seebridge demonstrator

SeeBridge Demonstrator Automated Compilation of Semantically Rich - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SeeBridge Demonstrator Automated Compilation of Semantically Rich BIM Models of Bridges Point Cloud Data 3D geometry BIM model with defects Highway bridge BIM model Non contact 3D Semantic Damage survey Reconstruction Enrichment

  1. SeeBridge Demonstrator Automated Compilation of Semantically Rich BIM Models of Bridges Point Cloud Data 3D geometry BIM model with defects Highway bridge BIM model Non contact 3D Semantic Damage survey Reconstruction Enrichment Mapping About

  2. SeeBridge Demonstrator Existing RC Concrete Highway Bridges Cambridge Bridges Haifa Bridge Atlanta Bridges Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album Press Esc to return to main demonstrator Press Esc to return to main demonstrator Press Esc to return to main demonstrator Exit (back to first page) Next Stage – Point Cloud Data

  3. SeeBridge Demonstrator Point Cloud Data Cambridge bridges a) Little Wilbraham Haifa Route 79 Atlanta Ackworth 067-5252-0 Road crossing A14 and b) A14 & A1303 A point cloud data (PCD) file of the bridge is obtained from stationary laser scanning, mobile laser scanning or from photogrammetry. The point cloud data have no information associated with the points – they purely represent the surface geometry that was detected. Previous stage - Photos Exit (back to first page) Next stage – 3D Geometry

  4. SeeBridge Demonstrator 3D Geometry Cambridge bridges a) Little Wilbraham Atlanta Acworth Haifa Route 79 Road crossing A14 and b) A14 & A1303 To obtain the 3D solid geometry objects from the point cloud data (PCD), specialized algorithms are run to cluster points to identify surfaces, to associate surfaces to identify objects, and to rebuild solid objects. Objects may be incomplete due to occlusions in the scans, and they still carry none of the detailed information expected in a BIM model. Previous stage - Point Cloud Data Exit (back to first page) Next stage – BIM Model

  5. SeeBridge Demonstrator BIM Model Cambridge bridge on A11 & A1301 Haifa Route 79 A ‘Building Information Model’ carries more than geometry – it’s objects are classified, numbered and aggregated in various ways; it has non-physical objects (like axis grids) that align its objects, and it has logical objects that may have been missing from the 3D geometry files. All of these are added by the semantic enrichment step. Previous stage - 3D Geometry Exit (back to first page) Next stage – Defect Mapping

  6. SeeBridge Demonstrator Defect Mapping Cambridge bridge on Little Wilbraham Road & A14 Finally, the bridge model is supplemented with information about the bridge’s defects. The defects can be queried and browsed, viewed as if you were at the bridge and close to its surfaces. Previous stage - BIM Model Exit (back to first page)

  7. SeeBridge Demonstrator About SeeBridge SeeBridge is an acronym for “Semantic Enrichment Engine for Bridges” . It expresses the idea that some of the ways in which engineers ‘see’ a bridge model, with the ability to infer implicit information from the explicit shapes visible in the digital model, can be captured in the form of rules that can be processed using forward chaining inference engines. Similarly, historical knowledge of the specific local context in which a bridge was constructed can be leveraged to add supplementary information using the same rule processing format. The SeeBridge project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 31109806.0007 SeeBridge is co-funded by Funding Partners of The ERA-NET Plus Infravation and the European Commission. The Funding Partners of the Infravation 2014 call are: • • MINISTERIE VAN INFRASTRUCTUUR EN MILIEU, MINISTERE DE L’ECOLOGIE, DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DE L’ENERGIE , RIJKSWATERSTAAT • BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR VERKEHR , BAU UND • CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLOGICO STADTENTWICKLUNG , INDUSTRIAL , • DANISH ROAD DIRECTORATE , • ANAS S.p.A . , • • STATENS VEGVESEN VEGDIREKTORATET , NETIVEI, ISRAEL – NATIONAL TRANSPORT • TRAFIKVERKET-TRV , INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY LTD , • VEGAGERÐIN , • FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION USDOT Next

  8. SeeBridge Demonstrator About SeeBridge Par artners Subcontractors Su Technion AEC 3 Germany Georgia Tech Kedmor Engineers Ltd. Georgia Department of Transportation Su Supporters Technische Universität München Pointivo, Inc. London Underground Bundes Ministerium fur Verkehr and Digitale Netivei Israel Trimble Navigation, Ltd. Infrastruktur BMVI University of Cambridge Exit (back to first page) Previous

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