shuffle compatibility for the exterior peak set

Shuffle-compatibility for the exterior peak set Darij Grinberg - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Shuffle-compatibility for the exterior peak set Darij Grinberg (UMN) 12 July 2018 Dartmouth College slides: dartmouth18.pdf paper: http: // project:

  1. Examples of permutation statistics, 2: peaks If π is an n -permutation, then a peak of π means an i ∈ { 2 , 3 , . . . , n − 1 } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 . (Thus, peaks can only exist if n ≥ 3. The name refers to the plot of π , where peaks look like this: / \ .) The peak set Pk π of a permutation π is the set of all peaks of π . Thus, Pk is a statistic. Examples: Pk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 3 } . Pk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 } . Pk (3 , 2) = {} . 6 / 41

  2. Examples of permutation statistics, 2: peaks If π is an n -permutation, then a peak of π means an i ∈ { 2 , 3 , . . . , n − 1 } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 . (Thus, peaks can only exist if n ≥ 3. The name refers to the plot of π , where peaks look like this: / \ .) The peak set Pk π of a permutation π is the set of all peaks of π . Thus, Pk is a statistic. Examples: Pk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 3 } . Pk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 } . Pk (3 , 2) = {} . The peak number pk π of a permutation π is the number of all peaks of π : that is, pk π = | Pk π | . Thus, pk is a statistic. Example: pk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = 1. 6 / 41

  3. Examples of permutation statistics, 2: peaks If π is an n -permutation, then a peak of π means an i ∈ { 2 , 3 , . . . , n − 1 } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 . (Thus, peaks can only exist if n ≥ 3. The name refers to the plot of π , where peaks look like this: / \ .) The peak set Pk π of a permutation π is the set of all peaks of π . Thus, Pk is a statistic. Examples: Pk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 3 } . Pk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 } . Pk (3 , 2) = {} . The peak number pk π of a permutation π is the number of all peaks of π : that is, pk π = | Pk π | . Thus, pk is a statistic. Example: pk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = 1. 6 / 41

  4. Examples of permutation statistics, 3: left peaks If π is an n -permutation, then a left peak of π means an i ∈ { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 , where we set π 0 = 0. (Thus, left peaks are the same as peaks, except that 1 counts as a left peak if π 1 > π 2 .) The left peak set Lpk π of a permutation π is the set of all left peaks of π . Thus, Lpk is a statistic. Examples: Lpk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 1 , 3 } . Lpk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 } . Lpk (3 , 2) = { 1 } . The left peak number lpk π of a permutation π is the number of all left peaks of π : that is, lpk π = | Lpk π | . Thus, lpk is a statistic. Example: lpk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = 2. 7 / 41

  5. Examples of permutation statistics, 4: right peaks If π is an n -permutation, then a right peak of π means an i ∈ { 2 , 3 , . . . , n } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 , where we set π n +1 = 0. (Thus, right peaks are the same as peaks, except that n counts as a right peak if π n − 1 < π n .) The right peak set Rpk π of a permutation π is the set of all right peaks of π . Thus, Rpk is a statistic. Examples: Rpk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 3 , 5 } . Rpk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 , 6 } . Rpk (3 , 2) = {} . The right peak number rpk π of a permutation π is the number of all right peaks of π : that is, rpk π = | Rpk π | . Thus, rpk is a statistic. Example: rpk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = 2. 8 / 41

  6. Examples of permutation statistics, 5: exterior peaks If π is an n -permutation, then an exterior peak of π means an i ∈ { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } such that π i − 1 < π i > π i +1 , where we set π 0 = 0 and π n +1 = 0. (Thus, exterior peaks are the same as peaks, except that 1 counts if π 1 > π 2 , and n counts if π n − 1 < π n .) The exterior peak set Epk π of a permutation π is the set of all exterior peaks of π . Thus, Epk is a statistic. Examples: Epk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = { 1 , 3 , 5 } . Epk (1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6) = { 2 , 4 , 6 } . Epk (3 , 2) = { 1 } . Thus, Epk π = Lpk π ∪ Rpk π if n ≥ 2. The exterior peak number epk π of a permutation π is the number of all exterior peaks of π : that is, epk π = | Epk π | . Thus, epk is a statistic. Example: epk (3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4) = 3. 9 / 41

  7. Shuffles of permutations Let π and σ be two permutations. We say that π and σ are disjoint if they have no letter in common. Assume that π and σ are disjoint. Set m = | π | and n = | σ | . An ( m + n )-permutation τ is called a shuffle of π and σ if both π and σ appear as subsequences of τ . (And thus, no other letters can appear in τ .) We let S ( π, σ ) be the set of all shuffles of π and σ . Example: S ((4 , 1) , (2 , 5)) = { (4 , 1 , 2 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 1 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 4 , 1 , 5) , (2 , 4 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 5 , 4 , 1) } . 10 / 41

  8. Shuffles of permutations Let π and σ be two permutations. We say that π and σ are disjoint if they have no letter in common. Assume that π and σ are disjoint. Set m = | π | and n = | σ | . An ( m + n )-permutation τ is called a shuffle of π and σ if both π and σ appear as subsequences of τ . (And thus, no other letters can appear in τ .) We let S ( π, σ ) be the set of all shuffles of π and σ . Example: S ((4 , 1) , (2 , 5)) = { (4 , 1 , 2 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 1 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 4 , 1 , 5) , (2 , 4 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 5 , 4 , 1) } . � m + n � Observe that π and σ have shuffles, in bijection with m m -element subsets of { 1 , 2 , . . . , m + n } . 10 / 41

  9. Shuffles of permutations Let π and σ be two permutations. We say that π and σ are disjoint if they have no letter in common. Assume that π and σ are disjoint. Set m = | π | and n = | σ | . An ( m + n )-permutation τ is called a shuffle of π and σ if both π and σ appear as subsequences of τ . (And thus, no other letters can appear in τ .) We let S ( π, σ ) be the set of all shuffles of π and σ . Example: S ((4 , 1) , (2 , 5)) = { (4 , 1 , 2 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 1 , 5) , (4 , 2 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 4 , 1 , 5) , (2 , 4 , 5 , 1) , (2 , 5 , 4 , 1) } . � m + n � Observe that π and σ have shuffles, in bijection with m m -element subsets of { 1 , 2 , . . . , m + n } . 10 / 41

  10. Shuffle-compatible statistics: definition A statistic st is said to be shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint permutations π and σ , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . In other words, st is shuffle-compatible if and only the distribution of st on the set S ( π, σ ) stays unchaged if π and σ are replaced by two other disjoint permutations of the same size and same st-values. 11 / 41

  11. Shuffle-compatible statistics: definition A statistic st is said to be shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint permutations π and σ , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . In other words, st is shuffle-compatible if and only the distribution of st on the set S ( π, σ ) stays unchaged if π and σ are replaced by two other disjoint permutations of the same size and same st-values. In particular, it has to stay unchanged if π and σ are replaced by two permutations order-equivalent to them: e.g., st must have the same distribution on the three sets S ((4 , 1) , (2 , 5)) , S ((2 , 1) , (3 , 5)) , S ((9 , 8) , (2 , 3)) . 11 / 41

  12. Shuffle-compatible statistics: definition A statistic st is said to be shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint permutations π and σ , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . In other words, st is shuffle-compatible if and only the distribution of st on the set S ( π, σ ) stays unchaged if π and σ are replaced by two other disjoint permutations of the same size and same st-values. In particular, it has to stay unchanged if π and σ are replaced by two permutations order-equivalent to them: e.g., st must have the same distribution on the three sets S ((4 , 1) , (2 , 5)) , S ((2 , 1) , (3 , 5)) , S ((9 , 8) , (2 , 3)) . 11 / 41

  13. Shuffle-compatible statistics: results of Gessel and Zhuang Gessel and Zhuang, in arXiv:1706.00750 , prove that various important statistics are shuffle-compatible (but some are not). Statistics they show to be shuffle-compatible : Des, des, maj, Pk, Lpk, Rpk, lpk, rpk, epk, and various others. 12 / 41

  14. Shuffle-compatible statistics: results of Gessel and Zhuang Gessel and Zhuang, in arXiv:1706.00750 , prove that various important statistics are shuffle-compatible (but some are not). Statistics they show to be shuffle-compatible : Des, des, maj, Pk, Lpk, Rpk, lpk, rpk, epk, and various others. Statistics that are not shuffle-compatible : inv, des + maj, maj 2 (sending π to the sum of the squares of its descents), (Pk , des) (sending π to (Pk π, des π )), and others. 12 / 41

  15. Shuffle-compatible statistics: results of Gessel and Zhuang Gessel and Zhuang, in arXiv:1706.00750 , prove that various important statistics are shuffle-compatible (but some are not). Statistics they show to be shuffle-compatible : Des, des, maj, Pk, Lpk, Rpk, lpk, rpk, epk, and various others. Statistics that are not shuffle-compatible : inv, des + maj, maj 2 (sending π to the sum of the squares of its descents), (Pk , des) (sending π to (Pk π, des π )), and others. Their proofs use a mixture of enumerative combinatorics (including some known formulas of MacMahon, Stanley, ...), quasisymmetric functions, Hopf algebra theory, P-partitions (and variants by Stembridge and Petersen), Eulerian polynomials (based on earlier work by Zhuang, and even earlier work by Foata and Strehl). 12 / 41

  16. Shuffle-compatible statistics: results of Gessel and Zhuang Gessel and Zhuang, in arXiv:1706.00750 , prove that various important statistics are shuffle-compatible (but some are not). Statistics they show to be shuffle-compatible : Des, des, maj, Pk, Lpk, Rpk, lpk, rpk, epk, and various others. Statistics that are not shuffle-compatible : inv, des + maj, maj 2 (sending π to the sum of the squares of its descents), (Pk , des) (sending π to (Pk π, des π )), and others. Their proofs use a mixture of enumerative combinatorics (including some known formulas of MacMahon, Stanley, ...), quasisymmetric functions, Hopf algebra theory, P-partitions (and variants by Stembridge and Petersen), Eulerian polynomials (based on earlier work by Zhuang, and even earlier work by Foata and Strehl). Theorem (G.). The statistic Epk is shuffle-compatible (as conjectured in Gessel/Zhuang). 12 / 41

  17. Shuffle-compatible statistics: results of Gessel and Zhuang Gessel and Zhuang, in arXiv:1706.00750 , prove that various important statistics are shuffle-compatible (but some are not). Statistics they show to be shuffle-compatible : Des, des, maj, Pk, Lpk, Rpk, lpk, rpk, epk, and various others. Statistics that are not shuffle-compatible : inv, des + maj, maj 2 (sending π to the sum of the squares of its descents), (Pk , des) (sending π to (Pk π, des π )), and others. Their proofs use a mixture of enumerative combinatorics (including some known formulas of MacMahon, Stanley, ...), quasisymmetric functions, Hopf algebra theory, P-partitions (and variants by Stembridge and Petersen), Eulerian polynomials (based on earlier work by Zhuang, and even earlier work by Foata and Strehl). Theorem (G.). The statistic Epk is shuffle-compatible (as conjectured in Gessel/Zhuang). 12 / 41

  18. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with a letter of π ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with a letter of σ . 13 / 41

  19. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with π 1 ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with σ 1 . We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ . We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ . 13 / 41

  20. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with π 1 ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with σ 1 . We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ . We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ . A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset and { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . 13 / 41

  21. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with π 1 ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with σ 1 . We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ . We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ . A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset and { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . Theorem (G.). Des, des, Lpk and Epk are LR-shuffle-compatible. 13 / 41

  22. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with π 1 ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with σ 1 . We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ . We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ . A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset and { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . Theorem (G.). Des, des, Lpk and Epk are LR-shuffle-compatible. (But not maj or Rpk or Pk.) 13 / 41

  23. LR-shuffle-compatibility We further introduce a finer version of shuffle-compatibility: “LR-shuffle-compatibility”. Given two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , a left shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with π 1 ; a right shuffle of π and σ is a shuffle of π and σ that starts with σ 1 . We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ . We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ . A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset and { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . Theorem (G.). Des, des, Lpk and Epk are LR-shuffle-compatible. (But not maj or Rpk or Pk.) 13 / 41

  24. LR-shuffle-compatibility: alternative definition The “LR” in “LR-shuffle-compatibility” stands for “left and right”. Indeed: 14 / 41

  25. LR-shuffle-compatibility: alternative definition The “LR” in “LR-shuffle-compatibility” stands for “left and right”. Indeed: A statistic st is said to be left-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ such that π 1 > σ 1 , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . 14 / 41

  26. LR-shuffle-compatibility: alternative definition The “LR” in “LR-shuffle-compatibility” stands for “left and right”. Indeed: A statistic st is said to be right-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ such that π 1 > σ 1 , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . Proposition. A permutation statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is both left-shuffle-compatible and right-shuffle-compatible. 14 / 41

  27. LR-shuffle-compatibility: alternative definition The “LR” in “LR-shuffle-compatibility” stands for “left and right”. Indeed: A statistic st is said to be right-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ such that π 1 > σ 1 , the multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset depends only on st π , st σ , | π | and | σ | . Proposition. A permutation statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is both left-shuffle-compatible and right-shuffle-compatible. 14 / 41

  28. Section 2 Section 2 Methods of proof References: Darij Grinberg, Shuffle-compatible permutation statistics II: the exterior peak set . John R. Stembridge, Enriched P-partitions , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), no. 2, pp. 763–788. T. Kyle Petersen, Enriched P-partitions and peak algebras , Adv. in Math. 209 (2007), pp. 561–610. 15 / 41

  29. Roadmap to Epk Now to the general ideas of our proof that Epk is shuffle-compatible. Strategy: imitate the classical proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, using (yet) another version of enriched P -partitions. More precisely, we define Z -enriched P -partitions : a generalization of P -partitions (Stanley 1972); enriched P -partitions (Stembridge 1997); left enriched P -partitions (Petersen 2007), which are used in the proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, respectively. 16 / 41

  30. Roadmap to Epk Now to the general ideas of our proof that Epk is shuffle-compatible. Strategy: imitate the classical proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, using (yet) another version of enriched P -partitions. More precisely, we define Z -enriched P -partitions : a generalization of P -partitions (Stanley 1972); enriched P -partitions (Stembridge 1997); left enriched P -partitions (Petersen 2007), which are used in the proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, respectively. The idea is simple, but the proof takes work. Let me just show the highlights without using P -partition language. 16 / 41

  31. Roadmap to Epk Now to the general ideas of our proof that Epk is shuffle-compatible. Strategy: imitate the classical proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, using (yet) another version of enriched P -partitions. More precisely, we define Z -enriched P -partitions : a generalization of P -partitions (Stanley 1972); enriched P -partitions (Stembridge 1997); left enriched P -partitions (Petersen 2007), which are used in the proofs for Des, Pk and Lpk, respectively. The idea is simple, but the proof takes work. Let me just show the highlights without using P -partition language. 16 / 41

  32. The main identity Let N be the totally ordered set { 0 < 1 < 2 < · · · < ∞} . 17 / 41

  33. The main identity Let N be the totally ordered set { 0 < 1 < 2 < · · · < ∞} . Let Pow N be the ring of power series over Q in the indeterminates x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x ∞ . If n ∈ N and if Λ is any subset of [ n ], then we define a power series K Z n , Λ ∈ Pow N by � 2 k ( g ) x g 1 x g 2 · · · x g n , K Z n , Λ = where g the sum is over all weakly increasing n -tuples g = (0 ≤ g 1 ≤ g 2 ≤ · · · ≤ g n ≤ ∞ ) of elements of N such that no i ∈ Λ satisfies g i − 1 = g i = g i +1 (where we set g 0 = 0 and g n +1 = ∞ ); we let k ( g ) be the number of distinct entries of this n -tuple g , not counting those that equal 0 or ∞ . 17 / 41

  34. The main identity If n ∈ N and if Λ is any subset of [ n ], then we define a power series K Z n , Λ ∈ Pow N by � K Z 2 k ( g ) x g 1 x g 2 · · · x g n , n , Λ = where g the sum is over all weakly increasing n -tuples g = (0 ≤ g 1 ≤ g 2 ≤ · · · ≤ g n ≤ ∞ ) of elements of N such that no i ∈ Λ satisfies g i − 1 = g i = g i +1 (where we set g 0 = 0 and g n +1 = ∞ ); we let k ( g ) be the number of distinct entries of this n -tuple g , not counting those that equal 0 or ∞ . Product formula. If π is an n -permutation and σ is an m -permutation, then � K Z n , Epk π · K Z K Z m , Epk σ = n + m , Epk τ . τ ∈ S ( π,σ ) 17 / 41

  35. The main identity If n ∈ N and if Λ is any subset of [ n ], then we define a power series K Z n , Λ ∈ Pow N by � K Z 2 k ( g ) x g 1 x g 2 · · · x g n , n , Λ = where g the sum is over all weakly increasing n -tuples g = (0 ≤ g 1 ≤ g 2 ≤ · · · ≤ g n ≤ ∞ ) of elements of N such that no i ∈ Λ satisfies g i − 1 = g i = g i +1 (where we set g 0 = 0 and g n +1 = ∞ ); we let k ( g ) be the number of distinct entries of this n -tuple g , not counting those that equal 0 or ∞ . Product formula. If π is an n -permutation and σ is an m -permutation, then � K Z n , Epk π · K Z K Z m , Epk σ = n + m , Epk τ . τ ∈ S ( π,σ ) Proof idea: K Z n , Epk π is the generating function of Z -enriched P -partitions for a certain totally ordered set P . 17 / 41

  36. The main identity If n ∈ N and if Λ is any subset of [ n ], then we define a power series K Z n , Λ ∈ Pow N by � K Z 2 k ( g ) x g 1 x g 2 · · · x g n , n , Λ = where g the sum is over all weakly increasing n -tuples g = (0 ≤ g 1 ≤ g 2 ≤ · · · ≤ g n ≤ ∞ ) of elements of N such that no i ∈ Λ satisfies g i − 1 = g i = g i +1 (where we set g 0 = 0 and g n +1 = ∞ ); we let k ( g ) be the number of distinct entries of this n -tuple g , not counting those that equal 0 or ∞ . Product formula. If π is an n -permutation and σ is an m -permutation, then � K Z n , Epk π · K Z K Z m , Epk σ = n + m , Epk τ . τ ∈ S ( π,σ ) Proof idea: K Z n , Epk π is the generating function of Z -enriched P -partitions for a certain totally ordered set P . 17 / 41

  37. Lacunar subsets and linear independence A set S of integers is called lacunar if it contains no two consecutive integers. (Some call this “sparse”.) Well-known fact: The number of lacunar subsets of [ n ] is the Fibonacci number f n +1 . Lemma. For each nonempty permutation π , the set Epk π is a nonempty lacunar subset of [ n ]. (And conversely – although we don’t need it –, any such subset has the form Epk π for some π .) 18 / 41

  38. Lacunar subsets and linear independence A set S of integers is called lacunar if it contains no two consecutive integers. (Some call this “sparse”.) Well-known fact: The number of lacunar subsets of [ n ] is the Fibonacci number f n +1 . Lemma. For each nonempty permutation π , the set Epk π is a nonempty lacunar subset of [ n ]. (And conversely – although we don’t need it –, any such subset has the form Epk π for some π .) Lemma. The family � � K Z n , Λ n ∈ N ; Λ ⊆ [ n ] is lacunar and nonempty is Q -linearly independent. These lemmas, and the above product formula, prove the shuffle-compatibility of Epk. 18 / 41

  39. Lacunar subsets and linear independence A set S of integers is called lacunar if it contains no two consecutive integers. (Some call this “sparse”.) Well-known fact: The number of lacunar subsets of [ n ] is the Fibonacci number f n +1 . Lemma. For each nonempty permutation π , the set Epk π is a nonempty lacunar subset of [ n ]. (And conversely – although we don’t need it –, any such subset has the form Epk π for some π .) Lemma. The family � � K Z n , Λ n ∈ N ; Λ ⊆ [ n ] is lacunar and nonempty is Q -linearly independent. These lemmas, and the above product formula, prove the shuffle-compatibility of Epk. 18 / 41

  40. LR-shuffle-compatibility redux Now to the proofs of LR-shuffle-compatibility. Recall again the definitions: We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with π 1 ). We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with σ 1 ). 19 / 41

  41. LR-shuffle-compatibility redux Now to the proofs of LR-shuffle-compatibility. Recall again the definitions: We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with π 1 ). We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with σ 1 ). A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset and depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . 19 / 41

  42. LR-shuffle-compatibility redux Now to the proofs of LR-shuffle-compatibility. Recall again the definitions: We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with π 1 ). We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with σ 1 ). A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset and depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . We claim that Des, des, Lpk and Epk are LR-shuffle-compatible. 19 / 41

  43. LR-shuffle-compatibility redux Now to the proofs of LR-shuffle-compatibility. Recall again the definitions: We let S ≺ ( π, σ ) be the set of all left shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with π 1 ). We let S ≻ ( π, σ ) be the set of all right shuffles of π and σ (= the shuffles that start with σ 1 ). A statistic st is said to be LR-shuffle-compatible if for any two disjoint nonempty permutations π and σ , the multisets { st τ | τ ∈ S ≺ ( π, σ ) } multiset { st τ | τ ∈ S ≻ ( π, σ ) } multiset and depend only on st π , st σ , | π | , | σ | and the truth value of π 1 > σ 1 . We claim that Des, des, Lpk and Epk are LR-shuffle-compatible. 19 / 41

  44. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . 20 / 41

  45. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . 20 / 41

  46. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . 20 / 41

  47. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . For example, Epk is head-graft-compatible, since � Epk π + 1 , if not a > π 1 ; Epk ( a : π ) = ((Epk π + 1) \ { 2 } ) ∪ { 1 } , if a > π 1 . 20 / 41

  48. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . Likewise, Des, Lpk and des are head-graft-compatible. 20 / 41

  49. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . Theorem (G.). A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. 20 / 41

  50. Head-graft-compatibility Crucial observation: (LR-shuffle-compatible) ⇐ ⇒ (shuffle-compatible) ∧ (head-graft-compatible) . � �� � easy-to-check property A permutation statistic st is said to be head-graft-compatible if for any nonempty permutation π and any letter a that does not appear in π , the element st ( a : π ) depends only on st ( π ), | π | and on the truth value of a > π 1 . Here, a : π is the permutation obtained from π by appending a at the front: π = ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ⇒ a : π = ( a , π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) . Theorem (G.). A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. Hence, Epk, Des, Lpk and des are LR-shuffle-compatible. 20 / 41

  51. Proof idea for ⇐ = Theorem. A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. Main idea of the proof of ⇐ =: If π is an n -permutation with n > 0, then let π ∼ 1 be the ( n − 1)-permutation ( π 2 , π 3 , . . . , π n ). 21 / 41

  52. Proof idea for ⇐ = Theorem. A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. Main idea of the proof of ⇐ =: If π is an n -permutation with n > 0, then let π ∼ 1 be the ( n − 1)-permutation ( π 2 , π 3 , . . . , π n ). If π and σ are two disjoint permutations, then S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( σ, π ) ; S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( π ∼ 1 , π 1 : σ ) if π is nonempty; S ≻ ( π, σ ) = S ≺ ( σ 1 : π, σ ∼ 1 ) if σ is nonempty . These allow for an inductive argument. 21 / 41

  53. Proof idea for ⇐ = Theorem. A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. Main idea of the proof of ⇐ =: If π is an n -permutation with n > 0, then let π ∼ 1 be the ( n − 1)-permutation ( π 2 , π 3 , . . . , π n ). If π and σ are two disjoint permutations, then S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( σ, π ) ; S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( π ∼ 1 , π 1 : σ ) if π is nonempty; S ≻ ( π, σ ) = S ≺ ( σ 1 : π, σ ∼ 1 ) if σ is nonempty . These allow for an inductive argument. Note that the concept of LR-shuffle-compatibility is not invariant under reversal: st can be LR-shuffle-compatible while st ◦ rev is not, where rev ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ( π n , π n − 1 , . . . , π 1 ) . For example, Lpk is LR-shuffle-compatible, but Rpk is not. 21 / 41

  54. Proof idea for ⇐ = Theorem. A statistic st is LR-shuffle-compatible if and only if it is shuffle-compatible and head-graft-compatible. Main idea of the proof of ⇐ =: If π is an n -permutation with n > 0, then let π ∼ 1 be the ( n − 1)-permutation ( π 2 , π 3 , . . . , π n ). If π and σ are two disjoint permutations, then S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( σ, π ) ; S ≺ ( π, σ ) = S ≻ ( π ∼ 1 , π 1 : σ ) if π is nonempty; S ≻ ( π, σ ) = S ≺ ( σ 1 : π, σ ∼ 1 ) if σ is nonempty . These allow for an inductive argument. Note that the concept of LR-shuffle-compatibility is not invariant under reversal: st can be LR-shuffle-compatible while st ◦ rev is not, where rev ( π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π n ) = ( π n , π n − 1 , . . . , π 1 ) . For example, Lpk is LR-shuffle-compatible, but Rpk is not. 21 / 41

  55. Section 3 Section 3 The QSym connection References: Ira M. Gessel, Yan Zhuang, Shuffle-compatible permutation statistics , arXiv:1706.00750. Darij Grinberg, Victor Reiner, Hopf Algebras in Combinatorics , arXiv:1409.8356, and various other texts on combinatorial Hopf algebras. 22 / 41

  56. Descent statistics Gessel and Zhuang prove most of their shuffle-compatibilities algebraically. Their methods involve combinatorial Hopf algebras (QSym and NSym). These methods work for descent statistics only. What is a descent statistic? A descent statistic is a statistic st such that st π depends only on | π | and Des π (in other words: if π and σ are two n -permutations with Des π = Des σ , then st π = st σ ). Intuition: A descent statistic is a statistic which “factors through Des in each size”. 23 / 41

  57. Descent statistics Gessel and Zhuang prove most of their shuffle-compatibilities algebraically. Their methods involve combinatorial Hopf algebras (QSym and NSym). These methods work for descent statistics only. What is a descent statistic? A descent statistic is a statistic st such that st π depends only on | π | and Des π (in other words: if π and σ are two n -permutations with Des π = Des σ , then st π = st σ ). Intuition: A descent statistic is a statistic which “factors through Des in each size”. 23 / 41

  58. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. 24 / 41

  59. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . 24 / 41

  60. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . Then, there are mutually inverse bijections Des : { compositions of n } → { subsets of [ n − 1] } , ( i 1 , i 2 , . . . , i k ) �→ { i 1 + i 2 + · · · + i j | 1 ≤ j ≤ k − 1 } and Comp : { subsets of [ n − 1] } → { compositions of n } , { s 1 < s 2 < · · · < s k } �→ ( s 1 − s 0 , s 2 − s 1 , . . . , s k +1 − s k ) (using the notations s 0 = 0 and s k +1 = n ). 24 / 41

  61. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . Then, there are mutually inverse bijections Des and Comp between { subsets of [ n − 1] } and { compositions of n } . If π is an n -permutation, then Comp (Des π ) is called the descent composition of π , and is written Comp π . 24 / 41

  62. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . Then, there are mutually inverse bijections Des and Comp between { subsets of [ n − 1] } and { compositions of n } . If π is an n -permutation, then Comp (Des π ) is called the descent composition of π , and is written Comp π . Thus, a descent statistic is a statistic st that factors through Comp (that is, st π depends only on Comp π ). 24 / 41

  63. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . Then, there are mutually inverse bijections Des and Comp between { subsets of [ n − 1] } and { compositions of n } . If π is an n -permutation, then Comp (Des π ) is called the descent composition of π , and is written Comp π . Thus, a descent statistic is a statistic st that factors through Comp (that is, st π depends only on Comp π ). If st is a descent statistic, then we use the notation st α (where α is a composition) for st π , where π is any permutation with Comp π = α . 24 / 41

  64. Compositions & descent compositions: definitions A composition is a finite list of positive integers. A composition of n ∈ N is a composition whose entries sum to n . For example, (1 , 3 , 2) is a composition of 6. Let n ∈ N , and let [ n − 1] = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1 } . Then, there are mutually inverse bijections Des and Comp between { subsets of [ n − 1] } and { compositions of n } . If π is an n -permutation, then Comp (Des π ) is called the descent composition of π , and is written Comp π . If st is a descent statistic, then we use the notation st α (where α is a composition) for st π , where π is any permutation with Comp π = α . Warning: Des ((1 , 5 , 2) the composition) = { 1 , 6 } ; Des ((1 , 5 , 2) the permutation) = { 2 } . Same for other statistics! Context must disambiguate. 24 / 41

  65. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. 25 / 41

  66. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. 25 / 41

  67. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. 25 / 41

  68. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. inv is not a descent statistic: The permutations (2 , 1 , 3) and (3 , 1 , 2) have the same descents, but different numbers of inversions. Question (Gessel & Zhuang). Is every shuffle-compatible statistic a descent statistic? 25 / 41

  69. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. Question (Gessel & Zhuang). Is every shuffle-compatible statistic a descent statistic? Answer (Ezgi Kantarcı O˘ guz, arXiv:1807.01398v1 ): No. 25 / 41

  70. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. Question (Gessel & Zhuang). Is every shuffle-compatible statistic a descent statistic? Answer (Ezgi Kantarcı O˘ guz, arXiv:1807.01398v1 ): No. However: Every LR-shuffle-compatible statistic is a descent statistic. 25 / 41

  71. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. Question (Gessel & Zhuang). Is every shuffle-compatible statistic a descent statistic? Answer (Ezgi Kantarcı O˘ guz, arXiv:1807.01398v1 ): No. However: Every LR-shuffle-compatible statistic is a descent statistic. (Better yet, every head-graft-compatible statistic is a descent statistic.) 25 / 41

  72. Descent statistics: examples Almost all of our statistics so far are descent statistics. Examples: Des, des and maj are descent statistics. Pk is a descent statistic: If π is an n -permutation, then Pk π = (Des π ) \ ((Des π ∪ { 0 } ) + 1) , where for any set K of integers and any integer a we set K + a = { k + a | k ∈ K } . Similarly, Lpk, Rpk and Epk are descent statistics. Question (Gessel & Zhuang). Is every shuffle-compatible statistic a descent statistic? Answer (Ezgi Kantarcı O˘ guz, arXiv:1807.01398v1 ): No. However: Every LR-shuffle-compatible statistic is a descent statistic. (Better yet, every head-graft-compatible statistic is a descent statistic.) 25 / 41

  73. Quasisymmetric functions, part 1: definition Consider the ring Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] of formal power series in countably many indeterminates. A formal power series f is said to be bounded-degree if the monomials it contains are bounded (from above) in degree. 26 / 41

  74. Quasisymmetric functions, part 1: definition Consider the ring Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] of formal power series in countably many indeterminates. A formal power series f is said to be bounded-degree if the monomials it contains are bounded (from above) in degree. A formal power series f ∈ Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] is said to be quasisymmetric if its coefficients in front of x a 1 i 1 x a 2 i 2 · · · x a k i k and x a 1 j 1 x a 2 j 2 · · · x a k j k are equal whenever i 1 < i 2 < · · · < i k and j 1 < j 2 < · · · < j k . For example: Every symmetric power series is quasisymmetric. � x 2 i x j = x 2 1 x 2 + x 2 1 x 3 + x 2 2 x 3 + x 2 1 x 4 + · · · is i < j quasisymmetric, but not symmetric. 26 / 41

  75. Quasisymmetric functions, part 1: definition Consider the ring Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] of formal power series in countably many indeterminates. A formal power series f is said to be bounded-degree if the monomials it contains are bounded (from above) in degree. A formal power series f ∈ Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] is said to be quasisymmetric if its coefficients in front of x a 1 i 1 x a 2 i 2 · · · x a k i k and x a 1 j 1 x a 2 j 2 · · · x a k j k are equal whenever i 1 < i 2 < · · · < i k and j 1 < j 2 < · · · < j k . For example: Every symmetric power series is quasisymmetric. � x 2 i x j = x 2 1 x 2 + x 2 1 x 3 + x 2 2 x 3 + x 2 1 x 4 + · · · is i < j quasisymmetric, but not symmetric. Let QSym be the set of all quasisymmetric bounded-degree power series in Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]]. This is a Q -subalgebra, called the ring of quasisymmetric functions over Q . (Gessel, 1980s.) 26 / 41

  76. Quasisymmetric functions, part 1: definition Consider the ring Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] of formal power series in countably many indeterminates. A formal power series f is said to be bounded-degree if the monomials it contains are bounded (from above) in degree. A formal power series f ∈ Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]] is said to be quasisymmetric if its coefficients in front of x a 1 i 1 x a 2 i 2 · · · x a k i k and x a 1 j 1 x a 2 j 2 · · · x a k j k are equal whenever i 1 < i 2 < · · · < i k and j 1 < j 2 < · · · < j k . For example: Every symmetric power series is quasisymmetric. � x 2 i x j = x 2 1 x 2 + x 2 1 x 3 + x 2 2 x 3 + x 2 1 x 4 + · · · is i < j quasisymmetric, but not symmetric. Let QSym be the set of all quasisymmetric bounded-degree power series in Q [[ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , . . . ]]. This is a Q -subalgebra, called the ring of quasisymmetric functions over Q . (Gessel, 1980s.) 26 / 41

  77. Quasisymmetric functions, part 2: the monomial basis For every composition α = ( α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k ), define � x α 1 i 1 x α 2 i 2 · · · x α k M α = i k i 1 < i 2 < ··· < i k = sum of all monomials whose nonzero exponents are α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k in this order . This is a homogeneous power series of degree | α | (the size of α , defined by | α | := α 1 + α 2 + · · · + α k ). Examples: M () = 1. M (1 , 1) = � x i x j = x 1 x 2 + x 1 x 3 + x 2 x 3 + x 1 x 4 + x 2 x 4 + · · · . i < j M (2 , 1) = � x 2 i x j = x 2 1 x 2 + x 2 1 x 3 + x 2 2 x 3 + · · · . i < j M (3) = � x 3 i = x 3 1 + x 3 2 + x 3 3 + · · · . i 27 / 41

  78. Quasisymmetric functions, part 2: the monomial basis For every composition α = ( α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k ), define � x α 1 i 1 x α 2 i 2 · · · x α k M α = i k i 1 < i 2 < ··· < i k = sum of all monomials whose nonzero exponents are α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k in this order . This is a homogeneous power series of degree | α | (the size of α , defined by | α | := α 1 + α 2 + · · · + α k ). The family ( M α ) α is a composition is a basis of the Q -vector space QSym, called the monomial basis (or M -basis). 27 / 41

  79. Quasisymmetric functions, part 3: the fundamental basis For every composition α = ( α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k ), define � F α = x i 1 x i 2 · · · x i n i 1 ≤ i 2 ≤···≤ i n ; i j < i j +1 for all j ∈ Des α � where n = | α | . = M β , β is a composition of n ; Des β ⊇ Des α This is a homogeneous power series of degree | α | again. Examples: F () = 1. F (1 , 1) = � x i x j = x 1 x 2 + x 1 x 3 + x 2 x 3 + x 1 x 4 + x 2 x 4 + · · · . i < j � F (2 , 1) = x i x j x k . i ≤ j < k � F (3) = x i x j x k . i ≤ j ≤ k 28 / 41

  80. Quasisymmetric functions, part 3: the fundamental basis For every composition α = ( α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k ), define � F α = x i 1 x i 2 · · · x i n i 1 ≤ i 2 ≤···≤ i n ; i j < i j +1 for all j ∈ Des α � where n = | α | . = M β , β is a composition of n ; Des β ⊇ Des α This is a homogeneous power series of degree | α | again. The family ( F α ) α is a composition is a basis of the Q -vector space QSym, called the fundamental basis (or F -basis). Sometimes, F α is also denoted L α . 28 / 41

  81. Quasisymmetric functions, part 3: the fundamental basis For every composition α = ( α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α k ), define � F α = x i 1 x i 2 · · · x i n i 1 ≤ i 2 ≤···≤ i n ; i j < i j +1 for all j ∈ Des α � where n = | α | . = M β , β is a composition of n ; Des β ⊇ Des α This is a homogeneous power series of degree | α | again. What connects QSym with shuffles of permutations is the following fact: Theorem. If π and σ are two disjoint permutations, then � F Comp π · F Comp σ = F Comp τ . τ ∈ S ( π,σ ) 28 / 41

  82. The kernel criterion for shuffle-compatibility If st is a descent statistic, then two compositions α and β are said to be st -equivalent if | α | = | β | and st α = st β . (Remember: st α means st π for any permutation π satisfying Comp π = α .) The kernel K st of a descent statistic st is the Q -vector subspace of QSym spanned by all differences of the form F α − F β , with α and β being two st-equivalent compositions: K st = � F α − F β | | α | = | β | and st α = st β � Q . 29 / 41

  83. The kernel criterion for shuffle-compatibility If st is a descent statistic, then two compositions α and β are said to be st -equivalent if | α | = | β | and st α = st β . (Remember: st α means st π for any permutation π satisfying Comp π = α .) The kernel K st of a descent statistic st is the Q -vector subspace of QSym spanned by all differences of the form F α − F β , with α and β being two st-equivalent compositions: K st = � F α − F β | | α | = | β | and st α = st β � Q . Theorem. The descent statistic st is shuffle-compatible if and only if K st is an ideal of QSym. (This is essentially due to Gessel & Zhuang.) 29 / 41

  84. The kernel criterion for shuffle-compatibility If st is a descent statistic, then two compositions α and β are said to be st -equivalent if | α | = | β | and st α = st β . (Remember: st α means st π for any permutation π satisfying Comp π = α .) The kernel K st of a descent statistic st is the Q -vector subspace of QSym spanned by all differences of the form F α − F β , with α and β being two st-equivalent compositions: K st = � F α − F β | | α | = | β | and st α = st β � Q . Theorem. The descent statistic st is shuffle-compatible if and only if K st is an ideal of QSym. (This is essentially due to Gessel & Zhuang.) Since Epk is shuffle-compatible, its kernel K Epk is an ideal of QSym. How can we describe it? Two ways: using the F -basis and using the M -basis. 29 / 41


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