service analysis initial findings

Service Analysis Initial Findings & Initial Improvement Concepts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Late Night Transit Service Planning Service Analysis Initial Findings & Initial Improvement Concepts Late Night Transportation Working Group SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Au August st 24, 2016 Service Analysis Overview

  1. Late Night Transit Service Planning Service Analysis Initial Findings & Initial Improvement Concepts Late Night Transportation Working Group SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Au August st 24, 2016

  2. Service Analysis Overview Objective ctive: : Evaluate luate performance mance of existin ting all-nigh nighter ter netwo work k against nst th the serv rvic ice e guidelines elines and nd demand and ana nalysis ysis  Serv rvice ice Plannin nning g Goals  Avail ilabi bili lity ty – Service vice cove vera rage ge, , span, n, frequency ency  Producti ductivit vity – Rid idership rship and cost st per rid ider  Reli liability bility – On On-ti time e performance, ormance, transfe nsfers rs  Legibili ibility ty – Route ali lignme nment nt  Ana nalysis ysis inc nclud luded: ed:  Muni, i, AC AC Trans nsit, it, SamT mTran rans Al All-Ni Night hter er service rvice  BART, Caltrain ltrain, , SamTrans rans, Gold lden n Gate early ly and la late e runs 2

  3. Key Findings: Muni  Most st produ duct ctive e routes tes: 14 – Mi Miss ssion, n, 38 – Geary ry  14 alr lread eady y has 15-minu nute te frequ quenc ency  Least t productive uctive routes tes: 24 – Divis isadero ero, 25 – Trea reasu sure re Isla land nd  Some segmen ents ts of oth ther r routes tes (e.g. 91) have lo low rid idersh rship ip  On On-time time perfo formance rmance not ot meeting ng 85% % goal (on routes where data was available) 3

  4. Key Findings: AC Transit  Most st produ duct ctive e routes tes: 800 0 weekdays, ys, 802 2 weekday days  Least t productive uctive routes tes: 800 0 weekends, nds, 805 5 weeken ends ds  800 has muc uch h more ore servi vice ce on weeke ekends than n weekd ekdays ays  BART stations ons attract ract hig igh h rid idership ship  Most st on-time time perfo formance rmance not ot meeting ng AC Transi sit t 72% goal 4

  5. Key Findings: Other operators  SamTrans ns  Fir irst/ t/last last ECR R and 292 runs ns have e hig igh product ctivi vity ty  397 has relat lative vely lo low pr producti tivi vity ty  397 relia liabili lity ty not meeti eting ng 85% goal  Gold lden en Gate Transi sit  Low rid ider ershi hip on fir irst/l t/last ast runs ns of 70, 101 101  BART, Calt ltrain  SF stati tions ons among ong busies iest t for r fir irst t & la last-ru runs ns 5

  6. Draft Initial Service Concepts St Status: us: Ini nitial tial conc ncep epts ts pres esent ented ed to trans nsit it agen encies, cies, now now in n vetting/ref vetti g/refin ineme ement nt phase se Ini nitial tial conc ncep epts ts for furth ther er evaluatio luation inc nclud lude: e:  Muni  L- Owl: Extend along Embarcadero to Fisherman’s Wharf  38 38-Ow Owl: : In Incre reas ase frequ quenc ncy  91 91-Owl: : Split lit rout ute, e, extend tend to Daly y Cit ity, y, rerou route te some e segments ents  AC Transit sit th St.  800: Freque equenc ncy y chang nges es to rebala alanc nce e days ys/s /segm egments ents, , extend end to 24 th (weekday ays) ) and/or d/or Ric ichm hmond ond Hill illtop top Mall ll  800/802: 802: Potenti ntial al to realloc locat ate e route ute segments ents betwee ween n two rout outes es  801: Reallo allocate cate servi vice ce hours urs betwee ween n segments ents  SamTrans:  ECR: : Pilo ilot t all ll-nig night ht servi vice ce to Mill illbrae rae  120: Extend tend span n or in introd roduce ce all ll-night ht servi vice ce  All ll: Regularly larly evalu luate te reli liability bility and adju just t sched edule ules s as needed ed 6

  7. Next Steps  Furth ther er evalu luate te in init itial service ce conc ncep epts ts  Co Consi nside der servic ice e trad ade-offs offs (e.g. rid idersh ship ip of an any y reroute outed d segments) ments)  Inco corp rpora orate te feedbac back k from om operator rators, s, Work rking ng Group  Estimat imate e con once cept pt opera rati ting ng costs sts  Develo lop p prio ioriti ritized ed tie iers s and fin inal servic ice e recom ommendat mendations ons  Tie iers to in includ lude e reso source rce-ne neutra tral l and added-cost cost scen enari rios os 7


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