Shiv Yog Agriculture Austria
Projects Undertaken • Enhancing soil fertility with Shiv Yog Healing • Apple Tree Regeneration • Wintersalad – Field growth • Seeds growth / Development Live and Distance modalities of Shiv Yog Agriculture were used.
1st testing field between Linz and Steyr in Upper Austria Field was 2,27 ha was split in 2 parts – Shiv Yog field and control field On one half Shiv Yog Cosmic Energy, Second half – nothing was given
Field 2 – Shiv Yog Distance Healing 6.64 ha big Everyday Shiv Yog distance Healing was given to the Field for a period of 21 Days
Observations : When first the Soil was taken out of the 2 Fields not one Singel Earth Worm was found in all the 16 Testholes which where made all over the 2 Fields
First and Second testing field No worms present in both
MP3 Player and Box was installed on Shiv Yog field and Power system was changed every 12 hours so the Alive Healing Mantra of Shiv Yog was continiously playing
Shiv Yog Agriculture Project Shiv Yog Krishi on the 1st Testfield
Shiv Yog Agriculture Project Shiv Yog Krishi Meditation on the 1st Testfield
After 21 Days again the Soil sample was taken again with same depth holes on both the Test Field
After 21 days of Shiv Yog Healing
After the Shiv Yog Healing was given – Hundreds of Worms were found in the Field which was given the Shiv Yog Cosmic Energy as well in the One where Shiv Yog Distance healing was given
Earlier there was not a single worm in both the Fields when the first soil samples were taken for testing 21 days ago
Observations which were significant in the Fields and Labour Test : Initially, no earthworms were present in both the fields Afterwards, there were great number of earthworms in the fields where Shiv Yog healing was done In Field where Shiv Yog Healing was done in physical presence, the Observation was : The ph value went up from 6.5 to 6.9 (which is very good) Phosphor (P) – Phosphorus went from 14 up to 22 Kalium (K)- Potassium went from 11 up to 12 Magnesium (M) went from 6 up to 9 Kupfer(Cu) – Copper went from 2 up to 4
Observations which were significant in the Fields and Labour Test : • Nges total Phyto availability from Mineral went up from 123 to 134 • Manganese increased from 349 to 515 • Iron increased from 457 to 888 which is very remarkable • The available carbon/Nitrogen improved from 9 to 9.9
Observations which were significant in the Fields and Labour Test : Schwermetalle – Heavy Metals and Poison went significantly down: • Blei – Lead went down from 22 to 20 • Crom - Crom went down from 42 – 41 • Zink – Zinc went down from 67 to 64 • Mercurial Silver down from 0.06 till 0.04
In Field where Distance healing of Shiv Yog was done, the Observation was : Kalium (K)- Potassium went from 11 up to 12 Magnesium (M) went from 12 up to 22 Calcium (Ca) availabilty went from 113 up to 139 Eisen (Iron) and Managn (Manganese) also went UP : Manganese from 495 went up to 602 • Iron from 530 went up to 711 • The available carbon/Nitrogen improved from 8.9 to 9.3 which is a very good improvement in 21 days.
Labor test: Before the Shiv Yog Healing
Laboratory test: After the Shiv Yog Healing
Old Apple Tree Regeneration : Testing on Apple tree – 5 years old Appel Tree which did not give Fruits since 5 years – Shiv Yog Cosmic Energy was given for 21 days everyday for 20 minutes. Result :
Wintersalads - Rucula More tests was done on 2 Field where Wintersalads called Rucula where growing : Observations: In an Time period after just 4-5 Days in the Shiv Yog Field leaves were coming out In the other Field the leaves start growing only after 7 Days Plants in the Shiv Yog Field so all seeds germinated and whole field was full In 2nd Field not all seeds opened and there was distance beetween one plant to another
Observations in Plants: The Plants of the Shiv Yog Healing Field had more and stronger developed Leaves than the Other The growth and development of the Plants was much faster The Roots of the Plants where more thicker and robust
It was clearly visible that the plants from the Field which was given the Shiv Yog Healing had stronger/thicker Leaves Clearly Visible More height in growth
Development of plant growth and leaves growth on the Plant which was Healed with Shiv Yog was clearly visible and was much more Developed
Observations: Normal plant: was less in growth 7.5 – 7.9 cm Shiv Yog Plant: 11.5 – 11.8 cm Thickness of the stem on Shiv Yog Plant was almost double
Observation on other Seeds in grown in 2 Pots in same conditioning: Equal room temperature Equal amount and timing of watering Equal influence of the light Equal soil Test duration - 10 Days
Observations: Normal : was less in growth 3 – 3.5 cm Shiv Yog Plant: 7.5 – 8 cm Development of plant green and leaves growth on the Plant which was Healed with Shiv Yog was clearly better developed. It has bigger and thicker leaves and longer, thicker and stronger stem
Test on Basilikum Seeds after 5 Days Shiv Yog Healed Normal
Test on Basilikum Seeds after 8 Days Shiv Yog Healed Normal
Test on Basil Seeds after 10 Days Shiv Yog Healed Normal Observation: Extraordinary Growth in the Shiv Yog healed plants
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