+ Sharing Your TR Experiences through Therapeutic Recreation: Practice & Research (TRPR) – Journal of TRO Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Kimberly Lyons, Editor Recreation & Leisure Dept. University of Waterloo
+ Welcome! • Introductions: To the TRPR editorial team • To the review and publication process • Kimberly Lyons, Editor MA, TR Partner in Care Kimberly is invested in moving the profession from the medical model of healthcare into a more holistic, community based paradigm that addresses fundamental existential concerns such as purpose, meaning, sex, spirituality, pain, and death.
+ 3 Associate Editors Shannon Knutson, MA, TRS • With a passion for ongoing learning and helping others, Shannon's main • clinical interest involves supporting individuals with mental health challenges to engage in meaningful activities through an eclectic approach encompassing therapeutic recreation, occupational therapy, and mindfulness- based interventions. Shannon is also a trained yoga instructor who is passionate and driven to share the benefits and gifts yoga has given her in an accessible way to both clinical and non-clinical populations. Julian Macnaughton, MA , Ph.D. (c) • Julian is a doctoral student in Recreation & Leisure Studies at the University of • Waterloo, with interests in community-based action research, social inclusion, and social capital. His diverse range of experiences include a variety of roles in non-profit, including as program facilitator for new immigrant and refugee youth in a recreation-based settlement program in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a volunteer for Street Soccer Victoria building social inclusion for street-entrenched and marginalized populations, and as a community support worker leveraging recreation to build life-skills and inclusion for adults with fetal-alcohol syndrome and autism spectrum disorders.
+ The Therapeutic Recreation: Practice & Research (TPPR) Journal is a resource affiliated with Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) The journal is housed within the department About the journal of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the Content University of Waterloo
+ Review process 5 (when you submit your paper) Submission and assignment Phase One Phase Two Proof pages and publication
+ Review process 6 (when you submit your paper) Submission and assignment A paper is received Ed review paper, remove identifiers, and assign paper based on reviewer interests, experience, and ‘expertise’
+ Review process 7 (when you submit your paper) Phase One Submission and assignment Paper is sent to an assigned A paper is received reviewer one for commenting Ed review paper, remove Paper is passed to an assigned identifiers, and assign paper reviewer two for commenting based on reviewer interests, Paper is returned to author(s) for experience, and ‘expertise’ revisions
+ Review process 8 (when you submit your paper) Submission and assignment Phase One Phase Two Proof pages and publication
+ Review process 9 (when you submit your paper) Phase One Submission and assignment Paper is sent to an assigned A paper is received reviewer one for commenting Ed review paper, remove Paper is passed to an assigned identifiers, and assign paper reviewer two for commenting based on reviewer interests, Paper is returned to author(s) for experience, and ‘expertise’ revisions Phase Two Paper is received with completed revisions Paper is sent to reviewer one for commenting Paper is returned to author Paper is received with completed revisions
+ Review process 10 (when you submit your paper) Submission and assignment Phase One Phase Two Proof pages and publication
+ Review process 11 (when you submit your paper) Phase One Submission and assignment Paper is sent to an assigned A paper is received reviewer one for commenting Ed review paper, remove Paper is passed to an assigned identifiers, and assign paper reviewer two for commenting based on reviewer interests, Paper is returned to author(s) for experience, and ‘expertise’ revisions Proof pages and publication Phase Two All papers are reviewed by Ed Paper is received with Minor suggestions for change are completed revisions flagged and returned to author in Paper is sent to reviewer one ‘proof’ form for commenting Author accepts changes or provides rationale for declining Paper is returned to author changes Paper is received with Paper is accepted and ready for completed revisions publication
+ 2016-2017 TRO Webinar Series: The Journey to Publication…the good, the bad, and the ugly by Jill Gibson & Joellyn Leblanc Featuring Kim Lyons as panel speaker Webinar highlighting what it takes to get to publication with TRPR – Journal of TRO Accessed for free for TRO members on the TRO ‘Continuing Education’ site https://www.trontario.org/education-research/continuing-education/index.html
+ Communication and networking Advancement of the TR profession Professional development Contributing to a Canadian body of TR knowledge Strengthen writing skills Why is the TRPR Journal Reflect on and evaluate your practice an important resource? Make your knowledge accessible to fellow As a writer TRs, researchers, and educators Develop a body of evidence-based practices Feedback on your programs/research Disseminate innovative practices across the field of TR and beyond
+ Communication and networking Support the advancement of the TR profession through readership Develop awareness of practices across the TR practice/research spectra Learn from a body of Canadian TR knowledge Reflect on and evaluate your own practices Integrate evidence-based practices in your Why is the TRPR Journal own TR work an important resource? Opportunity to give feedback on fellow TRs’ As a reader programs/research Opportunity to collaborate with fellow TRs ’, TR researchers and/or TR educators in programs and/or research Translate innovative practices across the field of TR and beyond
What kind of papers do we publish at TRPR – Journal of TRO? Professional Practice Papers + 1) Papers highlighting a program, practice or 1. intervention 2) Papers exploring specific TR issues or topics 2. Research Papers
+ Professional Practice Papers Professional Practice Papers - Professional Practice Paper - Issues Intervention Introduce your reader to the Introduce your reader to the issue program, practice or intervention Explain purpose and provide Provide a clear rationale rationale Provide a detailed program Describe & develop the issue description Include citations Discuss key literature used Further discuss: participant Provide specific stories or experience, outcomes, challenges, examples evaluation Outline the implications of the Recommend & discuss implications issue for the TR profession for TR practice
+ 17 Research Papers Rationale for the study Clear purpose statement and/ or research questions Methodology A description of how you’re going to gather and analyze your data Findings Address study purpose and research questions Implications for TR practice What contributions does your study make to TR practice
+ 18 Research Papers Compare the Research process to the APIE process (LeBlanc & Singleton, 2007) Assessment/Literature Review Gather all the relevant information you can about the subject Plan/Methodology Plan out how you’re going to carry out your research project Implementation/Data Collection & Analysis The action phase of your research project: interviews, observation, surveys, recording, seeking out themes and outliers Evaluation/Results & Recommendations What worked? What didn’t? What would you change? What does the outcome lend to TR practice as we know it? The TRPR Journal
19 +
20 What to write about? +
+ Connect with the TRPR Journal 21 Stay involved, stay current Social Media + Email Twitter - @TRPRJournalTRO LinkedIn – TRPRTRO Facebook – facebook.com/TRPRJournalTRO Email – trojournal@uwaterloo.ca
+ Connect with the TRPR Journal 22 Stay involved, stay current Social Media + Email Twitter - @TRPRJournalTRO LinkedIn – TRPRTRO Facebook – facebook.com/TRPRJournalTRO Email – trojournal@uwaterloo.ca Through TRO and TRO communications Website - https://trontario.org/trpr-journal-of-tro Monthly eTRO TRO communications – Twitter, Facebook, InTRO Annual TRO Conference
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