sinks as integrative elements sinks as integrative



  1. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Kral, U., P. H. Brunner, P. C. Chen, et al. 2014. Sinks as Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner limited resources? A new indicator for evaluating Vienna University of Technology Vienna University of Technology anthropogenic material flows. Ecol Indic 46(0): 596-609. Non-recyclable materials (=sink loads) Primary Material materials Wastes cycle SOURCES SINKS Emissionen Recyclable Problem: materials Sink loads pose risks for human & environmental health. Scope Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  2. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable Scope: Setting the scope of the materials assessment includes the selection of a substance, a reference region Wien Primary and a period of interest. Material (Cu, Pb) materials Wastes cycle SOURCES SINKS Emissionen Schweiz PFOS Recycable Problem: materials Substance flows to sinks pose risks for human & environmental health. Scope Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  3. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable Copper in Vienna 2008 Inventory: It results the actual sink materials load in mass per time. First, the tool substance flow analysis (SFA) is Primary applied to investigate regional Material materials substance flows. The software STAN Wastes is used for data reconciliation and cycle SOURCES SINKS Actual Emissionen error propagation in order to balance sink load: flows and stocks. Third, Sankey- 1,128 t/a diagrams are elaborated to present Recycable Problem: SFA results. Fourth, actual flows to materials Substance flows to sinks pose risks sinks are summed up to result the for human & environmental health. actual sink load. Kral, U., C.-Y. Lin, K. Kellner, et al. 2014. The Copper Balance of Cities. Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(3): 432-444. Scope Cu Pb Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  4. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable Lead in Vienna 2008 Inventory: It results the actual sink materials load in mass per time. First, the tool substance flow analysis (SFA) is Primary applied to investigate regional Material materials substance flows. The software STAN Wastes is used for data reconciliation and cycle SOURCES SINKS Actual Emissionen error propagation in order to balance sink load: flows and stocks. Third, Sankey- 191 t/a diagrams are elaborated to present Recycable Problem: SFA results. Fourth, actual flows to materials Substance flows to sinks pose risks sinks are summed up to result the for human & environmental health. actual sink load. Scope Cu Pb PFOS Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  5. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable PFOS in Switzerland 2006 Inventory: It results the actual sink materials load in mass per time. First, the tool substance flow analysis (SFA) is Primary applied to investigate regional Material materials substance flows. The software STAN Wastes is used for data reconciliation and cycle SOURCES SINKS Actual Emissionen error propagation in order to balance sink load: flows and stocks. Third, Sankey- 2,263 t/a diagrams are elaborated to present Recycable Problem: SFA results. Fourth, actual flows to materials Substance flows to sinks pose risks sinks are summed up to result the for human & environmental health. actual sink load. Scope Pb PFOS Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  6. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable Copper in Vienna 2008 Impact assessment: It results the materials acceptable sink load in mass per time. First, normative criteria (NC) 1128 t Cu/a Primary and reference values are defined into sinks 8 t/a 16 t/a 7 t/a Actual flow 1.097 t/a Material materials along the cause-effect chain. Criteria 1 t/a Wastes 16 t/a 2 t/a Critical flow 2.076 t/a 1 t/a are derived from goal oriented 16 t/a 2 t/a Acceptable flow 1.09 7t/a cycle SOURCES SINKS Emissionen frameworks with respect to waste Underground Landfill River Danube and emissions such as regulations. Urban soil storage Second, each actual flow is varied Acceptable Recycable Problem: as long as the reference value is sink load: materials Legal Landfill Accumulati NC Legal Substance flows to sinks pose risks achieved, resulting the critical flow. 1,117 t/a standards capacity on of Cu in standards for human & environmental health. Third, acceptable flows are top soil determined and summed up to result the acceptable sink load. Scope Cu Pb Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  7. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable Lead in Vienna 200 Impact assessment: It results the materials acceptable sink load in mass per time. First, normative criteria (NC) Primary 191 t Pb/a and reference values are defined 1.6 t/a Actual flow 44 t/a 0.6 t/a 1 t/a 144 t/a into sinks Material materials along the cause-effect chain. Criteria Wastes 6.1 t/a Critical flow 44 t/a 0.6 t/a 1 t/a 233 t/a 1.6 t/a are derived from goal oriented Acceptable flow 44 t/a 0.6 t/a 1 t/a cycle 123 t/a SOURCES SINKS Emissionen frameworks with respect to waste Undergrou Acceptable and emissions such as regulations. Landfill Air Water Soil nd storage sink load: Second, each actual flow is varied Recycable Problem: 176 t/a as long as the reference value is materials Landfill Human health risk NC Legal Substance flows to sinks pose risks achieved, resulting the critical flow. capacity standards for human & environmental health. Third, acceptable flows are determined and summed up to result the acceptable sink load. Scope Cu Pb PFOS Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  8. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable PFOS in Switzerland 2006 Impact assessment: It results the materials acceptable sink load in mass per time. First, normative criteria (NC) Primary 2.26 t PFOS/a and reference values are defined <0.01 t/a Actual flow 0.03 t/a 0.09 t/a 1.74 t/a 0.48 t/a Material into sinks materials - t/a Critical flow along the cause-effect chain. Criteria Wastes - t/a 0.09 t/a 1.74 t/a 0.74 t/a - t/a Acceptable flow are derived from goal oriented 0.42 t/a cycle - t/a 0.09 t/a 1.74t/a SOURCES SINKS Emissionen frameworks with respect to waste Acceptable and emissions such as regulations. sink load: Water Soil Incinerator Landfill Air Second, each actual flow is varied Recycable 2.17 t/a Problem: as long as the reference value is materials NC U.S. EPPA Mineralization Substance flows to sinks pose risks achieved, resulting the critical flow. accepted n.a. n.a. capacity Prov. Health for human & environmental health. Third, acceptable flows are advisory / determined and summed up to result n.a. the acceptable sink load. Scope Pb PFOS Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

  9. SINKS AS INTEGRATIVE ELEMENTS Austrian Science Fund (FWF): OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC METABOLISM I 549-N21 Ulrich Kral, Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology X Non-recyclable A new indicator... Copper in Vienna 2008 materials ...with respect to sink limitation We propose to use a single score λ = 99% Primary indicator λ on a substance specific Material materials base. It quantifies the environmental Wastes acceptable share of a substance to cycle Measures to increase the indicator score: SOURCES SINKS Emissionen sink processes. It ranges from 0% to - Elaborating legal limits for heavy metals in urban soils 100%. Either all actual flows are - Monitoring loads to urban soil and river Danube fulfilling criteria of acceptability ( λ = - Reducing airborne emissions Recycable Problem: 100%) or at least one flow is materials Substance flows to sinks pose risks unacceptable (0% < λ < 100%). for human & environmental health. λ = Acceptable sink load ∗ 100 Actual sink load Scope Cu Pb Inventory Impact assessment Indicator score

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