sgs scientist report

SGS scientist report OU-SIM - Barcelona The environment of the SGS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SGS scientist report OU-SIM - Barcelona The environment of the SGS Legacy SWGs LRD ! Notes: SPBD (parsing of SciRD req.) not absolutely complete yet. It should be ready for adoption of the mission. LRD content will be the result of a

  1. SGS scientist report OU-SIM - Barcelona

  2. The environment of the SGS Legacy SWGs LRD ! Notes: • SPBD (parsing of SciRD req.) not absolutely complete yet. It should be ready for adoption of the mission. • LRD content will be the result of a negotiation between SWGs and SGS.

  3. Review process for the SGS At Bologna meeting we proposed a revised schedule for SGS reviews. We now have a proposal from the Project Team 4 reviews from now on (1.5 years in between), plus two readiness reviews before and after launch. Next review is a Preliminary Requirements Review May 2013 Scope: Validate development plans, organization, process and architecture principles. Verification that SGS requirements are complete. Pipeline maturity status: prototypes (exact meaning TBD). Still lacking a firm list of deliverable items/docs.

  4. At the OU level... We should not expect all the OUs to arrive at the PRR in the same state. A possible minimum state: Requirements placed on the OU (by other OUs). Requirements coming from the OU (e.g. requests for control data sets). Data products requested and created (defines the interfaces). A work breakdown structure that identifies the flow of data through the OU pipeline (to be fitted in the overall data flow picture of the SGS). Matching resources to the scale of the WP is important. Open issues (i.e. signal processing challenges, accuracy levels beyond current algorithms). There are already challenges planned in the SGS to face those. Development plan (to show how the WPs are staged). Including involvement of the SDCs.

  5. Capturing that information... In principle this will be defined by the Deliverable Documents list. Document in draft form at the PO level. OU section is currently empty... an opportunity to suggest content that fit ou needs. WPs (structure, content, cost and manpower) already fit in the WPBD accompanying the SIP . A development plan at the OU level? A large umbrella to capture mission statement, interfaces with other OUs, definition of data flow and data products, coverage of requirements, development plan. Visibility of requirements/requests coming from the OU?

  6. System team activities The ST deals mostly with the SDC infrastructure but this will obviously impact the OUs. Main OU-impacting activity is data-model development. Required for the database development (data-models are at the heart of the database infrastructure). Requires an OU to think about the objects it will use in its pipeline (e.g. images, catalogs, calibration data...) and rationalize them. Will provide some homogeneity throughout the SGS. Data model CCB is where decision on choices and changes will be made. Changing the data model becomes harder as time goes by...


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