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Service Units Total Slots Used % Used 546 Troops Other 4 4 100.00 Stanly 180 126 70.00 5.5 average number booth per troop Cab 2 181 121 66.85 Pacesetters 192 121 63.02 Top Troops York 2 337 208 61.72 York 1 432 250 57.87 Troop 3676; Meck 12 – 44 Meck 7 300 167 55.67 Union 3 99 54 54.55 Troop 2193; Cab 2 – 34 Meck 19 271 144 53.14 Troop 783; Cab 2 - 29 Meck 13 866 434 50.12 Troop 1846; Rowan – 28 Anson 8 4 50.00 Meck 1 645 319 49.46 Troop 2377; Cab 2 - 28 Trailblazers 690 335 48.55 Rowan 282 136 48.23 Meck 12 554 226 40.79 Meck 4 157 62 39.49 Montgomery 13 5 38.46 Union 1 219 76 34.70 Union 2 323 107 33.13 Meck 8 358 88 24.58 Grand Total 6111 2987 48.88
Page 79 of Volunteer Essentials: Plan to have at least two volunteers and one girl at the booth at all times . At least one of those volunteers must be registered with the council and have a background check. From time to time, volunteers might want to take breaks or will have to accompany young girls to the bathroom, so make sure to have a few extra volunteers on hand. Girls make all sales , except in cases where volunteers are helping Daisies handle money. This means that adults should not host cookie booths without girls present and cookies should not be sold in council shops without girls present.
• We encourage councils and volunteers to use their best judgment in setting up cookie booths in locations that will be open, accessible, and safe for all girls and potential customers. ▫ Certain locations may be inappropriate for young girls based on the standards of your local community, may negatively impact the cookie program experience for girls, and/or may negatively impact our brand in your community. ▫ For additional clarity, girls should not sell in or in front of establishments that they themselves cannot legally patronize. ▫ Additionally, with respect to marijuana dispensaries, we have been steadfastly combating the unauthorized uses of the Girl Scout trademark by the cannabis community, which has been marketing — without our authorization — certain cannabis products under our youth-appealing brand. We are continuing to aggressively fight these unauthorized uses of the Girl Scout brand and hope that our councils and volunteers will join Girl Scouts of the USA’s efforts by discouraging cookie booth locations at such locations.
• Cookie Booth Agreement 2019: ▫ Dates of Agreement: January 2 – April 30, 2019 ▫ Councils can set up booths for 14 days ▫ Only 3 of those days may be consecutive • Blackout dates: ▫ January 2-3, 2019 ▫ February 2-4, 2019 ▫ February 12-14, 2019 ▫ March 29-31, 2019 ▫ April 1, 2019
• GSUSA will email out an excel list of all Dunkin Donuts approved, franchisee locations available to host cookie booths. These locations do NOT need to be contacted. Locations listed in the upcoming excel file have already pre-approved to host Cookie Booths. ▫ Cookie Booths can be hosted on Saturdays & Sundays, 8am-NOON, February 24, 2019 through March 18, 2019. Cookie Booths should be in two hour blocks 8am-10am & 10am-12pm February 24th & 25th (National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend) March 3rd & 4th March 10th & 11th March 17 & 18th ▫ Councils and troops do NOT need to contact Dunkin Donut locations to schedule booths, the locations listed in the excel file have been pre- approved for the above dates and times. The Dunkin Donut Managers will the use the GS Cookie Finder App to see if troops will have cookie booths on the specific dates.
• From January 1-April 30, 2019 all JOANN stores are open every day from 10am to 6pm for cookie booth sales. Excluding February 3, 2019. • The process for councils to set-up booth space: ▫ Councils should reach out to their JOANN district manager to confirm which stores in their area are available for cookie booth sales. ▫ Your council’s district manager contact information can be found in the JOANN welcome box or by emailing girlscouts@JOANN.com ▫ Once your council’s store(s) information is confirmed upload the store (s) information to your council baker software using: JOANN Fabrics and Crafts” Followed by the store location ▫ Troops can begin taking advantage of booth space at JOANN stores starting January 1, 2019. ▫ Also, troops should work with local store for inside or outside booth space.
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• 63 booth shopped • 38 award Super Star Booth • Did you enjoy the challenge? • Where you aware of it? • Did you “secret shop” a booth? • Is there anything you would like to change about the challenge?
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Troop 991 Troop 1385 Troop 481
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Cookie Booth Launch Schedule • Saturday, January 12 th at 9am • Saturday, January 19 th at 9am • Saturday, January 26 th at 9am • Special launches: for any large locations, i.e Walmart, etc. • All other booth opportunities will be loaded into eBudde as the come available.
Booth Sign Up Launch • Saturday, January 12 th – one booth. • Wednesday, January 16 th – one additional booth. • Saturday, January 19 th - one more additional booth. • Wednesday, January 23 rd - two more additional booths, one per chain. • Saturday, January 26 th - two more additional booths, one per chain. • Sunday, January 27 th – Thursday, February 7 th - one additional booth per day. • Friday, February 8 th - open (troops may sign up for any additional available booths). • Service Unit lottery booths will not be added to eBudde until February 8 th .
Booth Sign Up Launch • Do you like the current launch schedule? •
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