si south west and

SI South West and Channel Islands SIGBI Regional meeting Taunton, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SI South West and Channel Islands SIGBI Regional meeting Taunton, 25 March 2017 Wilfrida HENDRICKX Sabine KINZER Representatives to the United Nations Geneva Centre

  1. SI South West and Channel Islands SIGBI Regional meeting Taunton, 25 March 2017 Wilfrida HENDRICKX – Sabine KINZER Representatives to the United Nations Geneva Centre EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  2. consultative • UNO – NGO - consultative status status ECOSOC • SI objectives • SDG’s • objectives Beijing • UNOG = center HUMAN RIGHTS • HRC – OHCHR – HR bodies • charter bodies : UPR & Special work at UNOG Procedures • treaty bodies - CEDAW & CRC • committees : CSW - ageing - HREL • others : ILO – water EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  3. WWII is over - nations are in ruins San Francisco - 51 countries sign the charter, the world wants peace creating the United Nations EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  4. = 193 countries ≠ world government – does not legislate = offers ways to resolve conflicts and formulate policies on specific issues maintain international peace and security promote development & give humanitarian assistance uphold international law, protect human rights & promote democracy work together to fight climate change EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  5. UN organizations with presence in Geneva New York New York New York New York The Hague New York EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  6. how to get involved in the UN system ? WITH WHOM ? WHAT TO DO ? HOW ? accreditation disseminate conference with the UN information establish working secretariat, commissions, raise awareness programmes, funds, HR relations on shared mechanisms, agencies … advocacy fields of interest & obtain with the Member joint projects consultative States technical expertise status with the ECOSOC EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  7. NGO intervention is a right enshrined in the UN Charter 25 th July 1996 1945 Art. 71 of UN Charter ECOSOC RESOLUTION outlines the “ The Economic and Social Council may make suitable requirements arrangements for rights and obligations consultation with procedures for with- NGO’s which are concerned drawal or suspension with matters within its competence…” of consultative status EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  8. why ECOSOC ? = principal organ that coordinates the economic, social work of several UN agencies, functional & regional commissions = central forum for discussing economic & social issues and for formulating recommendations = only main UN body with a formal framework for NGO participation = provides NGOs the opportunity to be heard by a global audience EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  9. • propose issues for ECOSOC agenda • participate in sessions of ECOSOC, its commissions & WHAT subsidiary bodies BENEFIT • submit written and oral statements FOR SI TO • work in international conferences HAVE • organize side events , raise awareness and provide information and expert analysis from experience in ECOSOC the field CONSUL- • have opportunities to network and lobby TATIVE • meet government delegations and other NGO’s STATUS? • monitor implementation international agreements & recommendations EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  10. For SI = ensure that our priorities - a world where women and girls can ECOSOC gets information realize their individual and NGO’s express their views from NGO’s collective potential - are shared with policy makers and incorporated as much as possible in debates , statements and policies interaction – NGO - UN EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  11. SI = « grassroots » organization Members > 80.0000 Clubs > 3.000 reports/actions Unions Federations 4 SI EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  12. 3 levels of participation for NGOs > 4.000 NGOs have consultative status with ECOSOC (1) General consultative status : 141 large international NGOs whose interests SI 1984 cover most of ECOSOC 's agenda Special consultative status: SIGBI 2013 3.129 SIE 2011 NGOs with special expertise in certain SISWP 2014 areas of Council activities Roster: 971 NGO affecting one or more areas (1) NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC as of 1 September 2015 - E/2015/INF/5 - 22 August 2016 EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  13. Soroptimist International 1984 1950 General Consultative Consultative 1948 Status status 1921 Consultative ECOSOC ECOSOC Constitution status category C Soroptimist Category 1 UNESCO International EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  14. SI representatives at the UN Paris Genève Marie Marie- Rina Frida Sabine Kristin Tevaiana Christine Françoise Hendrickx Kinzer Reynisdottir Kamia Dupriet Gries Assar Vienne Dora Martina Vrdlovec Gredler Rome New York Marie Liliana Mosca Bette Barbara Frances d’Amato - Levy Rochman Zainoeddin Rizzi Nairobi Alice Rose Odingo Mwangi

  15. Mission UN REPS = defined in UN Charter, in ECOSOC resolution and in SI internal regulations AT THE UN WITH SI follow up UN activities concerning bring SI’s experience to lead our women advocacy & lobbying for women report to SI (mail, website, blog … ) participate in meetings, conferences, NGO committees & groups … transmit UN info and recommendations ensure that our priorities are central via SI pyramid to ensure the implementation of decisions at national and do written /oral statements local level organize/participate in side events collaborate in SI policy, objectives, statements … meet country representatives, conferences to clubs & interclubs committee members …. meetings, webinars … build networks EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  16. SD Goal 4 SD Goal 5 education gender equality EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  17. UN objectives 17 Sustainable Development Goals («general» objectives) 2015 - 2030 and 12 Strategic Objectives of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action («women» objectives) 1995 - now EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  18. fixed 2015 – realisation 2030 EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  19. 12 strategic objectives adopted by the Beijing Conference 1995 7 Women in Power 1 Women and Poverty and decision-making 2 Education and 8 Institutional training of Women mechanisms 9 Human rights of 3 Women and Health Women 4 Violence against 10 Women and the Women Media 5 Women and Armed 11 Women and the Conflict Environment 6 Women and the 12 The Girl Child Economy EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  20. The 4th World Conference The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action = real agenda = main global = objectives policy paper on for women's and actions in gender equality empowerment 12 areas HILLARY CLINTON UN NATIONS FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN BEIJING, CHINA SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  21. 4 World Conferences on Women 1975 Mexico • Action Plan for the Advancement of Women 1980 Copenhagen • Evaluation + and action plan • Action Plan - women's participation in peace and 1985 Nairobi development • adopted the Beijing Declaration and Programme of 1995 Beijing Action and the 12 Strategic Objectives 2015 evaluation 2000 evaluation 2010 evaluation 2005 evaluation EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  22. Work at UNOG Geneva = center of Human Rights Charter Human Rights Treaty bodies NGO Others Bodies Council committees UPR Office HCHR CSW CEDAW ILO Special Ageing CRC water procedures HR Bodies HREL EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  23. 1943 : US First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is guest and speaker at a weekly luncheon of the SI Washington DC Club * * EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  24. Universal Declaration of Human Rights December 10, 1948 58 Member States (= GA) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris at the Palais de Chaillot … all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights…… without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status … Human Rights Day celebrated on December 10 EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE

  25. " International Bill of Human Rights ” consists of : Universal International Declaration of International Covenant on Covenant on Civil Human Rights : Economic, Social and Political Rights and Cultural Rights … all human beings are (ICCPR) born free and equal in (ICESCR) dignity and rights…… … states ensure equal … states ensure equal without distinction of any right of men and kind, such as race, color, right of men and sex, language, religion, women to the women to the political or other opinion, enjoyment of all civil enjoyment of all national or social origin, economic, social and and political rights … property, birth or other cultural rights … status … EDUCATE EMPOWER ENABLE


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