SENSITIVITY OF AN MMPI-2-RF COMBINED RESPONSE INCONSISTENCY (CRIN) SCALE TO MIXED RESPONDING Kendall ll Whitne tney, , Taylor or Chille le, , Danie ielle lle Burchett hett, , Ph.D .D. California State University, Monterey Bay Yossef sef S. Ben-Por orath ath, , Ph.D. D. Kent State University David Glassmire, smire, Ph.D .D. Patton State Hospital
Ack ckno nowl wled edge gement ments s & D & Dis iscl clos osures ures Funded by a grant from the University of Minnesota Press, Test Division. Additional support provided by the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Center at California State University, Monterey Bay. The statements and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not constitute the official views or the official policy of DSH-Patton, the California Department of State Hospitals, or the State of California. Approved by the California Human Services Agency Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects.
MIX IXED ED RE RESPONDING PONDING Rando dom m Res espo pondi ding
MIX IXED ED RE RESPONDING PONDING Rando dom m Res espo pondi ding Acquie uiesce scent t Res espo pond ndin ing
MIX IXED ED RE RESPONDING PONDING Coun unter er- Rando dom m Acquie uiesce scent t Res espo pondi ding Res espo pondi ding Acquie uiesce scent t Res espo pond ndin ing
Com ombin ined ed Resp espon onse se In Inco cons nsis isten ency cy Sca cale le (CRIN) RIN) ■ CRIN was developed on the MMPI-A-RF (Archer, Handel, Ben-Porath, & Tellegen, 2016) to augment the shortened VRIN-r and TRIN-r validity scales ■ Quasi-random and fixed responding ■ No published literature of CRIN on the MMPI-2-RF
CRI RIN N Components ponents
CRI RIN N Components ponents: : VR VRIN-r • 53 pairs A point is assigned when an • VRIN-r examinee inconsistently answers a pair of items written in same direction
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical VR VRIN IN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs bring ng me me joy. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical VR VRIN IN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs bring ng me me joy. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical VR VRIN IN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs bring ng me me joy. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical VR VRIN IN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs bring ng me me joy. a. True ue b. False se
CRI RIN N Components ponents: : TR TRIN-r TRIN-r r TRIN-r r 11 11 True False • 26 pairs • “Tug -o- War” scoring • A point is added when an examinee gives the same response to a pair of items written in the opposite direction
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Hy Hypo pothe thetical tical TR TRIN-r r Pai air 2) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me happ ppy. a. True ue b. False se 44) Do Dogs gs ma make e me me sa sad. d. a. True ue b. False se
Calcul alculat ation ion of f CRI RIN
Calcul alculat ation ion of f CRI RIN TRIN-r r TRIN-r r VRIN-r CRIN True False 53 pa pair irs 15 pairs 11 pa pair irs Adapted from Archer et al. (2016)
Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018): 18): Calcula lculating ting CRIN N with th th the MM e MMPI PI-2-RF RF Normativ ative e Sample ple ■ Whitney et al. (2018) examined CRIN in the MMPI-2-RF normative sample ■ Converted raw scores to T Scores ■ How rare is a particular score on CRIN?
T Score ores Raw Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018): 18): Score ores 19 19 101 Raw w Scores ores Conver erted ed 18 18 97 97 to o 17 17 94 94 16 16 90 90 T Scores ores 15 15 87 87 14 14 83 83 13 13 80 80 12 12 76 76 11 11 72 72 10 10 69 69 9 65 65 8 62 62 7 58 58 6 55 55 5 51 51 4 47 47 3 44 44 2 40 40 1 37 37 0 33 33
T Score ores Raw Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018): 18): Score ores 19 19 101 Raw w Scores ores Conver erted ed 18 18 97 97 to o 17 17 94 94 16 16 90 90 T Scores ores 15 15 87 87 14 14 83 83 13 13 80 80 Adapted from Archer et al. 12 12 76 76 (2016) and Ben-Porath & 11 11 72 72 10 10 69 69 Tellegen (2008/2011): 9 65 65 8 62 62 7 58 58 • There is some evidence 6 55 55 5 51 51 of response 4 47 47 inconsistency 3 44 44 2 40 40 1 37 37 0 33 33
T Score ores Raw Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018): 18): Score ores 19 19 101 Raw w Scores ores Conver erted ed 18 18 97 97 to o 17 17 94 94 16 16 90 90 T Scores ores 15 15 87 87 14 14 83 83 13 13 80 80 Adapted from Archer et al. 12 12 76 76 (2016) and Ben-Porath & 11 11 72 72 10 10 69 69 Tellegen (2008/2011): 9 65 65 8 62 62 7 58 58 • The protocol is invalid 6 55 55 5 51 51 because of excessive 4 47 47 response inconsistency 3 44 44 2 40 40 1 37 37 0 33 33
Wh Whit itne ney e y et t al al. . (20 2018) 8): : Ex Exam amin inin ing CRI RIN N in n a a For oren ensi sic c In Inpat atie ient nt Sam ample le ■ Participants were from a deidentified archival data set ■ Examined CRIN’s basic properties
Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018) 18) CRIN N in a For orensic ensic Inpati patient ent Sample ple
Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018) 18) CRIN N in a For orensic ensic Inpati patient ent Sample ple • Identified a unique 3% of protocols not identified by VRIN-r or TRIN-r
Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018) 18) CRIN N in a For orensic ensic Inpati patient ent Sample ple • Considerable overlap between CRIN and VRIN-r
Whitn tney y et et al. . (2018) 18) CRIN N in a For orensic ensic Inpati patient ent Sample ple • Is CRIN detecting mixed responding?
Current urrent Stu tudy dy ■ Examined if CRIN is useful in detecting mixed responding on the MMPI-2-RF ■ Used a computer-generated mixed responding research design
Method Method Partic Par ticip ipants ants n = 1,110 • Stringent exclusionary criteria were used to exclude all invalid protocols (Burchett et al., Exclude invalid protocols 2016) • CNS ≥ 15; VRIN -r ≥ 70 ; TRIN-r ≥ 70; F-r ≥ 79; Fp-r ≥ 70; Fs ≥ 80; FBS ≥ 80; RBS ≥ 80; L-r ≥ n = 156 65; K ≥ 60
Par Partic ticip ipants ants Ethni nici city ty Caucasian Age ge African American M ( SD ) = 42.28 (10.60) Latino Asian Other 75% Male 25% Female
Partic Par ticip ipants ants Commi mmitme tment nt Code des Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Mentally Disordered Offender Incompetent to Stand Trial Other Prison Transfer Years Hospitalized M ( SD ) = 2.46 (4.23) Mentally Disordered Sex Offender
Method Method Mea easures sures ■ The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2- Restructured Form (Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008/2011)
Method Method Procedure ocedure ■ We divided each participant’s data into 3 sections Section 1: Items 1-113 Section 2: Items 114-226 Section 3: Items 227-338
Items ms 1-113 Items ms 114-226 226 Items ms 227-338 338
Meth Method od Procedure ocedure ■ We selected 40% as our guide to insert random, acquiescent, and counter-acquiescent responses. ■ 40% non-content-based invalid responding has a notable impact on VRIN-r and TRIN-r scores (Handel et al., 2010). R A C
Brace Yourself…
Items ms 1-113 Items ms 114-226 226 Items ms 227-338 338
Items ms 1-113 Items ms 114-226 226 Items ms 227-338 338 40% Chosen
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