session objectives

Session Objectives: Define Information Governance Demonstrate how - PDF document

4/25/2016 NCHIMA 66 th Annual Meeting Integrating Information Governance into your Course Curriculum Session Objectives: Define Information Governance Demonstrate how IG can enable Health IT Program success Describe IG foundational

  1. 4/25/2016 NCHIMA 66 th Annual Meeting Integrating Information Governance into your Course Curriculum Session Objectives: • Define Information Governance • Demonstrate how IG can enable Health IT Program success • Describe IG foundational concepts ‐ and show how they can be incorporated as part of an IG curriculum: – Data Quality and Integrity – Enterprise‐wide Policy – Privacy and Security – Metrics • Provide techniques /case study to help students embrace the concepts of IG THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION GOVERNANCE 1

  2. 4/25/2016 Addressing the IG Program Implementation Gap Program The Importance of IG is Recognized Implementation Gap Acknowledge the Of these recognize Have taken steps importance of the the need for IG toward IG Programs information drivers 91% 2/3 1/3 Source: AHIMA | Cohasset 2014 Benchmarking White Paper on Information Governance in Healthcare – underwritten in part by Iron Mountain. Source: Cohasset Associates/AHIMA 2014 Information Governance Benchmarking Survey partially underwritten by Iron Mountain 4 Information Governance Defined An organization-wide framework for managing information throughout its lifecycle and for supporting an organization’s strategy, operations, regulatory, legal, risk, and environmental requirements. 2014 Information Governance in Healthcare Benchmarking Survey by Cohasset Associates and AHIMA and underwritten by Iron Mountain. 5 5 Aligning IG with Health System Strategy 6 2

  3. 4/25/2016 IG: STRATEGIC TO ACHIEVING STRATEGIC GOALS Information Explosion Volume , velocity , and variety of information • Types (Clinical, Financial, Analytics, Operations) • Forms (Physical, Digital structured, Digital unstructured, Metadata) • Sources (Internally Generated, Externally Generated) Uses of Information Big Data = New Opportunities Leverage Information for Advantage Population Health Management Clinical Decisions Community Health 3

  4. 4/25/2016 Leverage IG to Reduce Cost and Risk Minimize Enhance Enable Protect Breaches Data Investments Defensible Quality Disposition THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF INFORMATION GOVERNANCE Current State: Maturity of IG Policies and Practices Practices to Practices to Privacy Information Retention preserve delete/ policies Security Schedules information destroy and policies and and for legal outdated practices practices Practices holds information 50% 44% 34% 30% 26% Source: Cohasset Associates/AHIMA 2014 Information Governance Benchmarking Survey partially underwritten by Iron Mountain 12 4

  5. 4/25/2016 IG Building Blocks: Data Quality and Integrity Accurate Information = Quality Care Information Integrity • Accurate, reliable, up‐to‐date, fit‐for‐ use Data Cleanup • Master Patient Index Quality 13 IG Building Blocks: Enterprise‐Wide Policy Regulations continue to increase Understand retention rules for: • Clinical Data • Financial Data Establish Policy Regularly update policy 14 IG Building Blocks: Privacy & Security Breaches & Cyberattacks PHI is pervasive • Physical records, electronic records, devices Cross‐Functional Support Needed: • IT, Compliance, Legal, Data 15 5

  6. 4/25/2016 IG Building Blocks: Metrics & Measures Have metrics to guide IG 10% only assessments & improvements Metrics are missing • Identify, capture, & review metrics on an on‐going basis • Determine an IG assessment cycle • Establish a formal process for review/maintenance IG Building Blocks: Metrics & Measures Risk & Control Functions: TRAINING GOVERNANCE INVENTORY STAFFING RETENTION DISPOSITION VENDOR PRIVACY & LEGAL MANAGEMENT SECURITY HOLDS Oversight at Regular Intervals Quarterly Annually Continuously • • • Assess how Identify new risks, add or Identify gaps in controls are modify controls Framework design & • functioning Confirm applicability of execution • • Recommend current controls, edit as Receive input from changes to required LOBs • • oversight team & Review input from LOBs re Recommend communicate to ease of use, rating system, changes, as required LOBs etc. • Make appropriate changes to process & communicate to LOBs • Monitor methodology • Engage any new stakeholders 18 6

  7. 4/25/2016 Information Governance – Who is Involved SENIOR INFORMATION GOVERNANCE COUNCIL LEADERSHIP ADVOCATE Health Legal Compliance Security/Risk IT Clinical Information /Audit Management Lifecycle governance needs to know to to to a policy what systems attach that execute understand that is up to date are producing, and relevant to policy to lifecycle behaviors storing and the business and information behaviors on to ensure managing geography compliance and to inform information with information drive efficiency required lifecycle consistency behavior 1 2 3 4 5 20 CASE STUDY: INTEGRATING IG INTO CURRICULUM 7

  8. 4/25/2016 Integrating IG into Curriculum 22 Dr. Nigel Scafell PhD Michael McKinley Estella Townsend Lucas Neblina Sue Nordend 23 Learning Process Do: Know: Learn: Activities Insight /Peer Certified Knowledge Led Checks Engagem Conversat ent ions 24 8

  9. 4/25/2016 Example 25 QUESTIONS? Thank You Jeff Ryan Iron Mountain Senior Advisor Professional Services 9

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