sioux lookout

Sioux Lookout 2016 - Budget Presentation #3 March 23, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Municipality of Sioux Lookout 2016 - Budget Presentation #3 March 23, 2016 Operating Budget Overview February 3 rd - Operating Budget required a $387,590 increase in tax levy revenue. In order to achieve the $387,590 shortfall, a 4.1%

  1. Municipality of Sioux Lookout 2016 - Budget Presentation #3 March 23, 2016

  2. Operating Budget Overview February 3 rd - Operating Budget required a $387,590 increase in tax levy revenue. In order to achieve the $387,590 shortfall, a 4.1% increase in the general tax rate was required. March 3 rd - Operating Budget that required a $96.457 increase in the tax levy revenue. In order to achieve the $96,457 shortfall a 1% increase in the general tax rate was required.

  3. Operating Budget Overview The 2 nd Draft 2016 property tax supported Operating Budget requires a $82,682 increase in tax levy revenue. In order to achieve the $82,682 shortfall, a 0.859% increase in the general tax rate was required.

  4. Reserves & Reserve Funds CR CR DR DR DR CR TRANSFER TRANSFERS TO TRANSFERS FROM FEDERAL TRANSFERS BALANCE 2015 OPENING RESERVES FROM GAS TAX FROM RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS DECEMBER 31, FROM RESERVES TO RESERVE FOR RESERVES FOR BALANCE 2015 OPERATING OPERATING CAPITAL CAPITAL BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTS PROJECTS GENERAL CAPITAL $47,579 $45,372 $23,071 $69,880 ELECTIONS $9,539 $8,000 $17,539 CEMETERIES $5,281 $5,281 BY-LAW VEHICLE REPLACEMENT $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 FEDERAL GAS TAX FUND $618,169 $291,697 $354,606 $555,260 POLICING $269,553 $29,669 $239,884 BOAT LAUNCH -$51,747 $10,000 -$41,747 LANDFILL $116,359 $18,673 $12,393 $122,639 SKATE PARK RESERVE $10,002 $10,002 FITNESS CENTRE $104,221 $104,221 PARKS & GARDEN $14,476 $21,941 $36,417 FACILITY BUILDING RESERVE $216,633 $50,000 $86,993 $179,640 HYDRO RESERVE $1,127,798 $105,000 $1,232,798 ROADS $709,603 $402,356 $7,327 $1,104,632 PARKING LOT RESERVE $0 $5,000 $5,000 ROADS EQUIPMENT $264,491 $212,240 $476,731 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN $30,995 $30,995 UTILITIES RESERVE $1,014,523 $415,992 $204,835 $1,225,680 PARKLANDS RESERVE $57,411 $6,500 $63,911 CEDAR BAY $11,255 $10,000 $21,255 RECREATION DEVELOPMENT RESERVE $35,000 $35,000 $70,000 TOTAL $4,619,140 $1,645,771 $42,062 $354,606 $322,226 $5,546,017 LIBRARY (RESERVE FUND) $7,768 $311 $1,743 $6,335 LIBRARY (SURPLUS) $10,044 $10,044 AIRPORT AIF $856,453 $677,716 $1,534,169 AIRPORT CAPITAL $716,937 $201,433 $918,370 TOTAL $1,591,202 $879,459 $1,743 $0 $0 $2,468,918 TOTAL RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS $6,210,342 $2,525,230 $43,805 $354,606 $322,226 $8,014,935

  5. Annual Repayment Limit

  6. Outstanding Debentures TOTAL: $ 18,861,062

  7. 2016 Debenture Payments

  8. Projected Payments/ Debentures

  9. Expenditures 37% 63% Uncontrollable Controllable

  10. How’s Your Dollar Spent 6% 16% 12% 15% 15% 15% 18% 4% Government Protection Transportation Environmental Health Social & Family Recreation & Culture Planning & Development

  11. 2015 TAXATION COMPARISON 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sioux Lookout Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Red Lake Ignace Residential 1.820818 1.626668 1.305472 1.675018 1.392905 2.423850 Multli-Res 4.807324 3.197843 2.058367 4.475882 2.014085 4.081037 Commercial 3.169497 2.914220 2.570979 3.316535 2.687858 3.574210 Large Industrial vac/Excess 0.000000 8.421246 2.407226 7.789427 2.609873 0.000000 Large Industrial 4.788751 12.95576 3.703424 11.98373 3.728389 0.000000

  12. CVA Average / Tax Levy Residential Property Owner Sioux Dryden Kenora Ear Falls Lookout Red Lake Marathon CVA 141,579 164,542 106,285 167,471 165,127 71,866 Tax Levy 2,295 2,035 2,387 2,981 2,171 2,138

  13. Average / Median Residential Property Owner 2016 the average assessment per household in the Municipality of Sioux Lookout is $207,872 the average median in the northern and rural municipalities is $251,000.

  14. Annual Capital Projects • Initial capital requests of over $12,019,608 from all areas of operations • Current capital budget set at $9,093,262

  15. Capital Projects by Departments AIRPORT Funding Source Project Government Bridge User Fees Project Name Budget Grants/Subsidies Loan AIF 1 Terminal Building Recovation/Expansion $2,524,653 $1,280,127 $1,244,526 2 OLS Survey & Training $10,780 $10,780 3 Wildlife Management Training & Plan Review $18,700 $18,700 4 Quality Assurance Audit $14,850 $14,850 5 Used Tandem $75,000 $75,000 TOTAL: $2,643,983 $1,280,127 $1,244,526 $119,330

  16. Capital Projects by Departments CLERK’S DEPARTMENT Funding Source Project Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Levy Impact 1 Records Management Plan - Asset $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL: $50,000 $50,000

  17. Capital Projects by Departments EMERGENCY SERVICES Funding Source Project Long Term Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Debt Levy Impact 1 Auto Ex Tool $15,000 $15,000 2 Turn Out Gear $30,000 $30,000 3 Fire Hoses $10,000 $10,000 4 Volume Pump $5,500 $5,500 TOTAL: $60,500 $5,500 $55,000

  18. Capital Projects by Departments FACILITIES Funding Source Project Government Reserves & Long Term Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Grants/Subsidies Reserve Funds Debt Levy Impact 1 Library - Condensing Unit $32,321 $32,321 2 Facility Division Vehicle $30,199 $30,199 3 Fire Hall Roof Repair & Retrofit $221,508 $221,508 4 Renovate Womens Change Room $15,000 $15,000 5 Update Firehall Office Area $8,000 $8,000 6 Town Office - Basement Stair Carpet $2,000 $2,000 7 Install new entrance door at Norah Love $3,199 $3,199 8 Repairs Curbing and sidewalks at the clinic $10,000 $10,000 9 Library update - Replace Carpet and Paint $12,500 $12,500 10 Replace south facing windows at Norah Love $22,886 $22,886 11 Street Lighting $20,000 $20,000 TOTAL: $377,613 $26,085 $65,199 $253,829 $32,500

  19. Capital Projects by Departments PARKS & RECREATION Funding Source Project Reserves & Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Reserve Funds Levy Impact 1 Cedar Bay - Trail Development $25,000 $25,000 2 Bike Rack & Benches $3,750 $3,750 $0 3 Dog Park $5,000 $5,000 TOTAL: $33,750 $3,750 $30,000

  20. Capital Projects by Departments Public Works - Transportation Funding Source Project Reserves & Long Term Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Reserve Funds Debt Levy Impact 1 Grader $210,000 $210,000 2 Robert St. Storm Water Diversion $15,000 $15,000 3 Fuller Street Storm Water Diversion $479,277 $75,000 $404,277 U

  21. Capital Projects by Departments Public Works - Utilities Funding Source Project Reserves & Project Name Budget Reserve Funds 1 Watermain Swabbing $48,175 $48,175 Generator Fuel Tank Replacements at 2 $12,000 $12,000 Hudson WTP/SL STP & Lift Station Robert 3 Membrane Tank Lining - Sioux Lookout $100,000 $100,000 4 Drain and Clean combined Treatment $60,000 $60,000 5 Hudson WTP Backup generator Upgrade $50,000 $50,000 6 Varible Frequency Drive Pumps - Sioux Look $90,000 $90,000 7 Curtis Street Boster Station Upgrade $20,000 $20,000 8 Water Standpipe recirculation system $30,000 $30,000

  22. Capital Projects by Departments Public Works - Engineering Funding Source Project Government Federal Reserves & Long Term Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Grants/Subsidies Gas Tax Reserve Funds Debt Levy Impact 1 Wellington & Fifth Intersection Upgrade $1,842,850 $1,314,008 $290,863 $237,979 2 East King Street Infrastructure Replacement $2,913,614 $1,996,121 $284,323 $348,657 $284,323 3 Pelto Road Drainage - Engineering Study $35,000 $35,000

  23. Capital Projects by Departments PUBLIC INPUT Funding Source Project Estimated Tax Project Name Budget Levy Impact 1 Friends of Cedar Bay - Captial Improvement $10,000 $10,000 2 Healthy Community Task Force $1,500 $1,500 3 Handi Transit $10,000 $10,000 $21,500 $21,500

  24. Capital & Operating TAX LEVY IMPACT Operating 0.859% Capital 2.480% TOTAL LEVY 3.339% Median Household Assessment 207,872 2015 Taxes $3,784.97 2016 Taxes $3,911.35 Taxes Increased $ 128.38

  25. Infrastructure Levy Does Council want to implement a Infrastructure Levy for 2016 ?

  26. Questions How would Council like the Management Team to move forward in the Budget Process?

  27. Questions

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