sense 2013 findings for college of southern idaho

SENSE 2013 Findings for College of Southern Idaho Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SENSE 2013 Findings for College of Southern Idaho Presentation Overview SENSE Overview Student Respondent Profile SENSE Benchmarks Community College Students and Stories Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters 2 SENSE

  1. SENSE 2013 Findings for College of Southern Idaho

  2. Presentation Overview ▪ SENSE Overview ▪ Student Respondent Profile ▪ SENSE Benchmarks ▪ Community College Students and Stories ▪ Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters 2

  3. SENSE Overview

  4. What is Student Engagement? …the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices …the institutional practices and student behaviors that are highly correlated with student learning and retention 4

  5. The Survey of Entering Student Engagement ( SENSE ) SENSE helps community and technical colleges understand the experience of entering students and engage these students in the earliest weeks of their college experience. 5

  6. SENSE: A Tool for Community Colleges ▪ As a tool for improvement, SENSE helps us • Understand students' critical early experiences • Identify and learn from practices that engage entering students • Identify areas in which we can improve ▪ Basic principles • Grounded in research about what works to retain and support entering students • Reports data publicly • Is committed to using data for improvement 6

  7. Student Respondent Profile at College of Southern Idaho

  8. Excluded Respondents ▪ The following respondents were excluded from reporting: • Respondent did not indicate enrollment status • Respondent did not indicate whether he or she was an entering or returning student • Respondent marked invalid response selections • Respondent under the age of 18 • Respondent indicated previous survey submission ▪ Oversample respondents were also excluded. 8

  9. Student Respondent Profile: Enrollment Status 90% 78% 74% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 26% 30% 22% 20% 10% 0% Less than Full-Time Full-Time College of Southern Idaho SENSE 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 9

  10. Student Respondent Profile: Age 100% 87% 90% 82% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 18% 20% 13% 10% 0% 18-24 25+ College of Southern Idaho SENSE 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 10

  11. Student Respondent Profile: Sex 60% 55% 54% 50% 43% 43% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Male Female College of Southern Idaho SENSE 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 11

  12. Student Respondent Profile: Race & Ethnicity SENSE 2013 Cohort College of Southern Idaho 59% 52% 25% 18% 16% 4% 3% 3% 1% 2% 2% 1% Other American Asian, Asian Black or Hispanic, White, Non- Indian or American, or African Latino, Hispanic Native Pacific American, Spanish American Islander Non-Hispanic Source: 2013 SENSE data 12

  13. Student Respondent Profile: First-Generation Status First-Generation 38% Not First- Generation 62% Source: 2013 SENSE data 13

  14. Student Respondent Profile: Orientation I took part in an online 4.8% orientation prior to the beginning of classes I attended an on-campus orientation prior to the 16.5% beginning of classes 38.6% 1.9% I enrolled in an orientation course as part of my course schedule during my first semester/quarter at this college I was not aware of a college orientation 39.0% I was unable to participate in orientation due to scheduling or other issues Source: 2013 SENSE data 14

  15. Student Respondent Profile: Courses Dropped 3.1% 0.3% 11.0% None One Two Three 85.7% Source: 2013 SENSE data 15

  16. Student Respondent Profile: Course Registration 3.4% 0.3% More than one week before 9.5% classes began During the week before classes began During the first week of 86.7% classes After the first week of classes Source: 2013 SENSE data 16

  17. Student Respondent Profile: Employment 37.5% 37% 34.10% 20.70% 19.8% 19.20% 15.80% 15.10% 15.0% 12.80% 12.70% 12.1% 9.30% 8.90% 8.8% 7.30% 7.10% 6.8% None 1-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-20 hours 21-30 hours More than 30 hours CSI Large Colleges 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 17

  18. Student Respondent Profile: Goals 86.80% 79.60% 78.90% 77.80% 75.40% 71.10% 68.50% 58.20% 58.30% Transfer to a 4-year Obtain an Associate Complete a certificate college or university degree CSI Large Colleges 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 18

  19. SENSE Benchmarks

  20. SENSE Benchmarks of Effective Practice with Entering Students The six SENSE benchmarks are: • Early Connections • High Expectations and Aspirations • Clear Academic Plan and Pathway • Effective Track to College Readiness • Engaged Learning • Academic and Social Support Network 20

  21. SENSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice 59.1 58.5 58.2 56.8 55.3 55.1 53.1 53.2 49.7 49.6 49.4 49 48.8 47.7 47.7 46.6 46.7 43.9 Early High Clear Effective Engaged Academic Connections Expectations Academic Track to Learning and Social and Plan and College Support Aspirations Pathway Readiness Network Source: 2013 SENSE data CSI Large Colleges Top Performing Colleges 21

  22. Early Connections 38.90% 26.10% 21.80% 21% A specific person was assigned to me so I could see him/her each time I needed information or assistance CSI Large Colleges Top Performing Colleges 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 22

  23. Early Connections Agree or Strong Agree 78.10% 74.00% 71.70% 69.40% 58.80% 52.70% 51.80% 49.60% 47.30% 47.40% 45.80% 44.30% 43.60% 36.60% 31.70% 28.40% The very first time I The college provided A college staff At least one college came to this college I me with adequate member helped me staff member learned felt welcome information about determine whether I my name financial assistance qualified for financial assistance Source: 2013 SENSE data CSI Large Colleges Top Performing Colleges 2013 Cohort 23

  24. High Expectations and Aspirations CSI Large Top 2013 Percent of Student who Colleges Performing Cohort AGREED OR STRONGL YAGREED Colleges with the following statements I have the motivation to do 91.8% 90.2% 92.7% 90.2% what it takes to succeed in college I am prepared academically to 84.2% 85.6% 89.2% 76.0% succeed in college The instructors at this college 87.8% 86.8% 89% 87.7% want me to succeed 24

  25. High Expectations and Aspirations Top Large 2013 Percent of Student who CSI Performing Colleges Cohort responded Never or Once: Colleges Turned in an assignment 93.3% 92.3% 94.2% 92.2% late Did Not turn in an 92.6% 92.6% 94.9% 92.9% assignment Went to class without 86.8% 86.3% completing readings or 90% 86% assignments 87.2% 92% Skipped class 92.5% 91.8% 25

  26. Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Agree or Strongly Agree 76.5% 68.6% 63.5% 59.3% 38.0% 33.4% 29.9% 28.1% I was able to meet with an academic advisor at times A college staff member talked with me about my convenient for me commitments outside of school (work, children, dependents, etc.) to help me figure out how many courses to take College of Southern Idaho Large Colleges Top Performing Colleges 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 26

  27. Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Agree or Strongly Agree 85.0% 78.4% 74.2% 72.2% 68.9% 68.2% 62.1% 59.0% 54.8% 43.4% 42.3% 40.0% An advisor helped me to select a An advisor helped me to set An advisor helped me to identify course of study, program, or academic goals and to create a the courses I needed to take major plan for achieving them during my first semester/quarter College of Southern Idaho Large Colleges Top Performing Colleges 2013 Cohort Source: 2013 SENSE data 27

  28. Effective Track to College Readiness Percent of students who CSI Large Top 2013 agreed with the following Colleges Performing Cohort statements. Colleges Before I could register for classes I was required to take a placement test to assess my skills in reading, 93.8% 82.9% 94.4% 84.9% writing, and/or math I took a placement test 96.2% 86.2% 95.4% 88.6% This college required me to enroll in classes indicated by my 78.4% 70% 87.1% 71.2% placement test scores during my first semester/quarter Source: 2013 SENSE data 28

  29. Effective Track to College Readiness Percent of students who CSI Large Top 2013 agreed or Strongly Agreed Colleges Performing Cohort with the following statements. Colleges I learned to improve my study skills (listening, note taking, highlighting readings, working with others, etc.) 67.2% 73.4% 77.4% 74.2% I learned to understand my academic strengths and 65.9% 71.2% 73.6% 71.6% weaknesses I learned skills and strategies to improve my test-taking ability 49.8% 55.5% 59.2% 58.8% Source: 2013 SENSE data 29

  30. Engaged Learning Percent of students Top Large 2013 answering “ Never ” to the CSI Performing Colleges Cohort following questions: Colleges Prepare at least two drafts of a paper or assignment before 28.1% 28.3% 28.7% 28.2% turning it in Participate in supplemental instruction (extra class sessions 74.9% 68.2% 64.2% 68.3% with an instructor, tutor, or experienced student) Participate in a student-initiated (not required) study group outside 85.7% 82.2% 77% 82.2% of class Source: 2013 SENSE data 30


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