NATIONAL ENERGY RESEARCH DEMONSTRATOR PROJECT PART OF AYRSHIRE GROWTH DEAL OBJECTIVES Target coordinated investment, across Ayrshire, which will act as a powerful catalyst to stimulate growth, in- creasing job opportunities and prosperity for Ayrshire, Scotland and the UK. The £251.5M AGD is based around five broad themes: aerospace and space, energy, marine, manufacturing & tourism. UK & Scottish Government - £103 million each Further funding of £45.5million from the three Ayrshire Councils. 15 year delivery period to unlock around £300million of private investment and 7,000 new jobs across a wide range of sectors.
NERD - OBJECTIVES 2045 4 5 2 1 3 Support the development and Enable Scotland to become Attract new business and Develop the energy Create a nationally delivery of new innovative a pioneer in renewable economic activity to the system of the future. significant and distinctive and highly efficient energy energy technology and area to achieve inclusive Centre of Excellence for generation, storage and contribute to Scotland growth for the region. energy systems research. distribution systems to create becoming a net zero society a flexible, locally distributed by 2045 (or before). grid that enable communities to be energy self-sufficient.
NERD: RESEARCH HUBS A C B D E F Health Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart + Electric Transport Earth Hub Hydrogen Buildings Social Hub Geothermal + + Hub(s) Economy Ground Smart Alt Tech Hub / Water Source Heat Mini-Districts /Circularity + Waste Hub(s)
NERD: COMMUNITY BENEFITS Access to low carbon New business and Access to state of the art Communities will be able to transport system industry attracted technology and energy generate, use and store their to the area- new job advice own low carbon energy opportunities will be Offer “hands on” experi- Reduced fuel bills by Improvement of active created for local people ence in STEM education travel network across establishing a local for all ages energy company the area Health + Social Economy Ensure that energy is affordable for all
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