Slide 2- Stoptober (1) aims: to learn about the media campaign and why it is important in helping smokers to quit. discussion: the campaign started 8 th September 2014 – has anyone seen adverts for it? What do they remember from them? Can anyone explain what they think it’s about? Watch the advert clip (30 secs) - what do you think of it? outcome: to understand how media campaigns can influence lifestyle choices on a large scale. Slide 3 - Did you know.... aims: to learn about the hidden infulences of adult smoking on children. discussion: why is that statistic true? Who/what influences your behaviours and your lifestyle choices? Does this change as you get older? outcome: to understand the reasons for the statistic and consider how much choice we have in our own health behaviours. Slides 4 (&5) - Nicotine aims: to learn about the addictive drug nicotine. discussion/outcome: see slide 5 notes.
Slide 5 - Nicotine and addiction aims: to learn that nicotine is an addictive drug; that it is a stimulant; and about how nicotine affects the brain. discuss: what does addiction feel like emotionally and physically? What happens if a craving is not 'fed' more nicotine? outcome: to know that nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco and that smoking is addicitve from the first cigarette. Slide 6 - Why stop adults smoking? aims: to learn about the health and economic risks of tobacco smoke. discussion: do more or less people smoke than they thought? Find out how many deaths per year are tobacco related in the UK. outcome: To learn that there is no safe amount of tobacco smoke (including smoking cagarettes, cigars, roll ups and exposure to second hand smoke). Slides 7&8- Facts and figures aims: use a social norms approach to demonstrate that smoking amongst young people is relatively low. discussion: use the questions on the slide to prompt small group discussion. outcome: to understand that very few young people smoke, but those that do have an increased risk of serious illness and reduced health in later life.
Slides 9 to14 - Media clips aims: to watch different media clips and decide how each one might influence their decision to smoke or not smoke in the future. discussion: discuss which clip would influence them the most/least and listen to the different points of view of others. outcome: to understand how we each are influenced in different ways by different images / messages / people etc. Slide 15 - Stoptober (2) aims: to know how people who smoke can get help to give up during Stoptober. discussion: is Stoptober a good idea? why/why not? outcome: to have considered whether doing something hard with support is more effective than doing it alone. Slide 16- Stoptober (3) aims: additional information discussion: what have you learnt from this presentation? outcome: to understand the concept of media campaigns in promoting healthier behaviour change in the UK in relation to changing/reducing smoking behaviour.
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