Slow Control System Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics Temperature measurment using Pt100 resistance thermometers Supervisor: mgr inż. Marek Peryt Zuzanna Treichel Szymon Kawa Konrad Krawczyk
Aim and scope of the practice The aim of the practice was to design an electronic system that can determine temperature changes by using Pt100 platinum resistance thermometer. This kind of research allows further progress in developing a cooling system for NINO microchips which are the part of Time of Flight ( ToF ) detector used in Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron ( BM@N) . To estabilish apprioprate operating conditions for ToF detetor, it is necessary to measure and control the temperature of detector’s electronics, which has an influence on thermodynamic properties of the gas inside detector. One of the possibilities to achieve that control is to use previously mentioned Pt100 resistance thermometers. 2
PLC Controler Lumel SP1 Picture 1: PLC Controler Lumel SP1 [own source] 3
PLC Controler Lumel SP1 - Scheme Picture 2: Scheme of the device [1] 4
PLC Controler Lumel SP1 - Conclusions PLC Controler Lumel SP1 is a device that is usable in various electronic systems e.g. it can be used as a themperature regulator in two-function heating substation[1]. Due to the fact that the device is no longer technically assisted by a developer and that there was an opportunity to use more advanced equipement, the group decided to abbadon further progress on this controler. 5
NI Elvis II+ Picture 3: NI Elvis II+ [2] 6
Experimental system Picture 4: NI Elvis II+ [own source] Picture 5: Pt100 [own source] Picture 6: NI LabView logo [2] 7
Front panel of the system Picture 7: Front panel of designed system [own source] 8
System Block Diagram Picture 8: Block Diagram of designed system [own source] 9
NI Elvis II+ - Conclusions The group has successfully designed and run the temperature measurement system. To achieve that, the applicable LabView project was created. Then the group had done couple of measurements, which were dedicated to low (~0 ˚ C), medium (~30 ˚ C) and high (~80 ˚ C) temperatures and showed that the platinum resistance thermometers are functioning properly. Moreover the project was extended by an alarming system – temperature greater than threshold set by user causes light-emitting diode (LED) to shine. 10
Bibliography [1] Product File Card: [2] Product File Card: 11
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