pa initial reactions to non participant study findings

PA Initial Reactions to Non- Participant Study Findings April 15, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PA Initial Reactions to Non- Participant Study Findings April 15, 2020 Findings from NP Study 2 (Market Characterization and Barriers Study) Participation Rates 45% 41% 40% 40% 35% 35% 35% 32% 30% 30% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

  1. PA Initial Reactions to Non- Participant Study Findings April 15, 2020

  2. Findings from NP Study 2 (Market Characterization and Barriers Study) Participation Rates 45% 41% 40% 40% 35% 35% 35% 32% 30% 30% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Rent Own Low Income Moderate Income > Moderate Income Speak English not at Speak English well or all or not well very well Awareness Rates 100% 87% 86% 90% 79% 80% 70% 65% 70% 62% 56% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2 Rent Own Low Income Moderate Income > Moderate Income Speak English not at Speak English well or all or not well very well

  3. Summary  Takeaways  Evaluations helped identify areas for improvement  Rent vs. own appears to be the most challenging barrier, especially in smaller (3-9 unit) buildings  Themes related to opportunities:  Tailoring marketing message  Leveraging local actors  Improving processes  Working w/ landlords 3

  4. Tailoring Marketing Message – Already Underway  In-language marketing – producing creative in the language it will be circulated in as opposed to translating from English  Placement of non-English marketing in the most effective channels  Relevance - promoting various benefits of programs aside from just energy (including comfort)  Focus on ease of participation 4

  5. Marketing – Areas for Consideration and Improvement  Relevance – promoting occupant health  Ensuring that customers know that programs are intended for everyone  Tailoring the message to individual customers – benefits and participation path 5

  6. Finding New Sources of Value for Customers 6

  7. Working with Local Actors  Geographic concentration of non-participants is an opportunity. History of working with these communities (Renew Boston, Efficient Neighborhoods+, etc.) but there are always opportunities to improve  CAPs are identified as trusted partners – PAs maintain close relationships with CAPs and continue to align and cross-promote programs  Many other ongoing and ad hoc partnerships  Municipal Partnerships  Reminder that recruitment and selection was driven by NP data  Note that there are additional strategic partnerships  CBO partnerships – National Grid trial 7

  8. Serving Limited English Populations Spanish and Portuguese chosen by municipal partners Auditors who speak Mass Save Spanish and Interactive Portuguese, Voice upon Connect to Response customer Mass Save (IVR) offered request website in multiple featuring Translated languages, human materials to Lead Vendors Spanish/ be provided offer Portuguese languages translations lines for Bilingual, additional local support volunteers on Municipal 8 teams

  9. Municipal Outreach Tactics Outreach to Local cable Speak at Hold landlord, Partnership Print materials senior centers, access TV neighbor- renter, with schools at service councils on advertising/vi hood/ business info and K-12 agencies and aging deo community sessions environmental community meetings clubs groups Info on city Water bill Local radio Farmers Door to door Use of websites inserts campaigns markets canvassing municipal social media Press Letter from Printed local Tabling at Speak at Small conference mayor to all newsletter community chamber of business with mayor residents events commerce champions/ad vocates HTR focus of tactics: Renters Moderate income LEP customers Small business 9

  10. Working with Local Actors – Workforce Development 10

  11. Process Improvements  Overall strategy:  Provide options that work for a diverse set of customers  Focus on ease of participation for each path  Examples:  Pre-weatherization barrier mitigation  Income verification  Energy saving packages Upstream Marketplace Energy saving HVAC Home energy report Appliance rebate HEA Weatherization purchase purchase package replacement Increasing effort and impact 11

  12. Process Improvements - Language  Important notes  Spanish more than 3 times as prevalent as next language  Spanish speakers more disbursed than other non-English speakers  Other languages tend to be more geographically concentrated  Approach  Systematic support for most common languages  More tactical support for other languages 12

  13. Working with Landlords  Study corroborated that rental units in small buildings are a particular challenge  Already underway  Presentations at landlord groups/associations  Case studies w/ landlords focusing on ROI  Opportunities for improvement  More targeted outreach to small building landlords – hardest to reach  More engagement – Mass Landlords – Greater New Bedford Landlords Meetings 13

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