semantic context forests for learning based knee

Semantic Context Forests for Learning- Based Knee Cartilage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Semantic Context Forests for Learning- Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images MICCAI 2013: Workshop on Medical Com puter Vision Authors: Quan Wang, Dijia Wu, Le Lu, Meizhu Liu, Kim L. Boyer, and Shaohua Kevin Zhou 2 Background

  1. Semantic Context Forests for Learning- Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images MICCAI 2013: Workshop on Medical Com puter Vision Authors: Quan Wang, Dijia Wu, Le Lu, Meizhu Liu, Kim L. Boyer, and Shaohua Kevin Zhou

  2. 2 Background • Knee cartilage analysis is important: ▫ Needed for study of cartilage morphology and physiology ▫ Required for surgical planning of knee osteoarthritis (OA) • Lots of research in knee cartilage segmentation: ▫ SKI10 – MICCAI 2010 Grand Challenge  ▫ Publications on TMI, CVIU, MRI, etc .

  3. 3 Knee Joint Anatomy • Three knee bones: ▫ Femur ▫ Tibia ▫ Patella • Three knee cartilages: ▫ Femoral cartilage ▫ Tibial cartilage (2 pieces) ▫ Patellar cartilage

  4. 4 Our Dataset • The Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) dataset ▫ 176 volumes • “iMorphics” annotations ▫ Cartilage ground truth • Modality ▫ 3D MR images • Resolution ▫ 0.365mm × 0.365mm × 0.7mm • Volume size ▫ 384 × 384 × 160 • Cohort ▫ Progression: all subjects show symptoms of OA

  5. 5 Challenges • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures

  6. 6 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures

  7. 7 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures • Diffuse boundaries

  8. 8 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures Direct graph cuts • Diffuse boundaries or random walks would fail

  9. 9 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures Direct graph cuts • Diffuse boundaries or random walks would fail • Large shape variations ▫ Shape of cartilage varies tremendously due to bone shape variations and severity of disease

  10. 10 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures Direct graph cuts • Diffuse boundaries or random walks would fail Shape models are not reliable • Large shape variations ▫ Shape of cartilage varies tremendously due to bone shape variations and severity of disease

  11. 11 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures Direct graph cuts • Diffuse boundaries or random walks would fail Shape models are not reliable • Large shape variations ▫ Shape of cartilage varies tremendously due to bone shape variations and severity of disease • Multiple cartilages ▫ Need to avoid overlapping

  12. 12 Challenges Naïve voxel classification would fail • Large appearance variations ▫ Inhomogeneous intensities and textures Direct graph cuts • Diffuse boundaries or random walks would fail Shape models are not reliable • Large shape variations ▫ Shape of cartilage varies tremendously due to bone shape variations and severity of disease Better not to segment • Multiple cartilages different cartilages ▫ Need to avoid overlapping separately

  13. 13 Intuitions • Each cartilage only grows on certain regions of its corresponding bone surface • Bone segmentation is much easier than cartilage segmentation ▫ Larger size ▫ More regular shape ▫ More discriminative intensity distribution

  14. 14 Existing Methods • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features ▫ No bone segmentation • Shan: atlas-based

  15. 15 Pixel: picture element Existing Methods Voxel: volume element • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features ▫ No bone segmentation • Shan: atlas-based

  16. 16 Pixel: picture element Existing Methods Voxel: volume element • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features Poor ▫ No bone segmentation performance • Shan: atlas-based

  17. 17 Pixel: picture element Existing Methods Voxel: volume element • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features Poor ▫ No bone segmentation performance • Shan: atlas-based • Vincent: active appearance models ▫ Build models for (1) bones + cartilages, and (2) each cartilage separately

  18. 18 Pixel: picture element Existing Methods Voxel: volume element • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features Poor ▫ No bone segmentation performance • Shan: atlas-based • Vincent: active appearance models ▫ Build models for (1) bones + cartilages, and (2) each cartilage separately • Bone-cartilage interface (BCI) based methods 1. Yin: BCI + multi-column graph cuts 2. Fripp: BCI + 1D normal search 3. Lee: BCI + graph cuts

  19. 19 Pixel: picture element Existing Methods Voxel: volume element • Folkesson: voxel classification ▫ Only intensity/texture features Poor ▫ No bone segmentation performance • Shan: atlas-based • Vincent: active appearance models ▫ Build models for (1) bones + cartilages, and (2) each cartilage separately • Bone-cartilage interface (BCI) based methods 1. Yin: BCI + multi-column graph cuts Very 2. Fripp: BCI + 1D normal search complicated 3. Lee: BCI + graph cuts

  20. 20 Overview of Our Method • Diagram: Bone segmentation Voxel Graph cuts by marginal space classification by refinement learning random forests

  21. 21 Bone Segmentation • Bone segmentation is needed to construct distance-based features • Bone segmentation is much easier than cartilage segmentation • We segment the 3 knee bones: ▫ Femur ▫ Tibia ▫ Patella

  22. 22 Bone Segmentation Pipeline • Step 1: Construct correspondence meshes using Coherent Point Drift [1] • Step 2: Train PCA models for each bone [2] • Step 3: Detect bones in images using PCA models • Step 4: Use random walks to refine segmentation [3] [1] A. Myronenko and X. Song. Point set registration: Coherent point drift. IEEE Transactions on • Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(12):2262–2275, Dec. 2010. • [2] T. Cootes, C. Taylor, D. Cooper, and J. Graham. Active shape models–their training and application. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 61(1):38–59, 1995. [3] L. Grady. Random walks for image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and • Machine Intelligence, 28(11):1768–1783, Nov. 2006.

  23. 23 Bone Segmentation Pipeline • Training: ▫ Train shape models • Detecting 1. Bounding box by marginal space learning (MSL) 2. Model deformation by boundary fitting 3. Refine with random walks

  24. 24 Refinement by Random Walks Segmentation by MSL

  25. 25 Refinement by Random Walks Negative seeds dilate erode Segmentation by MSL Positive seeds

  26. 26 Refinement by Random Walks Negative seeds dilate erode Segmentation by MSL Positive random seeds walks Refined segmentation

  27. 27 Bone Segmentation Performance Femur DSC Tibia DSC Patella DSC Before random walks 92.37%±1.58% 94.64%±1.18% 92.07%±1.47% After random walks 94.86 %±1.85% 95.96 %±1.64% 94.31 %±2.15% Random walks refinement

  28. 28 Bone Segmentation Examples Resulting m eshes Resulting m asks Red: femur Green: tibia Blue: patella

  29. 29 Overview of Cartilage Segmentation • 4-class voxel classification for cartilages: ▫ Background ▫ Femoral cartilage ▫ Tibial cartilage ▫ Patellar cartilage • Feature for classification ▫ Intensity-based features ▫ Distance-based features ▫ Semantic context features (RSID&RSPD) • Classifier ▫ Multi-pass random forests (auto-context) ▫ Only classify those voxels close to the bone surface (20mm)

  30. 30 Overview of Cartilage Segmentation • 4-class voxel classification for cartilages: ▫ Background ▫ Femoral cartilage ▫ Tibial cartilage ▫ Patellar cartilage • Feature for classification ▫ Intensity-based features ▫ Distance-based features Largely reduces ▫ Semantic context features (RSID&RSPD) computational • Classifier cost ▫ Multi-pass random forests (auto-context) ▫ Only classify those voxels close to the bone surface (20mm)

  31. 31 Intensity-Based Features • Intensity: • Gradient magnitude:

  32. 32 Distance-Based Features (1) • Signed distances to bones ▫ We perform signed distance transform to each segmented bone ▫ The signed distances at each voxel, and their linear combinations comprise our features: F: femur T: tibia P: patella

  33. 33 Distance-Based Features (1) • Signed distances to bones ▫ We perform signed distance transform to each segmented bone ▫ The signed distances at each voxel, and their linear combinations comprise our features: F: femur Sum: Whether voxel is T: tibia between 2 bones? P: patella

  34. 34 Distance-Based Features (1) • Signed distances to bones ▫ We perform signed distance transform to each segmented bone ▫ The signed distances at each voxel, and their linear combinations comprise our features: F: femur Sum: Whether voxel is T: tibia between 2 bones? P: patella Difference: Which bone is closer?


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