart city sewer system monitoring for

Smart City- Sewer System Monitoring for Better Characterization and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Smart City- Sewer System Monitoring for Better Characterization and Management O. ABBAS, Y. ABOU RJEILY, I. SHAHROUR Laboratory of Civil Engineering and geo-Environment (LGCgE) Lille 1 University, France 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small

  1. Smart City- Sewer System Monitoring for Better Characterization and Management O. ABBAS, Y. ABOU RJEILY, I. SHAHROUR Laboratory of Civil Engineering and geo-Environment (LGCgE) Lille 1 University, France 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems Athens 14-17 September 2016 1

  2. Smart Sewage Concept 1 Large scale-Demonstrator 2 Smart monitoring 3 Data Analysis & anomaly detection 4 Numerical modelling 5 Conclusion 6 2

  3. Smart sewage Concept  GIS construction  Smart monitoring  Numerical modeling Security Optimization Storage Analysis Control

  4. Large-scale demonstrator of smart city Small City Campus of Lille 1 University / VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ, LILLE • 110 hectares  110 Hectares • 25000 users • 140 buildings  25 000 usagers • 100 km urban networks Variety • Usage • Quality 4

  5. Construction of GIS system  Patrimoine  Maintenance 5

  6. GIS Data Base 140 Buildings  Administration  Activities  Teaching and research 66 % built before 1975 6

  7. Sewage Network  4 Km primary network  12 Km Secondary network Diameter =100 to 250 mm 7

  8. Sewage Network 8

  9. Sewage Network-Maintenance 9

  10. Sewage Network-Maintenance  video Inspection  Type of failures  Degree de gravity  Localize vulnerable areas  Evaluation on long term 10

  11. Monitoring system  Site instrumentation 11

  12. Instrumentation of studied site  Surface 30 Hec  Real time monitoring  Hydraulic Parameter  Quality Parameter 12

  13. Instrumentation of studied site Sonde Flowmeter Transmetteur Pack Battery 13

  14. Data analyses  Normal Function  Anomaly detection 14

  15. Wastewater flow pattern FLOW m3/h 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 0,00 5,00 12:00:00 πμ 2:24:00 πμ 4:48:00 πμ 7:12:00 πμ 9:36:00 πμ 12:00:00 μμ 2:24:00 μμ 4:48:00 μμ Sunday 6 Sep 2015 Saturday 5 Sep 2015 7:12:00 μμ 9:36:00 μμ 12:00:00 πμ (Weekend) 2.7 m 3 /h Average flow (Weekend) 7.5 m 3 /h Maximum Flow 15

  16. Wastewater flow pattern FLOW m3/h 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 0,00 5,00 12:00:00 πμ 2:24:00 πμ 4:48:00 πμ 7:12:00 πμ 9:36:00 πμ 12:00:00 μμ 2:24:00 μμ 4:48:00 μμ Monday 7 Sep 2015 Sunday 6 Sep 2015 Saturday 5 Sep 2015 Friday 4 Sep 2015 7:12:00 μμ 9:36:00 μμ 12:00:00 πμ 20 m 3 /h (Working day) 7.5 m 3 /h (Weekend) Maximum Flow 6.3 m 3 /h (Jour ouvrable) 2.7 m 3 /h (Weekend) Average Flow 16

  17. Daily Flow-Dry weather Semaine du 3 au 10 Septembre 2015 Semaine du 24 Septembre au 1 Octobre 2015 40,00 35,00 Débit moyen 5,78 m 3 /h 30,00 6,98 m 3 /h 25,00 Flow m 3/h 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 18:00:00 12:00:00 6:00:00 0:00:00 18:00:00 12:00:00 6:00:00 0:00:00 18:00:00 12:00:00 Time J V S D L M Me J 17

  18. Detection of abnormal events 90 80 3 Sep. to 10 Sep. 2015 10 Sep. to 17 Sep. 2015 70 60 Flow m3/h 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Time Th Fr Sa Su M Tu Wed Th 18

  19. Detection of abnormal events 13 September 90 3 Sep. to 10 Sep. 2015 80 10 Sep. to 17 Sep. 2015 70 60 Flow m3/h 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Time Th Fr Sa Su M Tu Wed Th 19

  20. Detection of abnormal events 100 0 90 10 Flow of 13 Sep. 2015 80 20 Rain of 13 Sep. 2015 70 30 Flow m3/h 60 40 Rain mm/h 50 50 96 mm/h 40 60 Station météo 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time 20

  21. Detection of abnormal events 80 70 60 3 Sep. to 10 Sep. 2015 50 1 Oct. to 8 Oct. 2015 Flow m3/h 40 30 20 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Time 80 0 7.8 mm/h 2 Flow of 5 and 6 Oct. 2015 60 4 Flow m3/h Rain of 5 and 6 Oct. 2015 6 Rain mm/h 40 8 10 20 12 14 0 16 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 21 Time

  22. Wastewater flow modelling Code EPA-SWMM 22

  23. Dry periode Du 15-30 septembre Q=3 l/s Q max > 3 l/s 23

  24. Period with a significant rainfall event (13 September, In (Max) = 96 mm/h) Q= 15 l/s 24

  25. Period with a significant rainfall event 25

  26. Period with a significant rainfall event 26

  27. Difficulties Access 27

  28. Conclusion • Numerical Data base • Real time monitoring system • Hydraulic model • Feedback experience 28

  29. Thank you! 29


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