simplon corp

Simplon Corp Assist the digital transformation of companies and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

January 2018 Simplon Corp Assist the digital transformation of companies and reveal the talents Entreprise agre solidaire et labellise : 1 SIMPLON.COS OVERVIEW SIMPLO.CO AT A GLANCE Actor of the social and solidarity economy,

  1. January 2018 Simplon Corp Assist the digital transformation of companies and reveal the talents Entreprise agréée solidaire et labellisée : 1


  3. SIMPLO.CO AT A GLANCE Actor of the social and solidarity economy, Simplon offers free and intensive training courses for jobs in the digital sector to vulnerable and excluded people For 4 years : about more than already a network of 75% 1500 110 35 insertion rate trainees employees Factories at 6 months With this high insertion rate, Simplon has managed to prove that digital sector is a wonderfull lever for social inclusion 3

  4. ONE FACT, MULTIPLE NEEDS Digital jobs: Catalyzing inclusive opportunities High demand of technical digital jobs = job and integration opportunities! #emploi #formation #insertion Need to value the assets and Insufficient answers diversity of challenging Hiring difficulties, neighbourhoods, industrial, outsourcing, isolated and rural areas. offshore 36,700 jobs should be created by 2018 in France, 140,000 French young people leave school among which 15,000 for web developers (SYNTEC with no diploma (cost 230k euros per persons numérique) and 900,000 in Europe where 41% of EU to the State). Career changes and senior enterprises which recruited or tried to recruit ICT employment are concerning. specialists in 2015 reported difficulties in filling vacancies

  5. SIMPLO.CO SOCIAL IMPACT Training courses and empowerment 1540 79% were job seekers trainees #emploi #formation 32% are women 75% #insertion insertion rate at 6 months 5% are older than 45 38 850 children sensitized in 28 is the average age France have A-level or lower 63% 90 000 children diploma sensitized in Africa Source : Annual Alumni Survey March 2017 420 24 23 1043 school dropouts and hackathons companies’ employees entrepreneurs from priority organized boards trained trained neighborhoods trained

  6. SIMPLON IN FRANCE 35 factories in France and in the overseas departments and regions:

  7. SIMPLON AROUND THE WORLD An International network with local roots Factories Factories currently Former factories opening soon offering trainings Brussels (Belgium), Roma (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), Tunis (Tunisia), Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire), Johannesburg Cluj (Romania), Beyrouth (Lebanon), Zaatari (Jordan), Geneva (Switzerland) (South Africa) Dakar (Senegal)


  9. SIMPLON.CORP UPSKILLING AND RESKILLING TRAININGS : ASSIST COMPANIES TO FACE UP THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION Simplon Corp offers 3 approaches to support all employees and companies in the digital revolution : RESKILLING ACCULTURATION IMPROVEMENT Learn to detect opportunities Up skill on key topics Adopt a new profession meeting and to anticipate changes for my job companies’ digital challenges Our training offer is marked by values that make the success of, included in our DNA: Diversity as a tool for technical and social Caring collaboration innovation and cohesion Reverse mentoring and “learning by teaching” 9

  10. RESKILLING & UPSKILLING PROGRAMS Use learning and pedagogic innovations in order to maintain the employability of all employees Acculturation Diagnostic TECH CULTURE TRAINING DIGITAL DIAGNOSTIC Provide benchmarks on the impacts of digitalization Using a survey, have a global and individual vision of the level of on business activities and organization. Data, code, fablab, tech digital maturity of its employees and training needs. culture, robotics initiation, TRAINING OF TRAINERS LEARNING EXPEDITIONS Prepare and facilitate the deployment of training actions for Expeditions in the innovative and inspiring Parisian places to change coaches. understand the workings of the digital ecosystem. TRAINING DESIGN WORKSHOP HACKATHONS / DATATHONS Go from the observation phase to the design phase of concrete The secret of hackathons? Break internal silos, call on external training solutions adapted to the internal teams. talent to imagine innovative solutions in 48h! Improvement Reskilling BUSINESS TRAINING AGILITY TRAINING Discover the fundamentals of agile project management pedagogy for employees: start an alternating methods and project initiation methods in order to implement training to train for a new job at the heart of the digital them as part of a team project. transformation of his company.

  11. BUSINESS TRAINING pedagogy for employees: start an alternating training to acquire a new job meeting companies’ digital challenges . 100% of trades are likely to evolve, impacted by digital. In Repositories adapted to the parallel, new needs emerge. needs of companies: - Web developer Support of HR directors and CIOs to : - define their future needs - Web integrator - select motivated employees for internal mobility - e-commerce / web marketing - - System administrator - Digital referent Deployment of sandwich courses in the company - Datartisan - Tester - IOT referent The goal: reveal internal talent and achieve - Mobile Developer an inclusive digital transformation - Fab Manager 11


  13. LA POSTE UPSKILLING PROGRAM The digital transformation of La Poste drives the creation of new businesses. To succeed in this transformation, and to meet the new needs for skills in computer coding and web and mobile development, the Post has chosen Simplon as a partner. An opportunity to train non-IT postal workers who have a keen interest in IT and who wish to evolve towards the web and mobile development professions. FROM EXPERIMENTATION TO THE SCHOOL OF NEW DIGITAL TRADES : A STRONG PARTNERSHIP After a successful first experience in 2015 with a dozen postal workers from the La Poste Network, the partnership was opened to all branches of the group, nationwide. ● 2 sessions completed 34 postal workers trained ● ● New sessions in preparation

  14. LA POSTE UPSKILLING PROGRAM Partnership’s goal : train 50 postal workers in the Web Developer profession in 3 years work-linked training in the In training at Simplon DSI of La Poste Group Validation professional title SOURCING : COMPÉTENCES : A selection process co-built between Simplon and Common Base: Object Programming, web La Poste Group in three stages: programming, SQL - cognitive tests - questionnaire on motivation and appetence Specialized skills: According to the various needs for the code doubled to a phase of according to the ISD self-learning on an online platform - final day of selection with individual and Technical skills : collective interviews Back-end part: Java - Associated frameworks Front-end part: HTML pages, CSS; Angular -

  15. LA POSTE UPSKILLING PROGRAM FIRST PROMOTION The training Profils Distribution ● From 21/11/16 to 27/07/17 (8 months, ● 3 factors ● DSI BSCC (Ile-de-France) : 4 600 hours) ● 3 IT technicians learners ● Numbers : 15 postal workers ● 1 IT correspondent ● Branche numérique Paris : 2 ● 1 transport coordinator learners The post training report ● 2 production agents ● Docapost Charenton : 1 learner ● 2 account managers ● DSIC Montrouge : 1 learner ● 100% success on certification ● 1 management controller ● DISFE : ● 14 learners integrated into their ● 1 graphic designer - Ivry sur Seine : 3 learners respective new DSIs on a web developer ● 1 computer supervisor - Nantes : 1 learner job. ● DSIC Nantes : 2 learners ● DSI BP Nantes : 1 learner Pedagogy set up ● A referent trainer and expert trainers ● Integrating agility into learning ● Strengthening the tutors-trainers relationship

  16. LA POSTE UPSKILLING PROGRAM SECOND PROMOTION The training Profils Distribution ● From 02/09/17 to 29/06/18 (9 months, ● 9 factors ● DISFE Gradignan : 2 learners 630 hours) ● 1 mail agent ● SNA (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) : 1 ● Numbers : 19 postal workers ● 2 account managers learner ● Selection rate: 3% (600 applications) ● 1 customer manager ● DSI Centrale (Nantes) : 3 learners ● 2 technicians ● DSI BSCC : Additions to the program ● 1 central cashier - Ile-de-France : 4 learners ● 1 team leader - Occitanie : 1 learner ● Angular module (2 weeks) ● 1 production analyst ● Branche numérique Docapost : ● Reinforcement on the Java Web ● 1 mail supervisor - BNUM : 1 learner ● Reinforcement on Spring - Docapost DPS : 2 learners - Maileva Docapost : 1 learner Pedagogy set up - Docapost BPO : 1 learner ● A referent trainer and expert trainers - Docapost Sofia Antipolis : 4 ● Integrating agility into learning learners ● Strengthening the tutors-trainers relationship


  18. OUR REFERENCES Reskilling Programs : On our short courses and acculturation workshops : 18


  20. A UNIQUE INITIATIVE Linking #socialbusiness, #tech and #inclusion #DISTINCTIONS #LABELS #MENTIONS #ECOSYSTEMS #FUNDING 20

  21. @simplonco Célinne Burban Business developer +33 6 48 91 58 14


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