single molecule mechanical studies of acto myosin justin

Single molecule mechanical studies of acto-myosin Justin E. Molloy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Single molecule mechanical studies of acto-myosin Justin E. Molloy Francis Crick Institute LONDON, UK Why work with individual molecules? Single molecule experiments can give unequivocal information about how enzymes work and can

  1. “Single molecule mechanical studies of acto-myosin” Justin E. Molloy Francis Crick Institute LONDON, UK

  2. Why work with individual molecules? • Single molecule experiments can give unequivocal information about how enzymes work and can provide new insights into enzyme mechanism. • Sequential steps that make up biochemical pathways can be observed directly. The chemical trajectory of an individual enzyme can be followed in space and time. • There is no need to synchronise a population in order to study the biochemical kinetics • Single molecule data sets can be treated in a wide variety of ways – e.g. can specifically look for heterogeneity in behaviour (ie strain dependence of rate constants, effects of membrane structure, etc).

  3. Lecture Plan: • What are optical tweezers and how do they work? • Mechanical properties of optical tweezers (picoNewtons and nanometres). • Time-resolution of optical tweezers-based mechanical measurements. • Ultimate sensitivity required to measure mechanical forces produced by individual biological molecular motors (<10k b T). • Single molecule studies of “Motor Proteins” a model system for development of new biophysical methods and especially single molecule approaches. • Allied, laser-based, single molecule methods (TIRF microscopy)

  4. E = mC 2 Momentum, mC = E/C Force = mC/t = P/C (P = optical power) .…calculate the force produced by a 3mW laser pointer….

  5. 3-D trap using counter-propagating laser beams Ashkin & Dziedzic, 1971

  6. F scat Single beam “gradient trap” Ashkin et al. 1986 F grad

  7. Laser beam has Gaussian intensity profile. Restoring force is proportional to displacement “Spring-like” F = κ x F x r r = 500 nm, F max = 10 pN Typical: κ = 0.02 pN.nm -1

  8. Dynamic response κ β Stoke’s drag m β = πη 6 r δ δ 2 x x + β + κδ = m x 0 δ δ 2 t t Typical values: κ 1 = m = 5x10 -16 kg f res > 50 kHz π 2 m β = 1x10 -8 N.s.m -1 κ = f < 1 kHz κ ~ 1x10 -5 N.m -1 πβ c 2

  9. 1 2 1 1 2 2 Molloy & Padgett (2002) Contemporary Physics 43: 241-258

  10. Move Laser beam very rapidly using Acousto-Optic Device “AOD”

  11. Realistically – things are a bit more complicated!

  12. Thermal motion of an optically trapped particle Thermal noise is ~ 14 nm r.m.s.

  13. Calibrate optical trap stiffness 1) Record thermal noise 2) Apply step displacement

  14. Optical Tweezers

  15. Single molecule experiments: Energy calculations: 1 Photon = 400 pN.nm 1 ATP = 100 pN.nm 1 Ion moving across a membrane = 10 pN.nm Thermal energy (k b T) = 4 pN.nm { 1pN.nm = 1x10 -21 Joules }

  16. SINGLE MOLECULE TECHNOLOGIES: • Some single molecule methods have built-in gain (or signal amplification) – Electrical measurements: – opening of a single ion channel allows thousands of ions to flow across a membrane – this can be measured without greatly affecting the state of the channel – Optical methods: – A single fluorophore can emit millions of photons and output does not (usually) affect the mechanical or chemical properties of the system being studied.

  17. Mechanical Studies no “built-in” gain • Optical Tweezers • Low force regime (e.g. “conformational” changes) • Total spatial control in 3-dimensions • Protein-Protein & Protein-Ligand interactions • MagneticTweezers • Low force regime (only z-axis control) • Ability to apply torque (twist) • DNA topology and DNA-protein interactions • AFM • High force regime (e.g. unfolding) • Imaging (e.g. surface profiling + other methods) • Protein-Protein & Protein-Ligand interactions


  19. k AB A B k BA Transition state theory describes the kinetic E properties of the system A − − e A e e A B ∝ ∝ k T k T k e b k e b AB BA e B ∆ E − − − ∆ B ( e e ) E B A k = = = k T k T AB K e e b b k BA Reaction coordinate

  20. 1000 molecules k AB A B k BA Monte Carlo simulation K eq = k AB /k BA k obs =k AB + k BA t (ms)

  21. 10 molecules

  22. 1 molecule t 1 k BA = 1/t 1 t 2 k AB = 1/t 2

  23. How can we use optical tweezers to understand how molecular motors produce force and movement from ATP?

  24. Filament sliding causes muscle to shorten: Light micrograph myofibril Electron micrograph sarcomere

  25. Acto-myosin ATPase pathway Strong binding states Power-Stroke or Ratchet ? AM AM.ATP AM.ADP.PI AM.ADP AM SLOW M.ADP M M.ATP M.ADP.Pi M Weak binding states RECOVERY STROKE

  26. How do myosin motors actually produce force and movement? Thermal Ratchet or Powerstroke conformational change

  27. Acto-myosin in vitro motility assay : myosin F-actin (S1) ATP ADP+Pi

  28. 10 µ m

  29. 1 μ m Position Time

  30. Optical trapping of acto-myosin

  31. At HIGH myosin surface density many molecules work together to produce sliding. 300 Displacement (nm) 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (s)

  32. At LOW myosin surface density single binding interactions become visible. Note: The individual events are “mixed up” with the Brownian noise. But, when myosin binds the VARIANCE falls, this helps identify events.

  33. Basic Analysis (I) t on t off N obs 1/k cat Lifetime distribution gives rate constants time 1/t off 1/t on k cat

  34. Basic Analysis (II) d uni N obs Amplitude Start point is distribution uncertain gives d uni d uni amplitude

  35. Some key findings:

  36. Size of the power-stroke Acto-myosin events scored whenever the data showed a deflection away from the mean. Working stroke is variable and +/- 10nm Events scored each time the variance of the data changed. Working stroke is ~5nm Molloy et al 1995 Nature 378: 209-212

  37. Light chain binding domain (lever arm) determines size of the working stroke Working Stroke (nm) Ruff et al 2001. Nat Struct Biol 8 :226-229 Lever arm length (nm)

  38. Mapping mechanics onto the Acto-myosin ATPase fast slow AM.ADP.PI AM.ADP AM.ADP AM AM.ATP ADP M.ADP.Pi M.ATP 50 nm 0.5 sec

  39. Ensemble Averaging 1) Identify start and end of each event 2) synchronise events dx 2 dx total dx 1 3) Average the event data Phase 1 Phase 2 ADP release ? ATP binding Veigel et al. (1999) Nature 398 :530-533

  40. Ensemble Averaging Members of the myosin I family produce movement in two discrete phases Veigel et al. 1999 Nature 398 :530-533

  41. Both Fast and Slow skeletal muscle myosin also generate movement in two phases Capitanio et al. 2006 PNAS 103 :87-92

  42. Lifetime of the working stroke is load dependent K 1 K 2 push 1.6pN = 55s -1 14s -1 12s -1 10 s -1 pull 1.6pN = Veigel et al. 2003 Nature Cell Biol . 5: 980-986

  43. The myosin family : II VIII XI XII VI VII V III X IX IV I (Tony Hodge, LMB Cambridge)

  44. “ Processive” and “Intermittent” motors • Most myosins and many kinesins interact in an “Intermittent” manner with their track. They must work in teams to produce large movements and forces. • kinesin 1, myosin 5, and most DNA processing enzymes are “Processive” motors and take many steps before detaching from their track. They work as single molecules.

  45. Myosin V Conventional kinesin 36nm 36nm 8nm 0.5 sec Veigel & Molloy Carter & Cross

  46. Myosin 5 walks along actin - 100 taking 36nm steps nm 1 second 36 nm Veigel et al. (2002) Nat. Cell Biol. 4 :59-65.

  47. 40 nm 0.5 sec 36 nm per div. 200 ms per div. Veigel et al. (2002) Nat. Cell Biol. 4 :59-65.

  48. How does myosin V walk??…….

  49. Lecture Overview: • Optical Tweezers are relatively simple to build and are compatible with standard laboratory microscopes • They have a sensitivity and time-resolution suitable for studying biological macromolecules and cells • They have contributed to our understanding of the mechanism and function of molecular motors (like kinesin, dynein and myosin) and also of DNA processing enzymes. THE FUTURE……… • The advent of fast cameras, fast parallel processing, and more powerful lasers mean that time-resolution is now in the microsecond regime; and forces of ~100pN are possible opening the possibility to study molecular dynamics and cellular mechanics.


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