skull 1

Skull-1 Norma Frontalis, Lateralis, Occipitalis and Verticalis Dr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Skull-1 Norma Frontalis, Lateralis, Occipitalis and Verticalis Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Associate Professor of Anatomy and Histology The Skull - The skull is composed of several separate bones (22 bones) united at immobile joints called sutures.

  1. Skull-1 Norma Frontalis, Lateralis, Occipitalis and Verticalis Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Associate Professor of Anatomy and Histology

  2. The Skull - The skull is composed of several separate bones (22 bones) united at immobile joints called sutures. -The connective tissue between the bones is called a sutural ligament Only one moveable bone, the mandible which is united to the skull by the mobile Temporomandibular Joint Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  3. Facial bones Cranial bones Dr. Heba Kalbouneh The bones of the skull can be divided into 1- Cranial bones (Neurocranium) 2- Facial bones (Viscerocranium)

  4. The cranial bones consists: Frontal bone: 1 Parietal bones: 2 Occipital bone: 1 Temporal bones: 2 Sphenoid bone: 1 Ethmoid bone: 1 Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  5. The facial bones consist of : Zygomatic bones: 2 Maxillae: 2 Nasal bones: 2 Lacrimal bones: 2 Vomer: 1 Palatine bones: 2 Inferior conchae: 2 Mandible: 1 Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  6. Norma frontalis It is the anterior view of the skull Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  7. Norma lateralis It is the lateral view of the skull Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  8. Norma occipitalis It is the posterior view of the skull Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  9. Norma verticalis It is the superior view of the skull Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  10. Skull vault Skull base Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  11. Norma basalis interna Base of the skull- Superior view Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  12. Norma basalis externa Base of the skull- Inferior view Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  13. Norma Frontalis Upper part : Forehead; made of the frontal bone Middle part: contains 3 cavities; 2 orbital & 1 nasal Lower part: formed by the upper & Dr. Heba Kalbouneh lower jaws

  14. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Frontal bone

  15. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Nasal bone

  16. Maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  17. Zygomatic bone (cheek bone) Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  18. Mandible Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  19. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Parietal bone

  20. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Temporal bone

  21. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Sphenoid

  22. Ethmoid Vomer bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  23. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Frontal bone

  24. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Parietal bone

  25. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Occipital bone

  26. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Temporal bone

  27. Sphenoid (Greater wing) Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  28. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Zygomatic bone

  29. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Nasal bone

  30. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Maxilla

  31. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Mandible

  32. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Zygomatic arch

  33. Norma Verticalis It is the superior view of the cranium Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  34. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh The frontal bone articulates with the two parietal bones at the coronal suture The two parietal bones The parietal bones articulate with the articulate in the midline at the occipital bone at the lambdoid sagittal suture suture

  35. The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures is the bregma Anterior fontanel Posterior fontanel Dr. Heba Kalbouneh The junction of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures is the Lambda

  36. Parietal foramina Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  37. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Occipital bone

  38. The two parietal bones articulate in the midline at the occipital bone sagittal suture Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  39. occipital bone The parietal bones articulate with the occipital bone at the lambdoid suture Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  40. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  41. In the midline of the occipital bone is a roughened elevation called External occipital protuberance External occipital crest Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  42. On either side of the protuberance the superior nuchal lines extend laterally Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  43. Inferior nuchal line Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  44. Highest nuchal line Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  45. The external occipital protuberance gives attachment to muscles and the ligamentum nuchae Ligamentum nuchae extends from the external occipital protuberance to the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  46. Frontal bone Frontal eminence: the most prominent areas on either side of the forehead Superciliary arches (brow ridges) : Elevated ridges above the sup. orbital margins Supraorbital notch, or foramen : transmits the supraorbital nerve & vessels Glabella : a slightly elevated area above the root of the nose between the 2 superciliary arches Nasion: a point where the frontonasal & internasal sutures meet Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  47. Supraorbital foramen: transmits supraorbital nerve and vessels Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  48. The Maxilla has: Maxilla Frontal process : articulates with frontal bone Zygomatic process: articulates with zygomatic bone Alveolar process: the bony ridge that contains the tooth sockets for holding upper teeth Orbital plate: forms of the floor of the orbit Palatine process: forms the anterior part of hard palate Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  49. Frontal process of maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  50. Zygomatic process of maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  51. Alveolar process of maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  52. Orbital plate of maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  53. Palatine process of maxilla Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  54. Anterior nasal spine Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  55. Infraorbital foramen : transmits the infraorbital nerve & vessels Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  56. Zygomatic bone The zygomatic bone has: Frontal process : articulates with frontal bone Temporal process: articulates with zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch Maxillary process: articulates with the maxillary bone Orbital plate: forms part of the lateral wall of the orbit Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  57. Frontal process of zygomatic bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  58. Temporal process of zygomatic bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  59. Orbital plate of zygomatic bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  60. Frontal process of zygomatic bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  61. Temporal process of zygomatic bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  62. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Zygomatic arch

  63. The zygomatic bone is perforated by two foramina: Look in here on a real skull to Zygomaticotemporal find zygomaticotemporal foramen foramen Zygomaticofacial foramen Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  64. Zygomaticofacial foramen transmits Zygomaticofacial nerve and vessels Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  65. Temporal bone Parts of temporal bone: Squamous part Tympanic part Mastoid process Styloid process Zygomatic process Petrous part Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  66. Squamous part of temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  67. Zygomatic process of temporal bone Articular tubercle Mandibular Dr. Heba Kalbouneh fossa

  68. Tympanic part of temporal bone External acoustic meatus Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  69. Styloid process of temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  70. Mastoid process of temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  71. Temporal bone Articular Mandibular Dr. Heba Kalbouneh tubercle fossa

  72. Zygomatic process of temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  73. Mastoid process of temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  74. Tympanic part of temporal bone External acoustic meatus Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  75. Squamous and petrous parts of the temporal bone Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  76. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Glabella

  77. Anterior nasal spine Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  78. The zygomatic process of temporal bone articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone to form the zygomatic arch Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  79. Superior and inferior temporal lines: - The superior temporal line gives attachment for the temporal fascia - The inferior temporal line is for the attachment of temporalis muscle Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  80. Temporalis Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  81. The temporal fossa lies below the inferior temporal line The zygomatic arch divides the lateral side of the Skull into The temporal fossa & The infratemporal fossa The infratemporal fossa lies deep to the ramus of the mandible below the zygomatic arch Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  82. Infra-temporal fossa Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  83. Identify

  84. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Coronal suture

  85. Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Lambdoid suture

  86. Parieto-temporal suture (squamous suture) Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  87. Sphenoparietal suture Dr. Heba Kalbouneh

  88. Pterion : is an area located on the floor of the temporal fossa where 4 bones meet at an H- shaped structure 1- Frontal 2- Parietal 1 2 3-Squamous part of temporal bone 4-Greater wing of sphenoid 4 3 The pterion is the thinnest part of the lateral wall of the skull. It overlies the anterior division of the middle meningeal artery and vein Dr. Heba Kalbouneh Epidural bleeding

  89. The Superior orbital fissure is a fissure between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone . It leads forward into the orbit The Inferior orbital fissure is a fissure between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla. It leads forward into the orbit Dr. Heba Kalbouneh


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