section 8 housing choice voucher program important

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Important Landlord - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Important Landlord Reminders Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program Project Based Voucher Program DHAP Ike Status Update p Question and Answer Provide and professionally

  1. • Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program • Important Landlord Reminders • Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program • Project Based Voucher Program • DHAP ‐ Ike Status Update p • Question and Answer

  2. Provide and professionally manage an adequate supply of safe, affordable housing of reasonable quality for low f f ff d bl h i f bl lit f l to moderate income persons while administering programs that offer opportunities for residents to programs that offer opportunities for residents to advance in society. Be a leader and work in partnership with other agencies to enhance the quality of life of all with other agencies to enhance the quality of life of all persons of low to moderate income in the city .

  3. � Criminal History – No felony convictions or drug related charges within the last 5 years (handled on a case by case basis) � N Vi l � No Violent Criminal Convictions in the last 5 years t C i i l C i ti i th l t 5 � No Sex Crimes or Registered Sex Offenders are permitted � No Criminal Behavior Patterns (handled on a case by case basis) ( y ) � Must meet Citizenship requirements � Preference – Must claim one or more of the following preferences � Employed working the minimum 13 ½ hours per week at the l d k h h k h state minimum wage or more � School or Job Training (full ‐ time student) g ( ) � Elderly (62 years or older ) � Disabled (receiving social security disability benefits)

  4. DRUGS: I understand that if suspected, or convicted of, the unlawful manufacture, distribution dispersion possession or use of a “controlled substance” while distribution, dispersion, possession or use of a controlled substance while receiving Rental Assistance is grounds for immediate termination of rental assistance. The One Strike Policy 24 CFR Parts 5 et al Screening and Eviction for Drug Abuse The One Strike Policy ‐ 24 CFR Parts 5 et al. Screening and Eviction for Drug Abuse and Other Criminal Activity; Final Rule, Dated May 24, 2001. The voucher you are issued today will be withdrawn if it is discovered that you are currently engaging in this type of activity What does that mean? With respect to behavior such as illegal this type of activity. What does that mean? With respect to behavior such as illegal use of a drug, other drug ‐ related criminal activity, or other criminal activity, currently engaging in means that the individual has engaged in the behavior recently enough to justify a reasonable belief that the individual’s behavior is y g j y current.

  5. Number of Very Low Persons Income 1 1 $22 350 $22,350 2 $25,500 3 3 $28 700 $28,700 4 $31,900 5 $ 34,450 , 6 $37,000 7 $39,550 8 $42,100

  6. Th The purpose of subsidy standards is to determine the Voucher size to be issued at f b id t d d i t d t i th V h i t b i d t the time of voucher issuance, new move ‐ ins, moves and reexaminations. The GHA does not determine who shares a bedroom/sleeping room but there must The GHA does not determine who shares a bedroom/sleeping room, but there must be at least one person per bedroom on the Voucher. The GHA’s subsidy standards for determining voucher size shall be applied in a manner consistent with Fair Housing guidelines. For subsidy standards an adult is a person 18 years or older . Subsidy standards relate to the number of bedrooms on the Voucher, not the family’s actual living arrangements. One bedroom will be generally assigned for each two family members, factors such as family characteristics including sex, age or relationship, medical reason and the f il h t i ti i l di l ti hi di l d th presence of a live ‐ in aide .

  7. Persons of different generations , persons of the opposite sex (other than P f diff t ti f th it ( th th spouses), and unrelated adults should be allocated a separate bedroom. Foster children will be included in determining unit size only if they will be in the unit for more than 6 months. Live ‐ in attendants will be provided a separate bedroom and there income excluded . No additional room will we provided for the attendants family. Single person families shall be allocated a 1 bedroom voucher. Children must be over the age of 5 years before they will require a separate Children must be over the age of 5 years before they will require a separate bedroom with exceptions made for persons with a disability .

  8. Payment Standard (PS) The Payment Standard is used to calculate the housing assistance payment for a family. In accordance with HUD regulation, and at the PHA discretion, the Voucher Payment Standard amount is set by the PHA between 90 percent and 110 b h b percent of the HUD published FMR.

  9. 1 BEDROOM 741 2 BEDROOM 892 3 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 1193 1193 4 BEDROOM 1504

  10. � Galveston � Hitchcock Hit h k � Dickinson � San Leon � Bacliff � Bacliff � League City � Some Houston Areas

  11. Basic Concept: Instead of using voucher subsidy to help family with y p y rent, homeownership option allows first ‐ time homeowner to use voucher subsidy to meet monthly b d hl homeownership expenses

  12. • Payment Standard determines subsidy in Voucher Program g • Family must pay at least total tenant payment (TTP) or 30% of monthly adjusted income, and (TTP) or 30% of monthly adjusted income, and may pay more • Monthly homeownership assistance payment is Monthly homeownership assistance payment is calculated as the lesser of: ● Payment Standard minus TTP ● Payment Standard minus TTP ● Monthly homeownership expenses minus TTP

  13. Family Eligibility: Family Eligibility: ● Must be a current voucher program participant or p g p p eligible for admission to the housing choice voucher program ● Must be a First ‐ time Homeowner ● Must have an minimum Annual Income of $11,500 (Non ‐ disabled Family) ● Disabled Family: minimum Annual Income of $8 088 $8,088

  14. F Family Eligibility Cont’d: il Eli ibili C ’d ● Must be employed Full Time (not applicable for elderly and disabled families) • currently employed full ‐ time is defined as not less than an average of 30 hours per 7 day week • must have been continuously employed for at least one year y p y y ● Must participate in the GHA Family Self ‐ Sufficiency Program

  15. S8V Homeownership Financing: Option 1: Establishes minimum downpayment requirement a. 3 percent of sale price b Family contribution toward down b. Family contribution toward down payment: at least 1 percent of sale prices comes from family’spersonal prices comes from family spersonal resources (FSS Escrow Account)

  16. Time limits do not apply to elderly or disabled families ● Maximum Term: a. 15 years if the initial mortgage has term of 20 y g g years or longer b. 10 years in all other cases c c. Time limit applies from initial purchase Time limit applies from initial purchase

  17. The GHA currently has 20 Section 8 Voucher Homeownership Program participants Homeownership Program participants ● The goal for 2010 is to enroll 20 participants into the GHA Voucher Homeownership Program GHA Voucher Homeownership Program a. Enrollment initiatives will include presenting our 2 nd Annual Homeownership Expo. (The 2009 Homeownership Expo was very successful in Homeownership Expo was very successful in informing GHA Housing Residents and Participants of the Homeownership opportunities available thro gh the GHA) through the GHA)

  18. b. Mass mailing campaigns to conventional Housing Choice Voucher Participants about the Housing Choice Voucher Participants about the availability and benefits of participating in the HCV Homeownership Program. ● c. Conducting Credit Repair one on one and group counseling sessions (GHA Homeownership Coordinator is a HUD certified Homeownership Counselor) d. Assist potential participants in acquiring down payment assistance through local and county funding sources

  19. e. Work with local Realtors to participate in the GHA H GHA Homeownership Program hi P ● f. Conduct Financial Planning workshop and g p continue to foster relationships with Mortgage Companies/Banks to participate in the GHA Homeownership Program Homeownership Program.

  20. To Expand Homeownership Opportunities to Low- t to-Moderate income (below 80% of Area Median M d t i (b l 80% f A M di Income) Housing Choice Voucher Households who are not able to secure a traditional first mortgage. ● ● To Revitalize Neighborhoods through the acquiring To Revitalize Neighborhoods through the acquiring and the rehabilitating of vacant properties that will be Leased with intent to purchase.

  21. The Lease to Purchase program provides families with Housing Choice Vouchers opportunities to ith H i Ch i V h t iti t build down payment capital, while they are renting, prior to purchasing a home. p p g ● Lease Purchase programs are asset building opportunities for buyers with limited down opportunities for buyers with limited down payment funds and/or poor credit histories.

  22. The GHA model will combine family rental payments with their Housing Choice Voucher t ith th i H i Ch i V h through a standard yearly lease. ● The GHA will assist the family with development of an escrow account to be used toward a down payment fund (likely $200-$400 monthly) for up to payment fund (likely $200-$400 monthly) for up to $15,000 or more. Example: Individual Development Account (IDA)


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