School of Accounting ACCT3004 Accounting Theory and Analysis Semester 2 and Tri 2A 2016 Internal Students Presentation Information Sheet (25%) Due Teaching Week 8-9 during normal tutorial time (Tutor to allocate week and times based on number of groups. However All students will submit on the same day as decided by the unit coordinator so no group receives any advantage, but groups may present in class on different days) TOPIC: Corporate Failures or Corporate Scandals & Ethics This assessment will be a group assessment, with each group consisting of 5 STUDENTS who are all in the same tutorial groups. Note this assessment has a peer evaluation and teamwork evaluation component which contributes to the mark. The assessment CANNOT be undertaken individually. REQUIRED Students are to choose ONE major corporate failure or corporate scandal that occurred in the last 5 years anywhere in the world that could relate to any of the topics discussed in this unit. Scandals or failures could relate specifically to accounting scandals, CSR related scandals, or governance related scandals (this includes ethics). The presentation consists of two different components; Part A (20 marks): Either a video or power point presentation Part B (5 marks): Written submission and teamwork component Students can choose ONE of the following presentation options: 1) PowerPoint presentation (Maximum 20 minutes total per group) in class (all students in group to present in class and talk for an equitable amount of time. Students may use alternative presentation software eg Prezi). Students who choose this option will be required to present first. (possible 2 Bonus Marks) 2) Prepare a short video: Students should be assessable on screen for an equitable amount of time. The video should be introduced by the group and the video played in class. (possible 5 Bonus Marks) Time allocated - Maximum 10-11 minutes (+/-5%) PART A (20 marks) In preparing this presentation, students should consider the following guide points in their initial research (note: students can add to this list, these are guide points only. Students are NOT required to have these individual points as separate headings when presenting. The format should be arranged under more appropriate headings that better suit the circumstances of the individual company chosen. 1) Why did you choose this particular company, what is significant about it and what is the background of the scandal or failure? 2) What comments have you found in the media? 3) What were the public’s and/or stakeholders reactions? 4) Were there any warning signs for the failure or pending scandal? 5) Who was responsible? 6) How does this failure or scandal link to accounting disclosure or earnings management, corporate governance or CSR? Page 1 of 7
7) How does accounting theory we have learned about fit into the failure or scandal you have chosen? 8) Were there any consequences, or what should the consequences be if it the case is still current? 9) What are the ethical consequences? 10) Are there any lessons learned from this case? Students should review the most recently available annual reports along with the disclosure on the company website and any supplementary reports, including reliably sourced information in the media and elsewhere and include examples and any comparisons where appropriate. Students are to obtain and use their own hardware and software to complete this assessment. If a video is chosen, additional expense will not generally be required as students can use their own phones, cameras or other video equipment as required to complete the assessment. Students can also download a variety of software for recording and editing from the internet that is free. There are too many to choose from, so it is the student’s choice what they use . At the Bentley campus, video cameras are available to be loaned from the School of Accounting front desk. Due to demand, loans will be strictly for a few hours only. Therefore, students intending to loan equipment must have their presentations already planned prior to loaning the equipment. Camera loans are on a first come first serve basis. Presentations must be able to be clearly seen, heard and played in the tutorial using the University computer systems. Therefore students must test that their presentations work in their classroom prior to the time of their presentation. (ie. Tested in the actual location presenting). Students will lose marks if videos don’t play properly in the chosen venue, so you MUST test it in the venue. PART B (5 marks) Students must also provide a one page report of their presentation to their tutor. Students should address the key facts, issues and lessons learned from the corporate failure. A list of references that demonstrate effort made is required. References and appendices can be in addition to the one page summary. That is one page for the summary plus extra page(s) for references and if required extra page(s) for an appendix with supplementary information. Students should use the Chicago referencing style for their report when preparing the submission. More information can be found on this style from the Library web site: As it is a report, this needs to be more than dot points but must be in the format of a written report. Margins should be no smaller than 2cm; font size 11 or 12. In addition, each team member will be asked to assess the teamwork skills of each team member and these marks will be averaged out to form a teamwork mark component. The team work evaluation sheet is confidential and should therefore be submitted individually to your tutor. CHOOSING THE CORPORATE FAILURE Examples of relevant companies could be in Australia or elsewhere. (Some current examples are: Master’s Home Improvement, Volkswagen, Toshiba, Valeant Pharmaceuticals, and Turing Pharmaceuticals.) Note that as we discuss Dicksmith throughout the lectures, this company will NOT be able to be chosen for the presentation. The corporate failure chosen should Have occurred in the last 5 years (therefore companies like Enron cannot be chosen) The scandal could relate to accounting, CSR, ethics or other governance related scandals Students may choose any company as long as the scandal or corporate failure was significant and received notable media attention either in Australia or elsewhere overseas. However, all information and references MUST be accessible and written in ENGLISH. Students must have their company approved by their tutor and no tutorial class can have more than 2 groups with the same company failure or scandal. Companies will be approved on a first come first choice basis. Page 2 of 7
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