Seminar Report : Automatic Categorization of SQL-Query-Results Abhijith Kashyap March 24, 2008 Abstract huge result-set. Only a small portion of the result is of interest to the user, who Search queries on database-systems typ- expends considerable effort searching for ically return too many results - many the relevant results. of them irrelevant to the user. This In the internet text-search scenario, there phenomenon is commonly referred to as has been two ways to tackle this problem information-overload, as the user expends - ranking and categorization . There have a huge amount of effort sifting through been attempts to adapt these solutions the result-set looking for interesting results. in the database-scenario. Ranking of This article reviews two approaches to tack- database query results has been proposed ling this problem. Both approaches are in [3,4,5]. Work on SQL-Query-Result based on categorization ; the query results Categorization is rather recent and is the are grouped into categories. These cate- focus of this article. gories are then organized into a hierarchy A common approach for categoriza- forming a navigation-tree . The user tra- tion, (followed by search engines, web- verses this tree, top-down, and chooses to directories) involves around creating a fixed view the results upon reaching the desired category structure. All data items are category. assigned category labels as well. At search time, items in the search-results are simply grouped by their category labels. Since 1 INTRODUCTION the category structures are independent of the query, the distribution of query In recent years, there has been a tremen- results on the category hierarchy tends to dous increase in the amount of information get skewed. For the same reason, fixed stored by database-applications. Also, category structures tend to have longer search-engine style exploratory queries are navigation paths. becoming a common phenomenon on these In this article, I survey the approaches systems. These queries typically return a 1
proposed to tackle the aforementioned sists of two components - the cost of exam- problems in categorization. The first ining category labels and the cost of exam- solution was proposed by [1]. A purported ining query results. improvement to the approach in [1] is Although the basic framework is the same, proposed in [2]. the two works differ in the following aspects The rest of the article is organized as - user navigation model, the cost model follows: In section 2, presents an overview and cost estimation and the space for cate- of the two approaches. Section 3 compares gorization; resulting in different navigation the proposed solutions and examines their trees for same queries. This is discussed strengths and weaknesses, and conclude in next. section 4. 2.2 Navigation Model: 2 DISCUSSION In [1], the authors consider two distinct navigation scenarios - (1) ONE, the user is 2.1 Approach: searching for a specific item and stops once Both [1] and [2], propose to create a naviga- she finds it and (2) ALL, the user browses tion tree for a query q , dynamically at query through all the results by navigating to each time, based on query-result. The naviga- node in the navigation tree. All other sce- tion tree recursive partitions the query re- narios, user interested in “some” results is sults at each level, starting from the root. assumed to fall between these two scenarios. At each level, the partitioning is done based A given user, after examining the node’s la- on a single attribute in the result relation. bel, has three choices at any node: An attribute can be used for partition the result-set at most once. The partitions are 1. SHOWRESULT: The user can choose assigned descriptive labels and form a cat- to see all the tuples falling under the egorization of the result-set based on that given node. attribute. The criteria for categorization is inferred, in both approaches, by analyzing the user be- 2. EXPLORE: User can drill down fur- havior on the system - using the database ther into the hierarchy. This option is query-log. available only for non-leaf nodes. The motivation, for both approaches, is to reduce the effort on the part by the user in 3. IGNORE: User can ignore the node. navigating query results. To capture this effort, they model the navigational cost , on average, faced by the user traversing the In [2], the authors assume that the user presented navigation tree. Both assume is interested in only a small sub-set of query that users traverse the navigation tree, top- result present the navigation tree as a set of down, starting form the root. The cost con- hierarchical cluster over the result set. 2
2.3 Cost Model and Estima- 3.2 Disadvantages tion: 1. Considerable time and effort is needed to generate and maintain the category The two different navigation models for the structure especially in [2]. user in [1] have different cost models. To estimate the cost, the authors associate 2. The navigation tree generated may probabilities to each of the actions speci- confuse the user, especially in “com- fied in the subsection 2.2 above and then plex“ domains for. e.g. Bioinformat- build the navigation tree that minimizes the ics. cost of reaching the first (ONE scenario) or all(ALL scenario) results. These probabil- 3. The heuristics applied in [1] are un- ities are estimated by analyzing the query intuitive and may skew the navigation log. Details can be found in section 4.2 of tree to generate trees with higher cost. [1]. 4. The heuristics in [1] do not consider the In [2], the authors reduce the problem of building the optimal navigation tree to that ONE scenario. of building an optimal decision tree [6]. In- 5. The over-simplified heuristics are also tuitively, the decision tree fits the descrip- applied in [2], in assumption of perfect tion of the navigation tree provided in sec- trees . tion 2.1. The Information Gain is modeled as the reduction in navigation cost caused by splitting the results by a given attribute. 4 CONCLUSION Both approaches can be considered much 3 CRITICAL REVIEW better than the original approach; that of a navigation hierarchy based on a fixed cat- In this section, the perceived advantages egory structure. However, a considerable and disadvantages of the system are de- amount of effort is expended in creating and scribed: maintaining these category structures espe- cially in case of [2]. The navigation trees generated may, at times, seem un-intuitive 3.1 Advantages to the user. 1. Both approaches are inherently bet- Also, how well these systems to various do- ter than the naive way of categoriza- mains remains to be seen. tion - that of having a fixed category structure. The cost based approach REFERENCES: reduces the information-overload faced by a user. [1] K. Chakrabarti, S. Chaudhuri, and S. 2. They provide a strong framework for won Hwang. Automatic categorization of future work in this area. query results. In SIGMOD, pages 755766, 3
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