small mansion update

Small Mansion Update To Gunnersbury Park Joint Advisory Panel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Small Mansion Update To Gunnersbury Park Joint Advisory Panel April 19 th 2013 Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Master plan Agreed by both Cabinets Identified: Significant issues 48 Million

  1. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Small Mansion Update To Gunnersbury Park Joint Advisory Panel April 19 th 2013

  2. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Master plan Agreed by both Cabinets Identified: • Significant issues • £48 Million Cost Required • 3 Phases • Completion within guidance of Conservation Management Plan

  3. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Phase 1 Heritage Lottery funded • Parks For People Bid • Heritage Grant • £18+Million investment If successful at Round 2 • Priority Repairs Completed December 2012

  4. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Phase 2 Insufficient Funding available within HLF bids and council funding to include following in round 1 • Small Mansion • Stables • Potomac lake

  5. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Small Mansion Current Situation • At Risk • No Use by Community Marketing exercise • Evaluation Criteria • Building • Landscape • Public Benefit • Deliverability • Sustainability

  6. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Impact on building By preferred bidder • Low intervention • Restoration of features • £6 Million investment • English Heritage approval

  7. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Impact on landscape By preferred bidder • Terrace Car Park • Car park North Lawn Terrace • North East Lodge Lawn • East Lodge Bath House and path to Bath house Fencing Shown in Red

  8. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Community Use during out of school hours School term • 32 weeks • Occasional Weekends • Occasional Evenings • Parents evenings etc Benefit to park • More use of park facilities in day time

  9. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Deliverability By preferred bidder • Strong track record • Experienced Team • Funding available • Sustainable business Plan

  10. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Outline Programme By preferred bidder • Consultation • Planning Summer 2013 • Building works 14/15

  11. Gunnersbury Regeneration Project Stables &Potomac • Stables Priority Repairs during 2013/14 • Potomac Fishing project 2013/14


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